岩石學、地質年代學、同位素地球化學和元素地球化學研究。對華北克拉通早前寒武紀變質作用、TTG和其它花崗質片麻岩成因、中天山東段前寒武紀變質地塊和獨居石電子探針定年方面研究獲得了重要成果。在國內外著名學術刊物上發表論文100餘篇,其中SCI檢索論文79篇(包括Precambrian Research,Gondwana Research,Lithos,Earth Science Review,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences),部分論文被SCI刊物引證200餘次。1999年訪問加拿大Saskachewan大學地質科學系;2001-2002年訪問了美國
科學基金重大國際合作項目1項等。曾榮獲2002年度教育部自然科學二等獎(第三完成人),2014年度教育部自然科學獎二等獎(第一完成人)。2015、2014和2005年分別獲得北京大學優秀博士學位論文指導教師獎。入選Elsevier2014年中國高被引學者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜單。
(二)關於呂梁山變質地塊研究:(1)首先確定了呂梁山不存在太古宙變質地質體而是形成於古元古代中晚期從俯衝到碰撞的典型造山過程的地質記錄,直接記錄了東部-西部陸塊從俯衝到碰撞造山的演化過程。(2)在北京大學造山帶與地殼演化教育部重點實驗室建立的獨居石電子探針定年的技術方法和流程。(3)使用獨居石電子探針定年方法準確確定了中部造山帶早期演化變質記錄為~1.92Ga,峰期變質演化發生在~1.85-1.82 Ga,晚期變質作用結束在~1.80Ga,造山後岩漿事件發生在~1.70Ga,確定了華北克拉通中部帶早前寒武紀多階段洋殼俯衝-陸殼碰撞到碰撞後伸展的完整的動力學過程和地殼生長與再循環的演化歷史。
1. Bai,Xiang; Liu, Shuwen*; Guo, Rongrong; et al., 2015. Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes and geochemistry of two contrasting Neoarchean charnockitic rock series in Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic setting. Precambrian Research, 267:72–93. ”
2. Guo, Rongrong; Liu,Shuwen*; Wyman, Derek; et al., 2015. Neoarchean subduction: A case study of arc volcanic rocks in Qinglong-Zhuzhangzi area of the Eastern Hebei Province, North China Craton.Precambrian Research, 264:36-62.
3. Wang, Wei; Liu,Shuwen*; Santosh,M; et al., 2015. 1.23 Ga mafic dykes in the North China Craton and their implications for the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. Gondwana Research, 27( 4): 1407-1418.
4. Wang, Wei; Liu, Shuwen*; Santosh, M.;et al., 2015. Late Paleoproterozoic geodynamics of the North China Craton: Geochemical and zircon U-Pb-Hf records from a volcanic suite in the Yanliao rift . Gondwana Research,27(1):300-325
5. Zhang, Wanyi; Nie, Fengjun; Liu, Shuwen, et al., 2015. Characteristics and genesis of mineral deposits in East Ujimqin Banner, western segment of the Great Xing'an Mountains, NE China . Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 97:459-471.
6. Bai, Xiang; Liu, Shuwen*; Guo, Rongrong; et al. 2014. Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes and geochemistry of Neoarchean dioritic-trondhjemitic gneisses, Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research,251: 1-20.
7. Deng, Zhengbin; Liu, Shuwen*; Zhang, Life; et al. 2014. Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes of an Early Cretaceous intrusive suite in northeastern Jiangxi Province, South China Block: Implications for petrogenesis, crust/mantle interactions and geodynamic processes. LITHOS, 200: 334-354.
8. Yan Ming; Liu Shuwen*; Li Qiugen; et al.2014. Geochemistry and Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotopic Systematics of the Sanchahe Quartz Monzonite Intrusion in the North Qinling Tectonic Zone, Central China: Implications for its Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition,88( 1): 154-175.
