- 中文名:嚴奪魁
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:北京航空航天大學數學與系統科學學院數學系講師
- 畢業院校:南開大學
1999年9月——2003年7月 南開大學數學基地班,本科。
2004年8月——2009年12月 美國Brigham Young University, 博士研究生,主要研究變分方法和N體問題,導師為Ouyang Tiancheng教授。
2009年9月---2011年7月 南開大學陳省身數學所,博士後,主要研究Maslov型指標疊代理論及其套用,合作導師為龍以明院士。
2011年7月至今 北京航空航天大學數學與系統科學學院,講師。
June 2011---July 2012 Postdoc fund;
Jan. 2012---Dec. 2014 Young Scientist Fund of NSFC;
Mar. 2012---Dec. 2012 Beihang Haiyou Project.
1. L. Bakker, T. Ouyang, S. Simmons, G. Roberts,D. Yan, Linear Stability for Some Symmetric Periodic Simultaneous Binary Collision Orbits in the Four-Body Problem, Celes. Mech. Dyn. Astro., 108, 2010, 147-164.
2.T. Ouyang, D. Yan, Periodic Solutions with Alternating Singularities in the Collinear Four-body Problem,Celes. Mech. Dyn. Astro., 109, 2011, 229-239.
3.L. Bakker, T. Ouyang, S. Simmons, D. Yan, Existence and Stability of Symmetric Periodic Simultaneous Binary Collision Orbits in the Pairwise-Symmetric Planar Four-Body Problem, Celes. Mech. Dyn. Astro.,110, 2011, 271-290.
4.D. Yan, Existence and Linear Stability of the Rhomboidal Periodic Periodic Orbit in the Planar Equal Mass Four-Body Problem, JMAA, 388, 2012, 942-951.
5.D. Yan, A simple Existence Proof of the Schubart Periodic Orbit with Arbitrary Masses, Front. Math. China, 7, 2012, 145-160.
6.D. Yan, Existence of the Broucke Periodic Orbit and its Linear Stability, JMAA, 389, 2012, 656-664.
7. T. Ouyang, S. Simmons, D. Yan, Periodic Solutions with Singularities in Two Dimensions in the N-Body Problem, Rocky Mountain J of Math., accepted.
8. T. Ouyang, D. Yan, New Developments in Regularization of Simultaneous Binary Collision in the Collinear Four-Body Problem, Submitted.
April 2009 Graduate Teaching Assistant Award from the Department of Mathematics, Brigham Young University. (One award is made each year for a Teaching Assistant.)
April 2012 Beihang Lantian Rookie.