



  • 中文名:凌宗成
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:山東大學
  • 專業方向:行星遙感與光譜學
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 重要成果:發現月球新型月海玄武岩
  • 工作院校山東大學(威海)
  • 所屬學院:空間科學與物理學院
  • 職稱:教授


曾於2006-2007年在美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學聯合培養,在王阿蓮教授和Bradley L. Jolliff教授的指導下進行火星含水硫酸鹽模擬表征和阿波羅(Apollo)月壤礦物化學等系列研究。2008-2011年在中科院國家天文台月球中心參與嫦娥工程,開展嫦娥一號干涉成像光譜儀(IIM)數據預處理和科學反演工作。研究領域涉及行星遙感與光譜、行星環境與地質、行星探測光譜儀載荷研發與標定、行星數據系統(PDS)存檔等。








國家自然科學基金 嫦娥一號干涉成像光譜儀數據的月表FeO反演2011-2013;
山東省自然科學基金 嫦娥一號干涉成像光譜儀數據的月表TiO2反演2011-2014;


2010年6月參加北京“世界月球大會(Global Lunar Conference)”;


(31)Zongcheng Ling, Bradley Jolliff, Alian Wang, Chunlai LI, Jianzhong Liu, Jiang Zhang, Bo Li, Lingzhi Sun, Jian Chen, Long Xiao, Jianjun Liu, Xin Ren, Wenxi Peng, Huanyu Wang, Xingzhu Cui, Zhiping He, and Jianyu Wang. (2015) Correlated compositional and mineralogical investigations at the Chang'e-3 landing site.NatureCommunications6:8880 doi: 10.1038/ncomms9880.(Open Access)
(30) Ling Zongcheng, Alian Wang.(2015) Spatial distributions of secondary minerals in the Martian meteorite MIL 03346,168 determined byRamanspectroscopic imaging,J. Geophys. Res.,120,doi:10.1002/2015JE004805.
(29)Chen, Jian, Zongcheng Ling*, Bo Li, Jiang Zhang, Lingzhi Sun, and Jianzhong Liu. "Abundance and distribution of radioelements in lunar terranes: Results of Chang’E-1 gamma ray spectrometer data."Advances in Space Research(2016). 53(7), 919–927.
(28)Lingzhi Sun; Zongcheng Ling*, 2015, Partial Least Squares Modeling of Lunar Surface FeO Content with Clementine Ultraviolet-Visible Images, Planetary Exploration and Science: Recent Results and Advances, Springer Geophysics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-45052-9__1,1-20.
(27)Jiang Zhang; Zongcheng Ling* ; Jianzhong Liu; Zhongchen Wu; Bo Li; Yuheng Ni, 2015,Lunar absolute reflectance as observed by Chang’E-1 Imaging Interferometer.Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,58(8), 1-6.
(26)Bo Li, Zongcheng Ling*; Jiang Zhang; Zhongchen Wu, 2015, Automatic Detection and Boundary Extraction of Lunar Craters Based on LOLA DEM Data.Earth, Moon, and Planets, 1-11.(SCI)
(25)Bo Li; Zongcheng Ling*; Jiang Zhang; Jian Chen; Zhongchen Wu; Yuheng Ni; Haowei Zhao, 2015,Texture descriptions of lunar surface derived from LOLA data: Kilometer-scale roughness and entropy maps.Planetary and Space Science.117, 303-311.
(24)Ling Zongcheng;Liu, Jianzhong;Zhang, Jiang;Li, Bo;Wu, Zhongchen;Ni, Yuheng;Sun, Lingzhi, 2014, The lunar rock types as determined by Chang'E-1 IIM data: A case study of Mare Imbrium-Mare Frigoris region (LQ-4), Earth Science Frontiers, 21(6), pp 107-120
(23)Alian Wang; Randy L. Korotev; Bradley L. Jolliff; Zongcheng Ling, 2014, Raman imaging of extraterrestrial Materials, Planetary and Space Science.
(22)Sun, Lingzhi;Ling, Zongcheng;Liu, Jianzhong, 2014, The spectral characteristics and remote detection of minerals in lunar Orientale Basin, Earth Science Frontiers, 21(6), pp 188-203
(21)Li, Bo;Ling, Zongcheng;Zhang, Jiang;Wu, Zhongchen;Ni, Yuheng;Chen, Jian, 2014, The classification and filling process of underlying basaltic units in Chang'E-3's landing area, Earth Science Frontiers, 21(6), pp 155-164
(20)Wu, Zhongchen; Ling, Zongcheng; Zhang, Jiang; Bi, Yunfeng; Chu, Qingbo, 2014, Effect of reflectance standard contaminations on quantitative analysis of typical lunar minerals, Earth Science Frontiers, 21(6), pp 129-136