9. Yang PengTao; Liu ShuWen*; Li QiuGen; et al. 2014. Chronology and petrogenesis of the Hejiazhuang granitoid pluton and its constraints on the Early Triassic tectonic evolution of the South Qinling Belt. Science China-Earth Sciences,57(2): 232-246
10. Xiao, Bing; Li, Qiugen; Liu, Shuwen; et al. 2014. Highly fractionated Late Triassic I-type granites and related molybdenum mineralization in the Qin ling orogenic belt: Geochemical and U-Pb-Hf and Re-Os isotope constraints. Ore Geology Reviews,56: 220-233.
11. Samuel, Vinod O.; Santosh, M.; Liu, Shuwen; et al. 2014. Neoarchean continental growth through arc magmatism in the Nilgiri Block, southern India. Precambrian Research,245: 146-173.
12. 閻明,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2014,南秦嶺迷魂陣岩體LA-ICP-MS鋯石U-Pb年代學和Lu-Hf同位素特徵,岩石學報,30(2):390-400
13. 郭榮榮,劉樹文*,白翔等,2014,冀東雙山子群變質火山岩的地球化學、鋯石U-Pb年代學及其對岩石成因和構造背景的制約,岩石學報,30(10):2885-2904
14. 白翔,劉樹文*,閻明等,2014,撫順南部早前寒武紀變質雜岩的地質事件序列,岩石學報,30(10):2905-2924.
15. Guo, Rongrong; Liu, Shuwen*; Santosh, M.; et al.,2013. Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes of metavolcanics from eastern Hebei reveal Neoarchean subduction tectonics in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 24(2): 664-686.
16. Bai, Xiang; Liu, Shuwen*; Wang, Wei; et al., 2013. U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes of zircons from newly identified Permian-Early Triassic plutons in western Liaoning province along the northern margin of the North China Craton: constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic setting. International Journal of Earth Sciences,102(3): 671-685.
17. Wang, Wei; Liu, Shuwen*; Bai, Xiang; et al.,2013. Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes of the late Paleoproterozoic Jianping diorite-monzonite- syenite suite of the North China Craton: Implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic setting. LITHOS, 162: 175-194.
18. Wang, Wei; Liu, Shuwen*; Santosh, M.;et al.,2013. Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry of granitoid gneisses in the Jianping gneissic terrane, Western Liaoning Province: Constraints on the Neoarchean crustal evolution of the North China Craton. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 224:184-221.
19. Guo, Lishuang; Liu, Yulin; Liu, Shuwen. 2013. Petrogenesis of Early to Middle Jurassic granitoid rocks from the Gangdese belt, Southern Tibet: Implications for early history of the Neo-Tethys. LITHOS,179: 320-333.
20. 劉樹文,楊朋濤,王宗起等,2013,贛東北婺源-德興地區新元古代淺變質火山岩的地球化學和鋯石U-Pb年齡,岩石學報,29(2):581-593.
21. 楊朋濤,劉樹文,李秋根等,2013,何家莊岩體的年齡和成因及其對南秦嶺早三疊世構造演化的制約,中國科學:地球科學,43(11):1874~1892.
22. 郭博然,劉樹文*,楊朋濤等,2013,江西臥龍谷花崗岩和銅廠花崗閃長斑岩的地球化學特徵及成因—對贛東北地區銅礦成礦地質背景的制約,地質通報,32(07):1035-1046.
23. Liu, Shuwen; Zhang, Jian; Li, Qiugen; et al., 2012. Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages of metamorphic volcanic rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Luliang Complex and constraints on the evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 222: 173-190
24. Wang, Wei; Liu, Shuwen*; Wilde, Simon A.; et al., 2012. Petrogenesis and geochronology of Precambrian granitoid gneisses in Western Liaoning Province: Constraints on Neoarchean to early Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 222: 290-311
25. Yang, Pengtao; Liu, Shuwen*; Li, Qiugen; et al.,2012. Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics of the Ningshan granitoid batholith, middle segment of the south Qinling belt, Central China: Constraints on petrogenesis and geodynamic processes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 61: 166-186.
26. Zhang Fan; Liu Shuwen*; Chen Xu; et al. 2012. Xiba Granitic Pluton in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China: Its Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 86(5): 1128-1142.
