



  • 中文名:土木工程專業英語第2版
  • 作者:侯景鵬,王凱英
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787307206748


《土木工程專業英語(第2版 二維碼版)/普通高等學校土木工程專業創新系列規劃教材》以土木工程為主線,系統地介紹土木工程所包含的相關學科的基本內容,涵蓋土木工程、建築結構、高層建築、建築材料、土力學、施工工程、橋樑工程、道路工程、隧道工程、工程管理與造價、質量控制、輸電線路工程等方面。素材選自英文原文文獻,題材廣泛,內容新穎、充實、有代表性,適用範圍廣,力求反映國內外學科發展的新水平。內容編排重點突出,難度適中,可適用於不同英語水平的學生,滿足多層次的教學目的和要求。
  《土木工程專業英語(第2版 二維碼版)/普通高等學校土木工程專業創新系列規劃教材》共17課(第1版第18課因內容過於陳舊,故刪除),每課包含正文、生詞與短語、參考譯文,以及和正文內容緊密相關的閱讀材料。各學校可根據專業側重點不同和課程學時的差異選擇其中直接相關的正文作為課堂講解內容,其餘部分和閱讀材料可供教師指導學生課外閱讀、選學資料,或根據學時情況選作機動教材。


Lesson 1
Text Civil Engineering
Reading Material Careers in Civil Engineering
Lesson 2
Text Building Structures
Reading Material Structural Elements
Lesson 3
Text Frame Systems
Reading Material Structural Engineering
Lesson 4
Text Design Criteria for Tall Building
Reading Material High-rise Buildings
Lesson 5
Text Building Materials
Reading Material Concrete
Lesson 6
Text Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Reading Material Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Lesson 7
Text Traditional Construction Procedures
Reading Material Building Construction: Lightweight Steel Framing
Lesson 8
Text Types of Bridges
Reading Material Bridge Engineering
Lesson 9
Text Road Engineering
Reading Material Pavement Types
Lesson 10
Text How Tunnels Are Built
Reading Material The Channel Tunnel
Lesson 11
Text Structural Analysis
Reading Material Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis
Lesson 12
Text Civil Engineering Project Management
Reading Material Introduction of Project Management
Lesson 13
Text Cost Estimate
Reading Material Project Scope and Budget
Lesson 14
Text Bidding,Bid Opening and Award of Contract
Reading Material International Competitive Bidding
Lesson 15
Text Construction Quality Control and Management
Reading Material Total Quality Control
Lesson 16
Text Transmission Line Design
Reading Material 750 kV Transmission Line Parameter and I_ine Efficiency Calculation
Lesson 17
Text Transmission Tower
Reading Material Transmission Tower Development in the UK


