

《反愛情故事》是由Brandon Jack執導的劇情類電影,由Sarah Hoffman、Brandon Jack等擔任編劇,由Brandon Jack、Chris Kyleen主演。


  • 中文名:反愛情故事
  • 外文名:The Anti-Love Story
  • 類型:劇情
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 導演:Brandon Jack
  • 編劇:Sarah Hoffman、Brandon Jack、Chris Kyleen
  • 製片人:Sarah Hoffman
  • 主演:Brandon Jack、Chris Kyleen
  • 上映時間:2016年9月28日
  • 色彩:彩色


"The Anti-Love Story" is a modern day tale of love set in New York City. The story follows Jack and Lily, two seemingly normal people that believe they are 'meant for each other'. "The Anti-Love Story" is about the misconceptions and attitudes we bring to love based on parents, siblings and friends. It explores the relationships and difficulty that abounds when outside influences threaten your ideas about love and relationships. "The Anti-Love Story" is the true story of true love. It is a factual representation of the ideologies such as "there is one person for you" and "fate". Jack is smart, attractive guy who believes there is one person for him and when he meets her, he'll just know. The problem is that he has believed that several girls are "the one". His belief is reinforced by his parents, who met in high school and are still in love. He thinks that the perfect girl will come along and he will just know and spend the rest of his life with her. He tends to minimize problems because in the big picture they don't mean all that much. Lily is from a complicated home. Her mom has been divorced, and her sister married for security. She doesn't believe there is a one. She starts to change her mind when she meets Jack but realizes his ideas of love are a little far fetched for her. She is logical and has emotional control over her feelings. Her mother and sister hate Jack. This pressure from her family causes pressure on the relationships. Between the two 'The Anti-Love Story' explores the archetypes of love that we carry and why we behave the way we do in relationships.



-Brandon Jack
-Chris Kyleen
-Brian McQueen


Sarah HoffmanBrandon JackSarah Hoffman、Brandon Jack、Chris KyleenSarah HoffmanSarah Hoffman


