引證:1.minitab軟體自帶“公式與方法”(methods and formulas)內,關於第一四分位數的原文如下:
1st quartile (Q1)
Twenty-five percent of your sample observations are less than or equal to the value of the first quartile. Therefore, the first quartile is also referred to as the 25th percentile. Q1 is calculated as follows:
w = (N+1)/4
y = the truncated integer value of w
z = the fraction component of w that was truncated away
Q1 = x(y) + z(x(y+1) - x(y))
Note: when w is an integer, y = w, z = 0, and Q1 = x(y)
3rd quartile (Q3)
Seventy-five percent of your sample observations are less than or equal to the value of the third quartile. Therefore, the third quartile is also referred to as the 75th percentile. Q3 is calculated as follows:
w = 3(N+1)/4
y = the truncated integer value of w
z = the fraction component of w that was truncated away
Q3 = x(y) + z(x(y+1) - x(y))
Note: when w is an integer, y = w, z = 0, and Q3 = x(y)