2009至今: 北京師範大學腦與認知科學研究院,副研究員
2003-2005:美國洪堡州立大學兒童發展系,終身制助理教授(Tenure Track Assistant Professor)
2001-2003:美國內布拉斯加州林肯計畫生育協會,實習教育工作者(Intern Educator)
3. 兒童發展與教育,關注兒童不同階段的發展特點及在教育領域的套用
兒童早期發展(Early Childhood Development)
兒童早期發展課程(Curriculum Development for Early Childhood)
兒童與社會(Child and Society)
觀察方法(Methods of Observation)
教育實習指導(Directed Field Experience)
1.Editorial board member, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, Taylor & Francis
2. 中國教育學會腦科學與教育研究分會理事
3. 中國性學會青少年性健康教育專業委員會副主任委員
2.2003:Development International Fellowship, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, USA.
3.2002:Founders Fellowship, Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society in Family and Consumer, USA.
4.2001:Outstanding Contribution Award, Planned Parenthood of Lincoln, USA.
2012-2013:北京市科學技術協會: 北京科學中心教育培訓功能區規劃與內容設計研究
2011-2013:聯合國教科文組織國際農村教育研究與培訓中心: 女性領導力培訓教材研發
2011-2012:聯合國教科文組織:Deepening the Education Response to HIV and AIDS by Adapting the Integrating International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education into Pre-service Teacher Training in China (將全面的性教育納入中國師範教育試點項目)(第2周期)
2010-2011:聯合國教科文組織:Deepening the Education Response to HIV and AIDS by Adapting the Integrating International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education into Pre-service Teacher Training in China(將全面的性教育納入中國師範教育試點項目)(第1周期)
2007-2008:加拿大國際發展署:Policy Options for Sexual Health Education for Children in Family and Community (促進家庭與社區對青少年性健康教育的政策選擇)
2002-2003: Planned Parenthood of Lincoln :Asian Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Health Education Program, Nebraska, USA
2002-2003: Planned Parenthood of Lincoln:Chinese Women’s Health Care and Sexuality Education in the Family Radio Program on “Voice of China” through Lincoln community radio station KZUM, Nebraska, USA
2001-2003: Planned Parenthood of Lincoln:Chinese Family Life Education Program, Nebraska, USA
2001-2003: Planned Parenthood of Lincoln:Chinese Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education Program, Nebraska, USA
2010-2015:The Development of Early Adult Romantic Relationship in Mainland China, Kansas State University
2012-2013: 北京市海淀區教師進修學校教研員高級研修項目(國小科學),北京師範大學
2007-2008: 我國中小學生科學素質測量,教育部國家基礎教育質量監測中心
2007-2008: “科技館活動進校園”的培訓策劃與初步實施,中國科學技術協會
2007-2008: “科技館活動進校園”的試點推進與效果評估,中國科學技術協會
2006-2007: “科技館活動進校園”的試點場館調研,中國科學技術協會
2002-2003: Pilot Study-Risk and Resiliency for Mental and Behavioral Health among Immigrant Adolescents in Nebraska
2002-2003: Social Support Networks of Adolescent Parents
2002-2003: Risks and Protective Factors among Nebraska Asian Youth
2002-2003: Adolescents Drug Abuse in the U.S. using National Household Survey on Drug Abuse 2000
2002-2003: Early Care and Education in Italy
2002-2003: International Study in Family and Consumer Sciences
1999-2003: Building an Early Childhood Education Unified Endorsement Program for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2001-2002: Adolescents Risk Behaviors in the U.S. using National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 2000
2001-2002: Multicultural Perspectives on Fatherhood
2001-2002: Comparisons between Incidence and Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases between Minorities and Whites
2000-2001: Cross-Culture Family Relation Study
2000-2001: People’s Perceptions of Love and Intimacy: Educational Implications for Intergenerational Understanding across the Life Span
1999-2000: Cultivating Quality in Infant-Toddler Care
1999-2000: Continuity between Home and Early Head Start
1999-2000: Mental Health Care for Hispanic Americans
1999-2000: Rural Low-Income Families: Tracking Their Well-Being and Functioning in the Context of Welfare Reform
1998-1999: The Goals Parents and Teachers Have for Children in Childcare
1998-1999: Transition Demonstration Project of Head Start
1.Johnson, M. D., Anderson, J. R., Liu, W., Zheng, F., Ratcliffe, G. C., Jordan, R., & Rutter, R. (in press). Prevalence and predictors of psychological aggression in male and female college students from Mainland China.Partner Abuse.
