China’s telecommunications industry in the era of 3G and beyond: Market, technology and institutions. Telecommunications Policy (2012). (SCI, SSCI)
Competition and regulation in China’s 3G/4G mobile communications industry – Institutions, governance, and telecom SOEs. Telecommunications Policy (2012), 503-521. (SCI, SSCI, EI)
The third-generation-mobile (3G) policy and deployment in China: Current status, challenges, and prospects. Telecommunications Policy (2011), 35(1), 51-63. (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Linking ICTs to rural development: China's rural information policy. Government Information Quarterly (2010), 27(2), 187-195. (SSCI)
From iron fist to invisible hand: The uneven path of telecommunications reform in China (Book review). Telecommunications Policy (2010), 34(4-5), 343-345. (SCI,SSCI)
Bridging the digital divide for rural communities: The case of China. Telecommunications Policy (2008), 32(9-10), 686-696. (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Towards a sustainable institutional arrangement for USOs in China: Current status, support mechanisms, and regulatory governance. I/S (2007), 3(1), 147-181.
Guest Editor of special issue on China's 3G and beyond. Telecommunications Policy