- 中文名:匡登峰
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
2002.9——2005.2 天津大學 精儀學院測試計量技術及儀器專業 工學博士
2000.9——2002.9 天津大學 精儀學院測試計量技術及儀器專業 工學碩士
1996.9——2000.7 天津大學 精儀學院測控技術及儀器專業 工學學士
天津大學 社會科學與外國語學院英語專業 文學學士
2007.4—— 南開大學信息技術科學學院現代光學研究所光學工程專業 副研究員
2005.3——2007.3 南開大學信息技術科學學院現代光學研究所光學工程專業 博士後
2006.11— 2007.2 法國國家科學研究中心光學所 合作研究
2009.6——2009.9 法國國家科學研究中心光學所 高級訪問學者
中國圖像圖形學學會理事,天津市圖像圖形學學會常務理事,《光電子快報》編審,Optics Letter、JOSA A、Applied Optics、Journal of Modern Optics、Chinese Physics Letter審稿人
白皚皚 博士點新教師基金項目
1. Dengfeng Kuang*, Sheng Ouyang, and Zhongxun Du, Nanofocusing enhancement in a tapered slit by using a dielectric micro isosceles triangle prism and tuning the entrance aperture, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 031101 (2012), *Corresponding author, SCI: 978NC, EI: 20123115295401,影響因子:3.841
2. Dengfeng Kuang* Zhongxun Du, Sheng Ouyang, Meirui Han and Zhiliang Fang, Plasmonics, 7, 383-387(2012), *Corresponding author, 影響因子:3.723
3. Zonghua Zhang, Zhao Jing, Zhaohui Wang, and Dengfeng Kuang, Comparison of Fourier transform, windowed Fourier transform, and wavelet transform methods for phase calculation at discontinuities in fringe projection prolometry, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(8), 1152-1160(2012), SCI: 950GS,
4. Dengfeng Kuang*, Meirui Han, Zhongxun Du, Sheng Ouyang and Zhiliang Fang, Beam matrices generated by transmitting microaxicave arrays, Journal of Optics 13(10), 105708(2011), *Corresponding author, SCI: 834BP, ,影響因子:1.662
5. C. Jin, H. Liu, P. Li, D.F. Kuang, H.L. Bai, Anomalous magnetic properties of the epitaxial CoFe2O4 films prepared by reactive cosputtering, Journal of Applied Physics, 110(1), 013917 (2011), SCI: 792US,影響因子:2.072
6. Dengfeng Kuang*, Meirui Han, Hui Gao, Zhongxun Du and Zhiliang Fang, Interferometric characterization of a microaxicon with a single fringe pattern, Journal of Optics 13(3), 035501 (2011), *Corresponding author, SCI: 737VT, ,影響因子:1.662
7. Dengfeng Kuang* and Zhiliang Fang, Diffraction efficiency analysis of blazed grating fabricated by direct laser writing, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications IV, 7848, 78480P(2010), *Corresponding author, SCI: BTP40,
8. Dengfeng Kuang* and Zhiliang Fang, "Microaxicave: inverted microaxicon to generate a hollow beam," Opt. Lett. 35(13), 2158-2160 (2010), *Corresponding author, SCI: 619NC,影響因子:3.059
9. Huaijun Wang, Dengfeng Kuang*, Xiaodong Sun, and Zhiliang Fang.Period interaction on diffraction efficiency of blazed transmission gratings, Optik 121, 1511-1515(2010), SCI: 645VZ,
10. X.C Wang, W.B Mi, D.F. Kuang, Microstructure, magnetic and optical properties of sputtered polycrystalline ZnO films with Fe addition, Applied Surface Science, 256(6): 1930-1935(2010), SCI: 537YZ,
11. Jun Chen, Dengfeng Kuang*, Zhiliang Fang, Properties of Fraunhofer diffraction by an annular spiral phase plate for sidelobe suppression, Chinese Physics Letters, 26 (9), 094210 (2009) , *Corresponding author, SCI: 491DZ
12. Dengfeng Kuang*, Uta Ellmer, Min Gui and Zhiliang Fang, Fabrication, characterization and analysis of a microaxicon, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11, 085601(2009), SCI: 479WL
13. Gaid Moulin, François Goudail, Pierre Chavel, and Dengfeng Kuang, Heuristic models for diffraction by some simple micro-objects, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 26, 767-775 (2009) , SCI: 436WN,
14. Dengfeng Kuang*, Xiaoliang Zhang, Min Gui, and Zhiliang Fang, Hexagonal microlens array fabricated by direct laser writing and inductively coupled plasma etching on organic light emitting devices to enhance the outcoupling efficiency, Appl. Opt. 48(5):974-978(2009), SCI:419HS,.