2.Adams, R. D., Aducci, C. J., Anderson, J. R.,Johnson, M. D., Zheng, F., & Liu, W.(2013). Marital therapy help-seeking attitudes of young adults in Mainland China.American Journal of Family Therapy,41(1),63-71.
3.Anderson, J. R., Aducci, C. J., Adams, R. D., Johnson, M. D., Liu, W., Zheng, F., & Ratcliffe, G. C. (2012). Marital therapy in Mainland China: A quality study of young adults' knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. . Journal of Family Psychotherapy,23(3),238-254.
4.Liu, W., Campen, K., Edwards, C., Russell, S. (2011). Chinese parents’ perspectives on adolescent sexuality education, International Journal of Sexual Health,23, 224-236.
5. Xu, A. Xie, X., Liu, W., Xia, Y., Liu, D. (2007). Chinese family strengths and resiliency.Marriage & Family Review, 1, 143-164.
6. Liu, W., Edwards, C. (2005). Chinese parents' knowledge, attitudes, and practices about sexuality education for adolescents in the family. Faculty Publications, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 12, 1-17.
7.劉文利,張瑞敏. 北京市打工子弟學校教師性健康知識態度調查結果分析. 中國學校衛生, 2012, 33(10-B), 14-15。
8.劉文利,馬春陽. 某師範院校大學生性教育課程效果評價. 中國學校衛生,2012,33(10-B):37-38。
9.南雲,陳雪梅,劉文利,周加仙. 音樂教育的腦認知機制與國民素質的提升.全球教育展望,2012,9, 53-59。
10.胡玉坤,劉文利. 進入國際發展議程前沿的“青年”—概念、多元政策議題與優先關注目標. 當代青年研究,2012,6, 14-18。
11.劉文利. 推動學校性教育健康發展是歷史使命,完善家庭性教育引導意識是父母責任,中國教師,2011, 11(上月版),28-31。
12. 劉文利. 中國青少年性教育的歷史回顧和發展概述,中國青年研究,2008,12,9-12,22。
13. 劉文利. 美國公立學校性教育計畫與評估,中國性科學,2008,6,18-20。
14. 劉文利, 姜景一. 貧困地區農村校外青少年教育狀況調查,教育科學,2008,3,88-92。
15. 劉文利, 陳學鋒. 十省(自治區)農村校外青少年心理健康狀況調查與分析,中國青年政治學院學報,2008,2,24-28。
16. 劉文利. 學校科學教育需要科技館的參與和支持,中國教育學刊,2008,3,45-48。
17. 劉文利. 1988-2007:我國青少年性教育研究綜述,中國青年研究,2008,3,50-57。
18. 劉文利. 荷蘭學校性教育模式及對我們的啟示,生物學通報,2008,1,55-57。
19. 劉文利. 美國家庭對青少年的性教育,中國性科學,2008,1,13-15。
20. 劉文利. 什麼時候跟孩子談性,學前教育,2007,11,11。
21. 劉文利. 做新時代的“問不倒”父母,學前教育,2007,11,12-13。
22. 劉文利. 家庭性健康教育提示,學前教育,2007,11,17。
23. 劉文利. 美國社區對青少年性健康的支持,中國性科學,2007,10,43-44。
24.劉文利, 陳學鋒. 農村校外青少年家庭關係和社區認同狀況調查與分析,青年研究,2007,9,1-7。
25.劉文利, 姜景一. 貧困地區農村校外青少年出路和生產技能需求狀況調查,中國青年研究,2007,8,32-36。
26.劉文利. 美國媒體和保健系統對青少年性健康的影響,中國性科學,2007,7,3-5。
27.劉文利. 美國學校科學教育的改革發展與啟示,中國教育學刊,2007,7,58-60。
28.劉文利. 學齡前兒童遊戲中的性健康教育,學前教育,2007,6,44-45。
29.劉文利, 卡羅琳·愛德華茲. 城市父母對青少年子女性教育知識和態度的調查,中國青年研究,2007,5,48-52。
30.劉文利, 李建玲. 網路遊戲的教育功能及教育網路遊戲的特點,信息技術教育,2007,3,27-29。
31.劉文利. “雙重荷蘭人”:
32.劉文利. 科學教育的重要途徑:非正規學習,教育科學,2007,1,41-44。
33.劉文利. 法國青少年性健康教育面面觀,中國青年研究,2007,1,86-88。
34.劉文利. 嬰幼兒性發展特點及性健康教育,幼兒教育,2006,12,23-26。
35.劉文利, 卡羅琳·愛德華茲. 城市父母對孩子性教育實踐的調查,當代青年研究,2006,9,76-80。
36.趙雯, 劉文利. 檔案記錄法的作用與運用,幼兒教育,2001,11,10-11。
37.劉文利. 中國中學性教育的時機、目標和內容,生物教師優秀論文集,生物學通報,1994,7,5-8。
38.晏涵文, 劉文利. 台灣中學性教育研究動態,生物學通報,1993,9,20-21,10。
39.劉文利. 台灣學者論性教育,生物學通報,1993,5,18-19。
40.裘伯川, 劉文利. 中學生物教學中德育因素的探討,生物學通報,1991,8,18-20。
41.劉文利. 我國中學性教育的歷史和發展,生物學通報,1991,5,30-32。
42.劉文利. 伸出雙臂,迎接青春的來臨:青春期教育展覽簡介,生物學通報,1991,5,25。
43.劉文利. 國外中學性教育簡介,生物學通報,1989,12,33-35。
1. 劉文利. 我國學校性教育開展歷程,人民政協報,2011年8月31日C1版。
2. 劉文利. 孩子有同性戀傾向,父母應該怎么辦,人民政協報,2011年4月13日C2版。
