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  • 中文名:夏天
  • 所屬專輯:Salama
  • 歌曲時長:3分33秒
  • 歌曲原唱:查勞·巴西瓦里
  • 填詞:查勞加麓
  • 譜曲:查勞加麓
  • 發行日期:2019年5月17日
ni ma an to ki ta a ni ni ni ma an to ki ta a ni ni~~
現在 要做什麼呢? 我們現在要 做什麼呢?
What do you want to do now? We should we do now?
ta no i fa ngat sa to ko ti reng no mi ta
The sea breeze is salty and sticky
ce fong i riyare mi da ngoy to ki ta mi da ngoy to ki ta
一起噗通躍進 海里 我們去游泳 我們去游泳吧!
Let's dive into the sea, let's swim, let's swim!
hey~ ~hey hey~ ~hey sa e biyh sa e biyh
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 好涼 好涼 啊
Hey hey, hey hey, it's so nice and cool, oh, so cool!
a la en to ko da di ngo no mi so i dang a ti ~a ti~ a ti~
快去拿你的 潛水鏡 快來呀 快來呀!
Quickly, go get your diving mask! Quickly, quickly!
a la en to ko sa pi ce lem no miso
快去拿 你的潛水裝備
Quickly, go get your diving gear!
tai ra to ki ta i riyare mi ce lem to ki ta mi da ngoy to ki ta mi da ngoy to ki ta ~~~
我們 趕快 奔向 海邊 準備潛水游泳去
Let's get to the beach, so we can dive deep into the ocean!
hey ~ hey ~ hey~ hey~ sa e biyh sa e biyh
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 好涼 好涼啊!
Hey hey, hey hey, it's so nice and cool, oh, so cool!
sa ko hting sa to ko fa nges ma tia to wo rita ko pising
太陽下 皮膚曬 得 黝黑 像臉上布滿 斑斑點點的章魚一樣
My skin is tanned, it looks like an octopus' face changing color
sammere rai sammere rai~ wo lah no ni yam mi salama e riyare
好涼 好 涼啊! 一切就是與海作伴的樂趣
So cool, so nice and cool! The ocean is pure delight!
hey ~ hey ~ hey~ hey~Sammere Sammere rai
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 好涼 好涼啊!
Hey hey, hey hey, it's so nice and cool, oh, so cool!


