



  • 中文名:北京市楊莊中學
  • 校訓:求真務實 忠信愛國
  • 創辦時間:1977年
  • 所屬地區:北京市石景山區
  • 類別:公立國中
  • 學校類型:中學
  • 學校屬性:區重點國中
  • 主要獎項:北京市文明禮儀示範校
  • 學校:已有24個教學班


截止2009年9月,學校已有24個教學班,800餘名學生,108名教職工。夜汗辨多學校有一支熱愛教育事業並為之奉獻的師德高尚、業務精良、愛學習、善研究、管理嚴、負責任、富有創新精神和實踐能力的教師團隊。 教育教學質量優良,為市、區各級各類高一級學校輸送了大量的優秀畢業生。


學校不斷創新,開拓進取,創造了輝煌的成績,成為石景山區一所國中優質校。先後獲得北京市“全面發展、辦有特色”學校、 “北京市綠色學校戶只囑”、“北京市文明禮儀示範校”、“北京市奧運示範校”、“北京市體育傳統特色校”、“北京市奧運文明用語示範校”、“北京市平安學校”、石景山區“教育先進單位”、“精神文明建設先進單位”、“師德先進單位”、“優秀黨支部”、“人民滿意學校”等稱號,黨支部曾獲“北京市基層黨建創新優秀成果欠朽危獎”。2009年學校獲得石景山區“教育教學競賽群星獎”。田徑運動競賽在市、區取得了優異的成績,並為高一級體育藝術院校輸送了大量優秀人才。


學校堅持 “全面發展 辦有特色”的辦學目標。在德育管理上,制定並實施《學生綜合素質評價方案》、《足跡900》、“《星路花語》成長歡剃嬸線上”評價體系,《楊莊中學成長特別關注——導師制》落實“人人都是德育工作者”追求每個學生全面發展的教育。在課程建設上,現代教育信息技術與課程整合實驗,提高了學生實踐與創良紙新能力,校本課程與傳統體育藝術牛白乃協特色結合,為學生個性講剃炒發展提供了更加廣闊的空間。


Beijing YangZhuang Middle School, which was founded in 1977, has got the name of the Experimental School of Beijing Teachers’ Professional Development, the Experimental School in Northern on the National Subject of BNU Foundmental Education Great-leap-forward Development, the Sports Tradition School as well as the National Educational Base of Caring for the Girl.
Yangzhuang Middle School has got many splendid achievements by pioneering forging ahead and bringing forth new ideas constantly, and now we have been a choice junior middle school in Shijingshan District. We have been obtainning many titles, such as School with Integrated Development and Taking on Character, Beijing Green School, Beijing Ethics and Courtesy Model School, Beijing Olympic Model School, Beijing Sports Tradition Character School, Beijing Olympic Civilized Language Model School, The School without Mishap in Beijing, The Award of Great Achievements of the Basic Level Party Building, The Advanced Educational Unit,The Advanced Unit of Developing Scialist Culture and Ethics, The Advanced Unit of Ehancing ethics of Teaching Pofession, The Advanced Party Branch, People Satisfied School, and The Awarding of Many Stars in Teaching and Education.
There are 24 classes, over 800 hundred students and 108 staff members in Yangzhuang Middle School, including a top-down, conscientious teacher team which dedicates to educational business and has noble ethics of teaching pofession. All the members in this team are not only sophisticated in teaching, good at researching ,but also enjoy studying with emphasizing creativity and practice. With high quality of education and teaching, our school has turned out many first-rate students for the higher schools in Beijing.
Yangzhuang Middle School sticks to the object of integrated development and taking on character. As for the moral education administration, we have been framing and carrying on a evaluation system including The Evaluating Program of Students’Comprehensive Quality, The Footprints 900, The Flowery Words on the Way to be a Star---- Growing Up on Line. We also carry out The Special Focus on Growing Up in Yangzhuang Middle School ---- A Tutorial System. Accoring to this system, every teacher is a moral educatiuonal worker, every students’ development is concerned. As for the courses construction, by integrating the morden IT technology and courses, the practical and innovation competence of students have been greatly enhanced. By combining the courses based on the school characteristic with traditional strongpoints in sports and art, Yangzhuang Middle School provides an immense space for the development of the students’ personality. Over these years, we have got flying colours in many kinds of track and field meets in district and city level, and have trained many best men for higher sports and art schools.
There are 24 classes, over 800 hundred students and 108 staff members in Yangzhuang Middle School, including a top-down, conscientious teacher team which dedicates to educational business and has noble ethics of teaching pofession. All the members in this team are not only sophisticated in teaching, good at researching ,but also enjoy studying with emphasizing creativity and practice. With high quality of education and teaching, our school has turned out many first-rate students for the higher schools in Beijing.
Yangzhuang Middle School sticks to the object of integrated development and taking on character. As for the moral education administration, we have been framing and carrying on a evaluation system including The Evaluating Program of Students’Comprehensive Quality, The Footprints 900, The Flowery Words on the Way to be a Star---- Growing Up on Line. We also carry out The Special Focus on Growing Up in Yangzhuang Middle School ---- A Tutorial System. Accoring to this system, every teacher is a moral educatiuonal worker, every students’ development is concerned. As for the courses construction, by integrating the morden IT technology and courses, the practical and innovation competence of students have been greatly enhanced. By combining the courses based on the school characteristic with traditional strongpoints in sports and art, Yangzhuang Middle School provides an immense space for the development of the students’ personality. Over these years, we have got flying colours in many kinds of track and field meets in district and city level, and have trained many best men for higher sports and art schools.


