


  • 中文名:坦克對大炮
  • 一級:有兩個子弩協助攻擊
  • 二級:攻擊力提升,有四個子弩協助攻擊
  • 三級:有一定幾率產生火焰灼燒效果





一級 有兩個子弩協助攻擊。
二級 攻擊力提升,有四個子弩協助攻擊。
三級 攻擊力提升,有一定幾率產生火焰灼燒效果。


一級 有較高几率減緩坦克的速度,攻擊力低。
二級 攻擊力提升,有較高几率減緩坦克的速度,並有一定幾率冰凍坦克,並造成冰凍傷害。
三級 攻擊力提升,冰凍幾率提升,冰凍傷害提升。


一級 能穿刺攻擊兩次
二級 攻擊力提升,能穿刺攻擊三次
三級 攻擊力提升,能穿刺攻擊四次。並有一定幾率擊中坦克產生感電效果。感電效果會使提升傷害,並減緩坦克速度。


一級 一次發射3顆炮彈
二級 一次發射5顆炮彈,攻擊力提升,攻擊頻率加快
三級 攻擊頻率加快,攻擊力提升,並有一定幾率觸發亂射效果


一級 炮彈射程較遠,並有一定的範圍爆炸傷害
二級 攻擊力提升,爆炸傷害提升,爆炸範圍提升
三級 攻擊力提升,爆炸傷害提升,爆炸範圍提升,並有一定幾率擊暈目標
Tank VS Cannon is a tower defense strategy game.
In the game, you need to build a variety of cannons to destroy the incoming tanks. You can also upgrade the cannon so that it becomes more powerful.
You can build several different types of cannons:
1. Chain crossbow
Level 1 two sub crossbow to assist the attack.
Level 2 attack power increase, four sub crossbow assist attack.
Level 3 attack power increase, and have a chance to produce flame burning effect.
2. Frozen cannon
Level 1 have a higher chance of slowing speed of tank, attack power is low.
Level 2 attack power increase, there is a higher chance of slowing the speed of the tank, and a chance of freezing tanks, and cause freezing injury.
Level 3 attack power increase, frozen chance to upgrade, freezing damage increase.
3. Puncture light cannon
Level 1 puncture attack twice
Level 2 attack power increase, can puncture attack three times
Level 3 attack power increase, can puncture attack four times. And a chance to hit the tank to produce the effect of electric shock. This effect will enhance the damage, and slow tanks speed.
4. Multi-Shot cannon
Level 1 fired three shells at once
Level 2 once fired five shells, attack power increased, frequency of attacks accelerated
Level 3 speed up the frequency of attacks, attack power increase, and have a chance to trigger crazy shooting effect
5 cannon
Level 1 artillery longer range, and a certain range of explosive damage
Level 2 attack power increase, explosion damage increase, the explosive range enhance
Level 3 attack power increase, explosion damage increase and enhance the explosive range, and have a chance to stun the target