27. Wang wei, Liu Shuwen*; Feng Yonggong, Li Qiugen; et al., 2012. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic Tongchang dioritic pluton at the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Block: Evidence from geochemistry and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics. Gondwana Research,22(2):699-716.
28. 楊朋濤;劉樹文*;李秋根; 等. 2012. 南秦嶺鐵瓦殿岩體的時代及地質意義. 地質學報,86(9):1525-1540.
29. Liu, Shuwen; Santosh, M.; Wang, Wei; et al., 2011. Zircon U-Pb chronology of the Jianping Complex: Implications for the Precambrian crustal evolution history of the northern margin of North China Craton.Gondwana Research,20(1):48-63.
30. Wang, Wei; Liu, Shuwen*; Bai, Xiang;et al., 2011. Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics of the Neoarchean Yixian-Fuxin greenstone belt, northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic setting. Gondwana Research,20(1):64-81.
31. Li Qiugen, Liu Shuwen, Wang Zongqi;et al., 2011. Provenance and geotectonic setting of the Palaeoproterozoic Zhongtiao Group and implications for assembly of the North China Craton: whole-rock geochemistry and detrital zircon data. Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 168(5): 1215–1224.
32. Liu Shuwen; Li Qiugen; Tian Wei;et al.,2011. Petrogenesis of Indosinian Granitoids in Middle-Segment of South Qinling Tectonic Belt: Constraints from Sr-Nd Isotopic Systematics. Acta Geologica Sinica- English Edition,853(3):610-638.
33. Li Qiugen; Liu Shuwen; Wang Zongqi; et al., 2011. Late Jurassic Cu-Mo Mineralization at the Zhashui-Shanyang District, South Qinling, China: Constraints from Re-Os Molybdenite and Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry U-Pb Zircon Dating. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition,853(3)661-672.
34. Zhang Fan; Liu Shuwen*; Li Qiugen; et al., Re-Os and U-Pb Geochronology of the Erlihe Pb-Zn Deposit, Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China, and Constraints on Its Deposit Genesis. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 853(3)673-682.
35. Yang Pengtao; Liu Shuwen; Li Qiugen; et al.,2011. Ages of the Laocheng Granitoids and Crustal Growth in the South Qin ling Tectonic Domain, Central China: Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Constraints. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition,853(3): 673-682.
36. 劉樹文,呂勇軍,王偉,楊朋濤等,2011,冀北太古代花崗質片麻岩的成因,岩石學報,27(4):909-921.
37. 劉樹文,楊朋濤,李秋根等,秦嶺中段印支期花崗質岩漿作用與造山過程,吉林大學學報(地球科學版),2011(06):1928-1943.
38. 王偉,劉樹文*,吳峰輝等,2011,陝南銅廠閃長岩體的成岩、成礦時代及其地質意義,北京大學學報:自然科學版,47(1):91-102.
39. 劉樹文,王偉,白翔等,2010,朝陽北部早前寒武紀變質雜岩地質事件序列,岩石學報,26(7):1993-2004.
40. 劉樹文,閆全人,李秋根等,2009,揚子克拉通西緣康定雜岩中花崗質岩石的成因及其構造意義,岩石學報。25(8):1883-1896.
41. 劉樹文,李秋根,張立飛,2009,呂梁山前寒武紀野雞山群火山岩的地質學、地球化學及其構造意義,岩石學報,25(3):547-560.
42. Liu Shuwen; Li Qiugen; Liu Chaohui; et al., 2009. Guandishan Granitoids of the Paleoproterozoic Luliang Metamorphic Complex in the Trans-North China Orogen: SHRIMP Zircon Ages, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 83 (3): 580-602.
43. Li Qiugen; Chen Xu; Liu Shuwen; et al. 2009. Evaluating the Provenance of Metasedimentary Rocks of the Jiangxian Group from the Zhongtiao Mountain Using Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Detrital Zircon Hf Isotope.Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 85 (3)::550-561.
