1931年(民國二十年)夏,被授予博士學位。同年在《美國化學會會志》(Journal of the American C hemical Society)上發表了兩篇論文《HCl溶液中四價銥還原成三價銥的還原電位》(Redu ction Potential of Quadrivalent to Trivalent Iridium in Hydrochloric Acid Soluti on)和《銥的電位測定》(Potentiometric Determination of Iridium)。
1:Wu Xuezhou (Sho-Chow Woo),Reduction Potential of Quadrivalent to Trivalent Iridium in Hydrochloric Acid Solution,JAmChemSoc,1931,53(2):469~472.
2:Wu Xuezhou,Yost DM,The Potentiometric Determination of Iridium,J AmChemSoc,1931,53(3):884~888.
3:Badger RM,Wu XuezhouThe Absorption Spectra,Structure sn d Dissociation Energies of the Gaseous Halogen Cyanides,JAmChemSoc,193 1,53(7):2572~2577.
4:Wu Xuezhou,Badger RM,The Absorption Spectrum of Cyanogen Gas in the Ultraviolet,PhysRev,1932,39(6):932~937.
5:Badger RM,Wu Xuezhou,The Entropies of Some Simple Polyatomic Gas es Calculated from Spectral Data,JAmChemSoc,1932,54(9):3532~3592.
6:Strong J,Wu XuezhouFar Infrared Spectra of GasesPhysRev,19 32,42(2):267~287.
7:Wu Xuezhou,Zhu Zhenjun (TCChu),The Ultraviolet Absorption Bands of Diacetylene,PhysRev,1935,47(11):886.
8:Wu Xuezhou,Zhu Zhenjun,The Absorption Spectrum of Diacetylene in the Near Ultraviolet,JChemPhys,1935,3(9):541~543.
9:Wu Xuezhou,Liu Dagang (Ta-Kong Liu),The Absorption Spectra an d Dissociation Energies of Cyanic Acid and Some Isocyanates,JChemPhy s,1935,3(9):544~546.
10:Wu Xuezhou,Liu Dagang,Zhu Zhenjun,The Fundamental Frequencies of t he Cyanogen Molecule,JChinese ChemSoc,1935,3(4):301~307.
11:Wu Xuezhou,Liu Dagang,Notes on the Preparation of Zinc and Cadmium Cyanides,JChinese ChemSoc,1936,4(6):518~521.
12:Wu Xuezhou,Liu Dagang,The New Absorption System of Cyanogen Gas in the Near Ultraviolet System I,JChemPhys,1937,5(3):161~165.
13:Wu Xuezhou,Zhu Zhenjun,The Absorption Spectrum of Diacetylene in th e Near Ultraviolet,ⅡJChemPhys,1937,5(10):786~791.
14:Wu Xuezhou,Bemerkungen über die Grund Freguenzen des Dicyanmolekü s,Zphysik Chem1937,37:399~402.
15:Zhou Tomgqing (TCChow),Wu Xuezhou,Liu Dagang,On the under Wate r Spark Absorption Band of CuH,JChinese Phys1937,3(1):20~26.
16:Wu Xuezhou,Liu Dagang,Zhu Zhenjun,Wu Chi(Wu Chih),The Nearultraviolet Bands of Aceylene,JChemPhys,1938,6(3):240~246.
17:Wu Xuezhou,The Absorption Spectrum of Methylglyoxal,TransFaraday Soc,1945,41((part3)):157~163.
18:Wu Xuezhou,Zhang Shizeng(Sze-Tseng Chang),Quantitative Determinatio n of Methylglyoxal and the Mechanism of Its Reaction with Hypoiodite Solution, JChemSoc,London,1945,162~165.
19:Wu Xuezhou,Wang Chenyi(Cheng-Ⅰ Wang),Mechanism of Reaction of Alco hols,Aldehydes and Ketones with Hypoiodite Solution ⅡQuantitative Determination of Phenylglyoxal,JChinese ChemSoc,1947,15(1):1~10.
20:Wu Xuezhou,Zheng Shaoji (Cheng ChaoChi),The Kinetics of the Oxida tion of Formaldehyde by Hypoidite Solution,SciRecord,Academia Sinica, 1948,2(2):183~191.
21:Wu Xuezhou,Zhu Jinchang (Tsin-Chang Chu),Mechanism of Reactions of Alcohols,Aldehydes and Ketones with Hypoiodite Solution,Sci.Record,Academia S inica,1949,2(3):280~290.