(19)LIU Bin; LIU Jianzhong; ZHANG Guangliang; LING Zongcheng;ZHANG Jiang; HE Zhiping;YANG Benyong;ZOU Yongliao, 2014, Correlation analysis and partial least square modeling to quantify typical minerals with Chang’E-3 visible and near-infrared imaging spectrometer’s ground validation data , Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 33(1), pp 86-94
(18)Zhang Jiang; Ling Zongcheng; Zhang Wenxi; Ren Xin; Li Chunlai; Liu Jianzhong, 2013, Photometric modeling of the Moon using Lommel-Seeliger function and Chang'E-1 IIM data, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(36), pp 4588-4592.
(17)Bin Liu;Jian-Zhong Liu; Guang-liang Zhang; Zong-cheng Ling; Jiang Zhang; Zhi-Ping He; Ben-Yong Yang; Yong-Liao Zou, 2013, Reflectance conversion methods for the VIS/NIR imaging spectrometer aboard the Chang'E-3 lunar rover: based on ground validation experiment data, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 13(7), pp 862-874.
(16)Alian Wang;Zongcheng Ling; John J. Freeman; Weigang Kong, 2012, Stability field and phase transition pathways of hydrous ferric sulfates in the temperature range 50 degrees C to 5 degrees C: Implication for martian ferric sulfates, Icarus, 218(1), pp 622-643
(15)Z.C. Ling, J. Zhang, J.Z. Liu, W.X. Zhang, G.L. Zhang, B. Liu, X. Ren, L.L. Mu, J.J. Liu, C.L. Li. Preliminary results of TiO2 mapping using Imaging Interferometer data from Chang'E-1. Chinese Science Bulletin. 56(20), 2011, 2082-2087.
(14)Z.C. Ling, J. Zhang, J.Z. Liu, W.X. Zhang, W. Bian, X. Ren, L.L. Mu, J.J. Liu, C.L. Li. Preliminary results of FeO mapping using Imaging Interferometer data from Chang'E-1. Chinese Science Bulletin. 56(4-5)(2011), 376-379.
(13)Z.C. Ling, Alian Wang, Bradley Jolliff. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of four Lunar Soils by Laser-Raman Study. Icarus, 211(1)(2011), 101-113.
(12)Z.C. Ling, Alian Wang. A systematic spectroscopic study of eight hydrous ferric sulfates relevant to Mars,Icarus (2010),209(2): 422–433.
(11)Z.C. Ling, Alian Wang, Bradley Jolliff. A systematic Spectroscopic study of four Apollo lunar soils. Journal of Earth Science. 22(5) (2011) 578–585.
(10)Wang, A., and Z. C. Ling (2011), Ferric sulfates on Mars: A combined mission data analysis of salty soils at Gusev crater and laboratory experimental investigations, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00F17, doi:10.1029/2010JE003665
(9)Z. C. Ling, H. R. Xia, S. Q. Sun, D. G. Ran, F. Q. Liu, P. Zhao, and C. Y. Gao, J. X. Zhang and J. Y. Wang, Lattice vibration and thermal diffusion of Yb doped KLu(WO4)2 single crystal, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 100, 043522 (2006).
(8)Z.C. Ling, H.R. Xia, D.G. Ran, F.Q.Liu, S.Q. Sun, J.D. Fan, H.J. Zhang, J.Y. Wang, L.L. Yu, Lattice vibration spectra and thermal properties of SrWO4 single crystal, Chemical Physics Letters 426 (2006) 85-90.
(7)Z.C. Ling, H.R. Xia, W.L. Liu, H. Han, X.Q. Wang, S.Q.Sun, D.G. Ran, L.L. Yu,Lattice vibration of bismuth titanate nanocrystals prepared by metalorganic decomposition, Materials Science and Engineering B 128 (2006)156–160.
(6)凌宗成;張江;武中臣;孫靈芝;劉建忠, 2013,月球Aristarchus地區的物質成分與岩石類型分布,中國科學:物理學力學天文學, 43(11), pp 1403-1410
(5)劉斌;凌宗成;劉建忠;張廣良, 2012,嫦娥一號干涉成像光譜儀2C級圖像數據質量評價,空間科學學報, (03), pp 440-448.
(4)張江;凌宗成, 2013,月球表面光度行為的地域依賴性分析,中國科學:物理學力學天文學, 43(11), pp 1465-1469
(3)孫靈芝;凌宗成;劉建忠, 2012,美國阿波羅月球樣品的處理與保存,地學前緣, (06), pp 128-136
(2)凌宗成,張江,劉建忠,張文喜,張廣良,劉斌,任鑫,牟伶俐,劉建軍,李春來。嫦娥一號干涉成像光譜儀TiO2反演初步結果。科學通報, 2011,56: 1257-1263.
(1)凌宗成,張江,劉建忠,張文喜,邊偉,任鑫,牟伶俐,劉建軍,李春來。“嫦娥一號”干涉成像光譜儀數據FeO反演初步結果。科學通報2010,55: 3373-3377.


