


  • 書名:外貿英語函電(第七版)
  • 作者:隋思忠、張琳娜
  • 類別:高等職業教育教學改革特色教材• 財經通識課
  • 出版社:東北財經大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2022年8月13日
  • 頁數:283 頁
  • 定價:42 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787565445859
  • 版次:1


2. 近年來,國際貿易實務領域出現了一些新的做法,新的國際貿易理論也應運而生。為了體現這些新的知識、信息,我們合併、精簡了一些比較傳統的內容,同時增補了一些新的內容和觀點。


  Unit 1 Modern Business Letters/1
1.1 Text Learning/1
1.2 Key Words/6
1.3 Foreign Trade Knowledge/7
1.4 Writing Skills/8
1.5 Extensive Reading/10
1.6 Exercises/10
1.7 Practical Training/15
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations/16
2.1 Text Learning/16
2.2 Key Words/20
2.3 Useful Sentences/21
2.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/21
2.5 Writing Skills/22
2.6 Extensive Reading/23
2.7 Exercises/23
2.8 Practical Training/28
Unit 3 Enquiry/29
3.1 Text Learning/29
3.2 Key Words/35
3.3 Useful Sentences/36
3.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/37
3.5 Writing Skills/38
3.6 Extensive Reading/39
3.7 Exercises/40
3.8 Practical Training/44
Unit 4 Firm Offer & Non⁃Firm Offer/46
4.1 Text Learning/46
4.2 Key Words/51
4.3 Useful Sentences/53
4.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/54
4.5 Writing Skills/54
4.6 Extensive Reading/55
4.7 Exercises/57
4.8 Practical Training/62
Unit 5 Counter⁃Offer & Orders/63
5.1 Text Learning/63
5.2 Key Words/68
5.3 Useful Sentences/70
5.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/71
5.5 Writing Skills/71
5.6 Extensive Reading/72
5.7 Exercises/73
5.8 Practical Training/78
Unit 6 Confirmation & Acceptance/80
6.1 Text Learning/80
6.2 Key Words/86
6.3 Useful Sentences/88
6.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/89
6.5 Writing Skills/89
6.6 Extensive Reading/90
6.7 Exercises/91
6.8 Practical Training/95
Contents 3
Unit 7 A Sales Confirmation/97
7.1 Text Learning/97
7.2 Key Words/105
7.3 Useful Sentences/107
7.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/107
7.5 Writing Skills/108
7.6 Extensive Reading/108
7.7 Exercises/112
7.8 Practical Training/120
Unit 8 Payment & Letters of Credit/124
8.1 Text Learning/124
8.2 Key Words/130
8.3 Useful Sentences/132
8.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/133
8.5 Writing Skills/134
8.6 Extensive Reading/135
8.7 Exercises/136
8.8 Practical Training/141
Unit 9 Examination of an L/C/142
9.1 Text Learning/142
9.2 Key Words/146
9.3 Useful Sentences/147
9.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/148
9.5 Writing Skills/149
9.6 Extensive Reading/150
9.7 Exercises/151
9.8 Practical Training/159
Unit 10 Shipment/162
10.1 Text Learning/162
10.2 Key Words/168
10.3 Useful Sentences/170
10.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/171
10.5 Writing Skills/171
10.6 Extensive Reading/172
10.7 Exercises/174
10.8 Practical Training/178
Unit 11 A Bill of Lading/180
11.1 Text Learning/180
11.2 Key Words/186
11.3 Useful Sentences/187
11.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/188
11.5 Writing Skills/191
11.6 Extensive Reading/192
11.7 Exercises/194
11.8 Practical Training/198
Unit 12 Insurance/201
12.1 Text Learning/201
12.2 Key Words/205
12.3 Useful Sentences/207
12.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/207
12.5 Writing Skills/208
12.6 Extensive Reading/208
12.7 Exercises/210
12.8 Practical Training/214
Unit 13 Packing/216
13.1 Text Learning/216
13.2 Key Words/221
13.3 Useful Sentences/222
13.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/223
13.5 Writing Skills/224
13.6 Extensive Reading/225
13.7 Exercises/226
Contents 5
13.8 Practical Training/231
Unit 14 Complaints and Claims/232
14.1 Text Learning/232
14.2 Key Words/239
14.3 Useful Sentences/240
14.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/241
14.5 Writing Skills/242
14.6 Extensive Reading/243
14.7 Exercises/245
14.8 Practical Training/251
Unit 15 Flexible Trade/252
15.1 Text Learning/252
15.2 Key Words/257
15.3 Foreign Trade Knowledge/258
15.4 Writing Skills/259
15.5 Extensive Reading/260
15.6 Exercises/261
15.7 Practical Training/266
Unit 16 Electronic Commerce/267
16.1 Text Learning/267
16.2 Key Words/273
16.3 Useful Sentences/274
16.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge/275
16.5 Writing Skills/276
16.6 Extensive Reading/277
16.7 Exercises/279
16.8 Practical Training/283