15. Jun Chen, Dengfeng Kuang*, Min Gui, Zhiliang Fang, Generation of optical vortex using a spiral phase plate fabricated in quartz by direct laser writing and inductively coupled plasma etching, Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26 (1): 014202, *Corresponding author, 第二和通訊作者,第一作者為協助指導的研究生, SCI: 400KI
16. Huaijun Wang, Dengfeng Kuang*, Zhiliang Fang, Fabrication of transmission phase gratings by one step direct laser writing, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 2008, 19(10): 1332-1334, *Corresponding author,,第二和通訊作者,第一作者為協助指導的研究生
17. Yang Yang, Jianjun Yang, Chunyong Liang, Hongshui Wang, Xiaonong Zhu, Dengfeng Kuang, Yong Yang, Sub-wavelength surface structuring of NiTi alloy by femtosecond laser pulses, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2008, 92(3):635-642, SCI: 330AP,
18. Nan Lu, Dengfeng Kuang*, Guoguang Mu, Design of transmission blazed binary gratings for optical limiting with the form-birefringence theory, Appl. Opt. 2008, 47(21):3743-3750, *Corresponding author,第二和通訊作者,第一作者為協助指導的研究生
19. Huaijun Wang, Dengfeng Kuang*, Zhiliang Fang, Diffraction Analysis of Blazed Transmission Gratings with a Modified Extended Scalar Theory, JOSA A, 2008, 25(6): 1253-1259, *Corresponding author, SCI:319HZ,第二和通訊作者,第一作者為協助指導的研究生
20. Dengfeng KUANG, Gaid MOULIN, François GOUDAIL, Pierre CHAVEL, Approximations scalaires de la diffraction par des réseaux de phase à parois triangulaires, OPTIQUE Grenoble 2007, P22
匡登峰, 方誌良, 楊勇
光子學報,2007, 2007, 36(4): 659~662
22. 納米隧道結的製備和特性研究,
匡登峰, 劉慶綱, 胡小唐, 胡留長, 郭維廉
SCI: 997OZ,
23. AFM加工的Ti納米氧化鈦線的直線度分析,
匡登峰, 劉慶綱, 方誌良, 楊勇, 胡小唐
光電子·雷射,2005, 15(12):31~34
24. Method to detect the property of complex oxide structure formed by AFM anodic oxidation completely,
Kuang Dengfeng, Liu Qinggang, Guo Weilian, Zhang Shilin, Hu Xiaotang
Ultramicroscopy, 2005, 105 (1-4): 111-114
25. Current detection during tip-induced anodic oxidation of titanium by atomic force microscope,
Kuang Dengfeng, Liu Qinggang, Guo Weilian, Zhang Shilin, Hu Xiaotang
Proceedings of SPIE,2005, 5635:305-312
26. Analysis of AFM tip induced oxidation of thin metal film in the air,
Liu, Qinggang, Kuang, Dengfeng, Zhang, Shilin, Guo, Weilian, Hu, Xiaotang
Proceedings of SPIE,2003, 5220: 108-116
27. Methods of improving photoconductive sampling
Liu, Qinggang, Kuang, Dengfeng, Zheng, Lifen, Wang, Zhan, Hu, Xiaotang
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, 2002, 2(2):509-513
28. 大氣狀態下AFM針尖誘導氧化加工Ti膜的機理分析, 匡登峰, 劉慶綱, 胡小唐, 郭維廉, 張世林,
半導體學報, 2003, 24 (12):1303-1306
29. 用於納米光電器件的Ti納米氧化線的AFM加工, 匡登峰, 劉慶綱, 郭維廉, 張世林, 胡小唐
光電子·雷射,2003, 14 (12):1296-1298
30. 大氣濕度對AFM針尖氧化加工金屬Ti膜的影響, 匡登峰, 劉慶綱, 郭維廉, 張世林, 胡小唐
壓電與聲光,2004, 26 (3) :234-236
31. Fabrication and Characterization of Thin Ti Film for Nano Devices,
Kuang Dengfeng, Liu Qinggang, Mi Wenbo, Bai Haili, Hu Xiaotang
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, 2004, 3(3):0464-0467