44. 楊愷,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2009,秦嶺柞水岩體和東江口岩體的鋯石U-Pb年代學及其意義,北京大學學報:自然科學版,45(5):841-847.
45. 吳峰輝,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2009,西秦嶺光頭山花崗岩鋯石U-Pb年代學及其地質意義,北京大學學報:自然科學版,45(5):811-818.
46. 張帆,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2009,秦嶺西壩花崗岩LA-ICP-MS鋯石U-Pb年代學及其地質意義,北京大學學報:自然科學版,45(5):833-840.
47. 陳旭,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2009,西秦嶺勉縣北部光頭山二長花崗岩獨居石電子探針U-Th-Pb化學法定年及其地質意義,地質通報,28(7):888 -895.
48. Li, Qiugen; Liu, Shuwen*; Wang, Zongqi; et al., 2008. Contrasting provenance of Late Archean metasedimentary rocks from the Wutai Complex, North China Craton: detrital zircon U-Pb, whole-rock Sm-Nd isotopic, and geochemical data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97(3): 443-458.
49. Li, Qiugen; Liu, Shuwen*; Wang, Zongqi; et al.2008. Electron microprobe monazite geochronological constraints on the Late Palaeozoic tectonothermal evolution in the Chinese Tianshan. Journal of The Geological Society, 165:511-522.
50. 李秋根,劉樹文*,王宗起等,2008,中條山絳縣群碎屑鋯石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb測年及其地質意義,岩石學報,24(6):1359-1368.
51. 鳳永剛,劉樹文*,呂勇軍等,2008,華北克拉通北緣隆化地區S型花崗岩的獨居石年齡圖譜,岩石學報,24(1)104-114.
52. 郭麗爽,劉樹文*,劉玉琳等,2008,中條山涑水雜岩中TTG片麻岩的鋯石Hf同位素特徵及其形成環境,岩石學報,24(1);139-148.
53. 劉樹文,呂勇軍,鳳永剛等,2007,冀北單塔子雜岩的地質學和鋯石U-Pb年代學,高校地質學報,13(3):484-497.
54. 劉樹文,呂勇軍,鳳永剛等,2007,冀北紅旗營子雜岩的鋯石、獨居石年代學及地質意義,地質通報,26(9):1086-1100.
55. Zhang, Shuan-Hong; Liu, Shuwen; Zhao, Yue;et al., 2007. The 1.75-1.68 Ga anortho site-mangerite-alkali granitoid-rapakivi granite suite from the northern North China Craton: Magmatism related to a Paleoproterozoic orogeny. Precambrian Research,155(3-4) 287-312.
56. Li, Qiugen; Liu, Shuwen*; Wang, Zongqi; et al. 2007. Geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of the Proterozoic granitoid gneisses from the eastern segment of the Central Tianshan Tectonic Zone, northwestern China. Geological Magazine, 144(2):305-317.
57. 張臣,劉樹文,韓寶福等,2007,內蒙古商都大石溝花崗岩體鋯石SHRIMPU-Pb年齡及其意義,岩石學報,23(3):591-596.
58. Liu, Shuwen; Zhao, Guochun; Wilde, Simon A.; et al., 2006.Th-U-Pb monazite geochronology of the Luliang and Wutai Complexes: Constraints on the tectonothermal evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. precambrian Research,148(3-4):205-224.
59. Liu, SW; Wang, ZQ; Yan, QR; et al.2006.Indosinian tectonic setting of the Southern Yidun Arc: Constraints from SHRIMP zircon chronology and geochemistry of dioritic porphyries and granites. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80 (3): 387-399.
60. Liu, CH; Liu, SW*; Li, QG; et al.,2006. Petrogenesis of paleoproterozoic Luyashan charnockitic rocks in Shanxi province: Constraints from geochemistry and Nd isotope. Progress in Natural Science, 16 (2): 183-191.
61. Zhao, GC; Liu, Shuwen; Sun, M; et al., 2006. What happened in the Trans-North China Orogen in the period 2560-1850 Ma? Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80(6): 790-806.