3. 劉文利. 學校性教育教什麼,怎么教,人民政協報,2011年3月30日C2版。
4. 劉文利. 家庭性教育─父母的天職,人民政協報,2011年2月23日C2版。
1. 劉文利. 小學生性健康教育讀本的社會性別分析,華人女性與視覺再現國際研討會,上海,中國,2011年12月。
2.劉文利. 小學生性健康教育內容與方法—以流動兒童性健康教育實踐為例,全面的性健康教育兩岸專家圓桌會議,杭州,中國,2011年11月。
3. Siqueira Drake, A., Anderson, J. R., Johnson, M. D., Liu, W., Zheng, F. (2011, November). Attachment, depression, and relationship confidence in China. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Family Relations, Orlando, FL, USA.
4. Ratcliffe, G. C., Johnson, M. D., Anderson, J. R., Jordan, R., Rutter, R. C., & Liu, W. (2011, November). Prevalence and predictors of psychological aggression in male and female college students from Mainland China. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Family Relations, Orlando, FL, USA.
5. Liu, W. (2011,July). Sexuality education for migrant children. Paper presented at Regional Consultation on Sexuality Education and Gender, Bangkok, Thailand.
6. Liu, W. (2010, October). Science culture in Mainland China. Paper presented at 2010 Comparative Survey of Science Culture Indicators on Regional Level in East Asia Conference, Seoul, Korea.
7. Liu, W. (2010, July). Factors influencing parental involvement in sexuality education for children in China. Paper presented at East-Asia Association for Science Education 2010 Summer School, Taipei, Taiwan.
8.Campen, K., Russell, S., Liu, W., & Edwards, C. (2009, November). Chinese parents’ perspectives on sexuality education for adolescents. Paper presented at National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Burlingame, CA, USA.
9.Liu, W. (2009, October). Development of the school curriculum for the sexual health education in migrant children’s school. Paper presented at 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, Beijing, China.
10.Liu, W. (2009, September). Global examples of countries that have overcome barriers to introduce national sex and relationships education programmes in China. Paper presented at International Perspectives on the ABC of Sex and Relationships Education, Birmingham, UK.
11.Liu, W. (2009, June).Sexuality education in school of migrant children. Paper presented at International Conference on Sexuality and Society Development, Beijing, China.
12.Liu, W., Zhong, M. (2007, November). Online game patterns of the young generation in urban China. Paper presented at National Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
13. Liu, W., Edwards, C. (2007, June). Factors influencing sexuality education for young people from parents in China. Paper presented at International Conference on Sexual Culture of China, Beijing, China.
14.Liu, W., Edwards, C. (2005, October). Chinese parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices about sexuality education for adolescents in family context. Paper presented at Youth Sexual Health Education Conference-Global Perspectives, Hangzhou, China.
