2. Shenglian Luo, Xiao Xiao, Chengbin Liu, Liang Chen, Qiang Xi, Jueliang Chen, Yong Wan, Wanzhi Wei, and Qingyun Cai, “Hyperaccumulator endophytes and their promising potential in heavy metal decontamination” (Chapter 6) in “Soil Microbes and Environmental Health” (ISBN 978-1-61209-647-6), Editor: Mohammad Miransari, 2011, Nova Science Publishers.
1. Chengbin Liu*, Hang Zhang, Yanhong Tang, Shenglian Luo*, “Controllable growth of graphene/Cu composite and its nanoarchitecture-dependent electrocatalytic activity to hydrazine oxidation”Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014, 2 (13), 4580 – 4587.
2. Shenglian Luo, Xiaojie Li, Liang Chen, Jueliang Chen, Yong Wan,Chengbin Liu*, “Layer-by-layer strategy for adsorption capacityfattening of endophyticbacterialbiomass for highly effective removal of heavy metals”ChemicalEngineeringJournal,239 (2014) 312–321.
3. Shanli Yang, Jiesheng Liang, Shenglian Luo,Chengbin Liu*, Yanhong Tang “Supersensitive detection of chlorinated phenols by multiple amplification electrochemiluminescence sensing based on carbon quantum dots/graphene”Analytical Chemistry,2013,85(16), 7720–7725
4. Yanhong Tang, Gan Zhang,Chengbin Liu*, Shenglian Luo*, Xiangli Xu, Liang Chen, Bogu Wang“MagneticTiO2-graphene composite as a high–performance and recyclable platform for efficient photocatalytic removal of herbicides from water”Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013,252-253, 115-122.
5. Xilin Zhang, Yanhong Tang, Yue Li, Yao Wang, Xuanneng Liu,Chengbin Liu*, Shenglian LuoReduced graphene oxide and PbS nanoparticlesco-modified TiO2nanotube arrays as a recyclable and stable photocatalyst for efficient degradation of pentachlorophenol”Applied Catalysis A: General,457 (2013) 78– 84.
7. Yanhong Tang, Shenglian Luo, Yarong Teng,Chengbin Liu*, Xiangli Xu, Xilin Zhang,Liang Chen “Efficient removal of herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid from water using Ag/reduced graphene oxide co-decorated TiO2nanotube arrays”Journal of Hazardous Materials, 241– 242 (2012) 323– 330.
8. Liuyun Chen, Yanhong Tang, Ke Wang,ChengbinLiu*,Shenglian Luo “Direct electrodeposition of reduced graphene oxide on glassy carbon electrode and its electrochemical application”Electrochemistry Communications13 (2011) 133-137.
9. Chengbin Liu, Ke Wang, Shenglian Luo,* Yanhong Tang, and Liuyun Chen “Direct electrodeposition of graphene enabling the one−step synthesis of graphene−metal nanocomposite films”Small,2011,7(9), 1203-1206.
10. Chengbin Liu, Yarong Teng, Ronghua Liu,Shenglian Luo*,Yanhong Tang, Liuyun Chen,Qingyun Cai “Fabrication of graphene films onTiO2nanotube arrays for photocatalytic application”Carbon, 49(2011)5312-5320.