



  • 中文名:呂鵬飛
  • 外文名:Lu, P.
  • 職業:副教授
  • 畢業院校德克薩斯州大學
  • 代表作品:The role of stroma in tumor development


1993年獲得武漢大學微生物學專業學士學位;2001年獲得美國德克薩斯州大學奧斯丁分校發育生物學專業博士學位;2002-2006年在美國加州大學舊金山分校做博士後; 2006-2009在加州大學舊金山分校擔任副研究員;2010-2014在英國曼切斯特大學帕特森癌症研究所、威康基金細胞-基質研究中心出任高級研究員/助理教授;2014-2015在加州大學舊金山分校解剖學系做訪問教授;2015年7月加盟上海科技大學生命科學與技術學院任副教授。




Koledova, Z., Zhang, X., Clarke, R., Klein, O., Werb, Z., Lu, P.*, 2015. SPRY1 Regulates Mammary Epithelial Morphogenesis by Modulating EGFR-dependent Stromal Paracrine Signaling and ECM Remodeling. (Revision).
Koledova, Z. and Lu, P.*, 2015. A 3D fibroblast-epithelium co-culture model for understanding microenvironmental role in the mammary gland. Methods Mol Biol. (In press).
Werb, Z. and Lu, P., 2015. The role of stroma in tumor development. Cancer J. 21(4):250-3.
Zhang, X., Trevino, D., Koledova, Z., Qiao, G., Streuli, C.H., Lu, P.*, 2014. FGF ligands of the postnatal mammary stroma regulate distinct aspects of epithelial morphogenesis. Development.141(17):3352.
Zhang, X., Qiao, G., Lu, P.*, 2014. Epithelial branching morphogenesis in the mammary gland is directed by modulating levels of Fibroblast Growth Factor signaling. PLOS One. 9;9(4):e92735.
Howard, B.A. and Lu, P., 2014. Stromal regulation of embryonic and postnatal mammary epithelial development and differentiation. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 25-26:43-51.
Kim, E.J., Jung, H.S., Lu, P.*, 2013. FGF signaling in embryonic mammary gland development. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 11(3-4):213-28.
Lu, P., Weaver, VM., Werb, Z. 2012. Extracellular matrix: a dynamic niche component during cancer progression. J Cell Biol. 196(4):395-406.
Lu, P., Takai, K., Weaver, VM., Werb, Z. 2011. Extracellular matrix degradation and remodeling in development and disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 3(12).
Lu, P. and Werb, Z. 2008. Patterning mechanisms of branched organs. Science. 322, 1506-9.
Lu, P., Ewald, A.J., Martin, G.R., Werb, Z. 2008. Genetic mosaic analysis reveals FGF receptor 2 function in terminal end buds during mammary gland branching morphogenesis. Developmental Biology. 321 (1), 77-87.
Lu, P.*, Yu, Y., Perdue, Y., Werb, Z*. 2008. The apical ectodermal ridge is a timer for generating distal limb progenitors. Development.135, 1395-405.
Lu, P., Sternlicht M.D., Werb, Z. 2006. Comparative mechanisms of branching morphogenesis in diverse systems. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 11(3-4):213-28.
Sternlicht M.D., Kouros-Mehr H., Lu, P., Werb, Z. (2006). Hormonal and local control of mammary branching morphogenesis. Differentiation. 74(7):365-81.
Lu, P., Minowada, G., Martin GR. 2006. Increasing Fgf4 expression in the mouse limb bud causes polysyndactyly and rescues the skeletal defects that result from loss of Fgf8 function. Development. 133, 33-42.