15.Liu, W., Edwards, C., DeFrain, J., Powers-Alexander, S., & Prenger, S. (2003, March). Building strong families and communities: Education programs for Diverse Populations in Lincoln. Paper presented at Nebraska Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
16.Liu, W., & Edwards, C. (2002, November). Parents’ sexuality education for adolescents in modern China. Paper presented at National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
17. Liu, W., Edwards, C. P., DeFrain, J., Powers-Alexander, S., & Prenger, S. (2002, November). Building strong families and communities: Education programs for Asians in Lincoln. Paper presented at National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
18.Xia, R. Y., & Liu, W.(2002, October). Obstacles for Asians to seek health and mental health services. Paper presented at Minority Health Conference 2002, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
19.Liu, W., & Edwards, C. (2002, June). Factors affecting Chinese parents’ sexuality education for adolescents in the family. Paper presented at American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA.
20.Liu, W., & Edwards, C. (2002, April). Chinese parents’ perspectives on sexuality education for adolescents in the family. Paper presented at Bridge for Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting, and Sexuality Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
21.Liu, W., Edwards, C., DeFrain, J., Powers-Alexander, S., & Prenger, S. (2002, April). Building strong families and communities: Education programs for Chinese in Lincoln. Paper presented at Nebraska Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
22.Liu, W., & Edwards, C. (2001, May). What Chinese parents think and do about sexuality education for adolescents. Paper presented at Building Family Strengths International Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
23.Liu, W., & Edwards, C. (2001, March). Chinese parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices about sexuality education for adolescents. Paper presented at Nebraska Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting, McCook, Nebraska, USA.
24.Liu, W. (1992, September). Sexuality education for adolescents in China. Paper presented at International Sex Science Conference’ 92, Shanghai, China.
1.錢貴晴, 劉文利(著). 創新教育概論(第2版),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2012年。
2. 陳一筠,李扁,劉文利(主編). 引領孩子度青春,北京:北京教育出版社,2012年。
3. 陳一筠,李扁,劉文利(主編). 解讀青春密碼,北京:北京教育出版社,2012年。
4.劉文利(主編). 珍愛生命—小學生性健康教育讀本(三年級上冊),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2012年。
5.劉文利(主編). 珍愛生命—小學生性健康教育讀本(二年級下冊),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2012年。
6.劉文利(主編). 珍愛生命—小學生性健康教育讀本(二年級上冊),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2011年。
7.劉文利(主編). 珍愛生命—小學生性健康教育讀本(一年級下冊),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2011年。
8.劉文利(主編). 珍愛生命—小學生性健康教育讀本(一年級上冊),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2010年。
9.Liu, W., China sexuality education in the context of reproductive health and family planning, in Levers of Success Case Studies of National Sexuality Education Programmes, UNESCO, 2010, 13-18.
10.錢貴晴, 劉文利(著). 創新教育概論(第1版),北京:北京師範大學出版社,2009年。
11.陳一筠, 劉文利(主編). 青蘋果叢書:我長大啦—小學生青春健康,北京:中國婦女出版社,2008年。
12.陳一筠, 劉文利(主編). 青蘋果叢書:成長路上—中學生青春健康,北京:中國婦女出版社,2008年。
13.陳一筠, 劉文利(主編). 青蘋果叢書:“早練”還是“早戀”—青春期的情與愛,北京:中國婦女出版社,2008年。
14.陳一筠, 劉文利(主編).青蘋果叢書:少男少女知多少—青春健康知識問答,北京:中國婦女出版社,2008年。
15.陳一筠, 劉文利(主編).青蘋果叢書:解讀青春密碼—中小學生父母必讀,北京:中國婦女出版社,2008年。
16.陳一筠, 劉文利(主編).青蘋果叢書:引領孩子度青春—青蘋果專家導航,北京:中國婦女出版社,2008年。
17.Edwards, C., & Liu, W. (2002). Parenting toddlers.In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of parenting (2nd edition). (pp.45-71). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
18.Yao, P., Sun Z., & Liu, W. (1997). High school students'sexual behavior. In D. Liu et al., (Eds.), Sexual behavior in modern China: Report on the nation-wide survey of 20,000 men and women (pp.29-110). New York: The Continuum Publishing Company.
19.Yao, P., & Liu, W. (1997). Development of sexuality education for adolescents in China. In D. Liu et al., (Eds.), Sexual behavior in modern China: Report on the nation-wide survey of 20,000 men and women (pp.553-564). New York: The Continuum Publishing Company.
20.姚佩寬, 孫忠雄, 劉文利. 中學生與性,見劉達臨主編,中國當代性文化—中國兩萬例“性文明”調查報告(27-130),上海:三聯書店,1992年。
21.姚佩寬, 劉文利. 我國