62. Liu, SW.; Tian, W; Lu, YJ; et al., 2006. Geochemistry, Nd isotopic characteristics of metamorphic complexes in northern Hebei: Implications for crustal accretion. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80(6): 807-818.
63. Chen, B; Liu, SW.; Wang, R; et al., 2006. Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry of the late Archean-Paleoproterozoic granitoids in the Luliang-Wutai terrain, North China Craton, and implications for petrogenesis. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80(6): 834-843.
64. Lu, YJ; Liu, SW*; Zhao, GC; et al. 2006.Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Neoarchean metamorphic mafic rocks in the Wutai Complex. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80 (6): 899-911.
65. Yu, SQ; Liu, SW*; Tian, W; et al., 2006. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb chronology and geochemistry of the Henglingguan and Beiyu granitoids in the Zhongtiao Mountains, Shanxi Province,Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80 (6): 912-924.
66. Liu, CH; Liu, SW*; Li, QG; et al., 2006.Petrogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic Guandishan granitoids in Shanxi Province: Constraints from geochemistry and Nd isotopes. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 80 (6): 925-935.
67. Tian, W; Liu, SW; Liu, CH; et al., 2006.Zircon SHRIMP geochronology and geochemistry of TTG rocks in Sushui Complex from Zhongtiao Mountains with its geological implications. Progress in Natural Science, 16 (5): 492-500.
68. Tian Wei; Liu Shuwen; Zhang Huafeng. 2006. Paleoproterozoic potassic granitoids in the Sushui Complex from the Zhongtiao Mountains, northern China: Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 8(6):875-885.
69. 陳斌,劉樹文,耿元生等,2006,呂梁-五台地區晚太古宙—古元古代花崗質岩石鋯石U-Pb年代學和Hf同位素性質及其地質意義,岩石學報,22(2):296-304。
70. 劉樹文,王宗起,閆全人等,2006,折多山花崗岩時代、成因及其動力學意義,岩石學報,22(2):343-352
71. 劉樹文,王宗起,閆全人等,2006,川西雀兒山花崗岩的地球化學和岩石成因,地質學報,80(9):1355-1363
72. 張臣,劉樹文,何國琦等,2006,華北板塊北緣中段中元古代晚期花崗岩類特徵及其構造意義,北京大學學報(自然科學版),42(4):451-456
73. Liu, SW; Pan, YM; Xie, QL; et al., 2005. Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozonic Nanying granitic gneisses in the Fuping Complex: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Central Zone, North China Craton. journal of Asian Earth Sciences,24(5):643-658.
74. Liu, SW; Zhang, JJ; Shu, GM; et al.,2005. Mineral chemistry, P-T-t paths and exhumation processes of mafic granulites in Dinggye, Southern Tibet. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 48 (11): 1870-1881.
75. Li,QG.; Liu,SW*.; Han, BF.; 2005. Geochemical characteristics of the metapelites from the Xingxingxia group in the Eastern Segment of the Central Tianshan: Implications for the provenance and paleoweathering. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 48(10): 1637-1648.
76. Li,QG.; Liu,SW*;Han,BF.;2005. Geochemistry of metasedimentary rocks of the Proterozoic Xingxingxia complex: implications for provenance and tectonic setting of the eastern segment of the Central Tianshan Tectonic Zone, northwestern China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(3): 287-306.
77. 劉樹文,張進江,舒桂明等,2005,藏南定結鐵鎂質麻粒岩礦物化學、PTt軌跡和折返過程,中國科學D輯,35(9):810-820
78. 劉超輝,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2005,山西蘆芽山早元古代紫蘇花崗岩的成因:地球化學和Nd同位素證據,自然科學進展,15(11):1474-1382
79. 田偉,劉樹文,劉超輝等,2005,中條山涑水雜岩中TTG系列岩石的鋯石SHRIMP年代學和地球化學及其地質意義,自然科學進展,15(12):1476-1484
80. 王月然,劉樹文*,李秋根等,2005,五台山古元古代晚期的動力學背景:王家會花崗岩地球化學的制約。北京大學學報(自然科學版),41(6):840 -850