


  • 中文名:嚴川
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:種群、群落及生態網路研究
  • 任職院校:蘭州大學生態學創新研究院


2010年9月-2013年7月 中國科學院大學,生態學,理學博士;
2007年9月-2010年7月 蘭州大學,動物學,理學碩士;
2003年9月-2007年7月 蘭州大學,生物科學,理學學士。
2013年7月-2016年12月 中國科學院動物研究所,助理研究員;
2017年1月-2019年9月 中國科學院動物研究所,副研究員;
2019年10月—— 蘭州大學生態學創新研究院,教授。




Wan, X.#, Jiang, G.#,Yan, C.#, He, F., Wen, R., Gu, J., Li, X., Ma, J., Stenseth, N. C. and Zhang, Z. (2019). 'Historical records reveal the distinctive associations of human disturbance and extreme climate change with local extinction of mammals.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(38): 19001-19008.
Wang, Z., Wang, B., Yi, X.,Yan, C., Zhang, Z. and Cao, L. (2019). 'Re-caching behaviour of rodents improves seed dispersal effectiveness: Evidence from seedling establishment.' Forest Ecology and Management 444: 207-213.
Yan, C.and Zhang, Z. (2019). 'Impacts of consumer–resource interaction transitions on persistence and long‐term interaction outcomes of random ecological networks.' Oikos 128: 1147-1157.
Yan, C.and Zhang, Z. (2019). 'Meta-community selection favours reciprocal cooperation but depresses exploitation between competitors.' Ecological Complexity 37: 55-62.
Li, N., Wang, Z., Li, X.-H., Yi, X.-F.,Yan, C., Lu, C.-H. and Chen, S.-C. (2019). 'Effects of Bird Traits on Seed Dispersal of Endangered Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd. with Ex-Situ and In-Situ Conservation.' Forests 10(9): 790.
Yang, X.,Yan, C., Gu, H. and Zhang, Z. (2019). 'Interspecific synchrony of seed rain shapes rodent‐mediated indirect seed–seed interactions of sympatric tree species in a subtropical forest.' Ecology Letters. Online.
Li, N., Wang, Z., Zhang, S.,Yan, C., Li, X. and Lu, C. (2019). 'Importance of bird traits for seed dispersal patterns of co-fruiting trees in a patchy forest.' Integrative Zoology 14(5): 470-478.
Cao, L., Wang, B.,Yan, C., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Geng, Y., Chen, J. and Zhang, Z. (2018). 'Risk of cache pilferage determines hoarding behavior of rodents and seed fate.' Behavioral ecology 29(4): 984-991.
Cao, L.,Yan, C.and Wang, B. (2018). 'Differential seed mass selection on hoarding decisions among three sympatric rodents.' Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 72(10): 161.
He, J.,Yan, C., Holyoak, M., Wan, X., Ren, G., Hou, Y., Xie, Y. and Zhang, Z. (2018). 'Quantifying the effects of climate and anthropogenic change on regional species loss in China.' PloS one 13(7): e0199735.
Wang, Z., Wang, B., Yi, X.,Yan, C., Cao, L. and Zhang, Z. (2018). 'Scatter-hoarding rodents are better pilferers than larder-hoarders.' Animal behaviour 141: 151-159.
Yan, C.and Zhang, Z. (2018). 'Dome-shaped transition between positive and negative interactions maintains higher persistence and biomass in more complex ecological networks.' Ecological Modelling 370: 14-21.
Yan, C.and Zhang, Z. (2018). 'Combined effects of intra-and inter-specific non-monotonic functions on the stability of a two-species system.' Ecological complexity 33: 49-56.
Yang, X.,Yan, C.*, Zhao, Q., Holyoak, M., Fortuna, M. A., Bascompte, J., Jansen, P. A. and Zhang, Z.* (2018). 'Ecological succession drives the structural change of seed-rodent interaction networks in fragmented forests.' Forest Ecology and Management 419: 42-50.
Yang, Y., Wang, Z.,Yan, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, D. and Yi, X. (2018). 'Selective predation on acorn weevils by seed-caching Siberian chipmunk Tamias sibiricus in a tripartite interaction.' Oecologia 188(1): 149-158.
Tian, H.#,Yan, C.#, Xu, L., Büntgen, U., Stenseth, N. C. and Zhang, Z. (2017). 'Scale-dependent climatic drivers of human epidemics in ancient China.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(49): 12970-12975.
Cao, L., Wang, Z.,Yan, C., Chen, J., Guo, C. and Zhang, Z. (2016). 'Differential foraging preferences on seed size by rodents result in higher dispersal success of medium‐sized seeds.' Ecology 97(11): 3070-3078.
Yan, C.,Xie, Y., Li, X., Holyoak, M. and Zhang, Z. (2016). 'Species co‐occurrence and phylogenetic structure of terrestrial vertebrates at regional scales.' Global ecology and biogeography 25(4): 455-463.
Yan, C.and Zhang, Z. (2016). 'Interspecific interaction strength influences population density more than carrying capacity in more complex ecological networks.' Ecological modelling 332: 1-7.
Zhang, H.,Yan, C., Chang, G. and Zhang, Z. (2016). 'Seed trait-mediated selection by rodents affects mutualistic interactions and seedling recruitment of co-occurring tree species.' Oecologia 180(2): 475-484.
Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Chang, G., Yi, X., Lu, J., Xiao, Z., Zhang, H., Cao, L., Wang, F., Li, H. andYan, C.(2016). 'Trade-off between seed defensive traits and impacts on interaction patterns between seeds and rodents in forest ecosystems.' Plant ecology 217(3): 253-265.


中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”, 2017-2019;


The American Naturalist編委。


