- 中文名:劉曉冀
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1971年04月
- 畢業院校:西安電子科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:基礎屬性、套用數學
- 職務:廣西職業師範學院副校長
- 職稱:教授
- 政治面貌:致公黨黨員
自何年月 | 至何年月 | 科研學術經歷 | 學習、工作或進修單位單位 |
1990.09 | 1994.07 | 本科 | 江西師範大學數學系 |
1994.09 | 1997.07 | 碩士研究生 | 江西師範大學數學系 |
1997.07 | 2004.07 | 工作 | 蘇州科技學院套用數學系 |
1999.03 | 2003.12 | 博士研究生 | 西安電子科技大學套用數學系 |
2005.09 | 2007.07 | 博士後研究 | 華東師範大學計算數學 |
2004.07 | 目前 | 工作 |
作者(前三名) | 論文名稱 | 刊物名稱 | 發表時間 | 卷 | 期 | 頁碼 | 檢索收錄號 |
Liu Xiaoji, Wu Shuxia, Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic. | New results on reverse order law for {1,2,3} and {1,2,4}-inverses of bounded operators..2013,82,:1597-1607 | Mathematics of Computation | 2013 | 82 | - | 1597-1607 | SCI |
Liu Xiaoji, Zhou Guangpin, Yu Yaoming. | Note on the iterative methods for computing the generalized inverse over Banach spaces | Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications. | 2011 | 18 | 775-787 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Hu Chunmei, Yu Yaoming. | Further results on iterative methods for computing generalized inverses | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2010 | 234 | 684-694 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Zhong jin, Julio Benítez López. | Some results on partial ordering and reverse order law of elements of C^*-algebras | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 2010 | 370 | 295-301 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Julio Benítez López | The spectrum of matrices depending on two idempotents | Applied Math Letter | 2011 | 24 | 1640-1646 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Jin Hongwei, Yu Yaoming. | Higher-order convergent iterative method for computing the generalized inverse and its application to Toeplitz matrices | Linear Algebra and its Application. | 2013 | 439 | 1635-1650 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Zhang Miao, Julio Benítez López | Further results on the reverse order law for the group inverse in rings | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2014 | 229 | 316-326 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Zhong jin. | Integral representation of the W-weighted Drazin inverse for Hilbert space operators | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2010 | 216 | 3228-3233 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Jin Hongwei, Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic. | The absorption laws for the generalized inverses | Applied Mathematics and Computation, | 2012 | 219 | 2053-2059 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Wei Yimin,Zhongjin, Yu Yaoming. | Integral and Limit Representations of the Outer Inverse in Banach Space | Linear and multilinear algabra | 2012 | 60 | 3 | 333-347 | SCI |
劉曉冀,覃永輝. | Banach 代數上廣義Drazin 逆的擾動, | 數學學報 | 2014 | 57 | 1 | 35-46 | 國內權威期刊 |
劉曉冀, Zhang Miao, Julio Benítez López. | k-次冪等矩陣線性組合群逆和超廣義冪等矩陣線性組合Moore-Penrose廣義逆的表示 | 數學年刊 | 2014 | 35 | 4 | 463-478 | 國內權威期刊 |
劉曉冀,王宏興 | 交換環上矩陣的Drazin逆 | 計算數學 | 2009 | 31 | 4 | 425-434 | 國內權威期刊 |
劉曉冀王宏興 | 矩陣偏序與矩陣分解 | 科學出版社 | 2016 | - | - | - | 專著 |
Liu Xiaoji , fu shiqin, yu yaoming | An invariance property of operator products related to the mixed-type reverse order laws | Linear and multilinear algebra, | 2016 | SCI | |||
xiaoji liu, xiaolan qin ,Julio Bentez | .New additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra, | Filomat | 2016 | SCI | |||
xiaoji liu, Julio Bentez, Miao Zhang | . Involutiveness of linear combinations of a quadratic or tripotent matrix and an arbitrary matrix | ,Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society | 2016 | SCI | |||
Liu Xiaoji, Jin Hongwei, Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic | . Representations of generalized inverses of partitioned matrix involving Schur complement | Applied Mathematics and Computation, | 2013 | 219 | 961509629 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji, Wu shuxia, Yu Yaoming | .The perturbation of the Drazin inverse | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | 2012 | 89 | 711-726 | SCI | |
Liu Xiaoji,Qin yonghui, Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic | .Perturbation bounds for the Moore-Penrose inverse of operators | Filomat, | 2012 | 26 | 2 | 353-362 | SCI |
Liu Xiaoji, Wu Shuxia,Julio Benítez López. | INonsingularity of combinations of two group invertible matrices and two tripotent matrices | Linear and multilinear algabra | 2011 | 59 | 12 | 1409-1417 | SCI |
Liu Xiaoji, Wu Lingling | Julio Benítez López. On linear combinations of generalized involutive matrices | Linear and multilinear algabra | 2011 | 59 | 11 | 12121-1236 | SCI |
Liu Xiaoji, Zhu Guangyan, Zhou Guangoin, Yu Yaoming. | An analog of the adjoint matrix for the outer inverse.. | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2012 | 2012 | - | SCI |
獲獎時間 | 成果名稱 | 獎項 | 獎項等級 |
2022年 | 矩陣分解及其在偏序和最佳逼近問題中的套用 | 廣西科學技術獎(自然科學獎) | 三等獎 |
項目名稱 | 項目來源、項目批准號或政府批文號 | 資助起訖時間 | 資助金額(萬元) |
Drazin逆理論及其套用的研究 | 國家自然科學基金 | 2014-2017 | 40 |
Banach空間上運算元廣義逆A_{T,S}^{(2)}的研究 | 國家自然科學基金 | 2010-2012 | 20 |
交換環上矩陣廣義逆與子式的研究 | 教育部科技重點項目 210164 | 2010-2012 | 10 |
分塊矩陣Drazin逆的表示及套用 | 廣西自然科學基金 | 2013-2016 | 5 |
廣西高校創新團隊及卓越學者項目 | 廣西教育廳 | 2016-2019 | 180 |
科研成果名稱 | 獎項名稱 | 授獎單位 | 獲獎時間 | 獲獎等級 | 證書編號 | 署名次序 |
矩陣計算及其套用 | 廣西自然科學獎 | 廣西自治區人民政府 | 2015 | 二等獎 | 2015-Z-2-003-01 | 第一 |
矩陣偏序與廣義逆的研究 | 廣西自然科學獎 | 廣西自治區人民政府 | 2012 | 三等獎 | 2012-Z-3-001 | 第一 |