- 中文名:冉仕舉
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:張量網路理論與算法
- 任職院校:首都師範大學物理系
在多個國際著名學術期刊(PRB,PRL,PRX等)共發表學術論文二十餘篇,著有張量網路專著一部,多次參加國際學術會議並作邀請報告,擔任RMP, NPJ, IEEE等多個國際期刊審稿人。
Shi-Ju Ran*, Emanuele Tirrito, Cheng Peng, Xi Chen, Gang Su, and Maciej Lewenstein. Tensor Network Contractions. Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Cham (2020)
[1] Zheng-Zhi Sun, Cheng Peng, Ding Liu,Shi-Ju Ran*, and Gang Su*. Generative Tensor Network Classification Model for Supervised Machine Learning. Accepted by PRB (2020).
[2] Yuan Yang,Shi-Ju Ran*, Xi Chen, Zhengzhi Sun, Shou-Shu Gong, Zhengchuan Wang*, Gang Su*. Reentrance of Topological Phase in Spin-1 Frustrated Heisenberg Chain. Phys. Rev. B 101, 045133, January 2020.
[3]Shi-Ju Ran*, Bin Xi, Cheng Peng, Gang Su, and Maciej Lewenstein. Efficient quantum simulation for thermodynamics of infinite-size many-body systems in arbitrary dimensions. Physical Review B 99:205132, May 2019.
[4] Ding Liu,Shi-Ju Ran*, Peter Wittek*, Cheng Peng, Rual Blázquez Garca, Gang Su, and Maciej Lewenstein. Machine Learning by Unitary Tensor Network of Hierarchical Tree Structure. New Journal of Physics, 21:073059, July 2019.
[5] Xi Chen,Shi-Ju Ran*, Shuo Yang, Maciej Lewenstein, Gang Su*. Noise-tolerant Signature of ZNTopological Orders in Quantum Many-body States. Physical Review B 99:195101, May 2019.
[6]Shi-Ju Ran*, Cheng Peng, Gang Su, and Maciej Lewenstein. Controlling phase diagram of finite spin-1/2 chains by tuning boundary interactions. Physical Review B 98:085111, Aug. 2018.
[7]Shi-Ju Ran, Wei Li, Shou-Shu Gong, Andreas Weichselbaum, Jan von Delft, and Gang Su*. Emergent spin-1 trimerized valence bond crystal in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the star lattice. Physical Review B, 97:075146, Feb. 2018.
[8] Cheng Peng,Shi-Ju Ran*, Maciej Lewenstein, and Gang Su*. Identifying Criticality in Higher Dimensions by Time Matrix Product State, The European Physical Journal B, 91:258, Oct. 2018.
[9] Xi Chen,Shi-Ju Ran, Tao Liu, Cheng Peng, Yi-Zhen Huang, and Gang Su. Finite-temperature phase diagram and algebraic paramagnetic liquid in the spin-1/2 kagomé heisenberg antiferromagnet. Science Bulletin, 63:1545–1550, Dec. 2018.
[10]Shi-Ju Ran*, Angelo Piga, Cheng Peng, Gang Su, and Maciej Lewenstein. Few-body systems capture many-body physics: Tensor network approach. Physical Review B, 96:155120, Oct. 2017.
[11]Shi-Ju Ran, Cheng Peng, Wei Li, Maciej Lewenstein, and Gang Su*. Criticality in two-dimensional quantum systems: Tensor network approach. Physical Review B, 95:155114, Apr. 2017.
[12] J. Jünemann, A. Piga,Shi-Ju Ran, M. Lewenstein, M. Rizzi, and A. Bermudez*. Exploring Interacting Topological Insulators with Ultracold Atoms: the Synthetic Creutz-Hubbard Model. Physical Review X, 7:031057, Sep. 2017.
[13] Cheng Peng,Shi-Ju Ran, Tao Liu, Xi Chen, and Gang Su*. Fermionic algebraic quantum spin liquid in an octa-kagome frustrated antiferromagnet. Physical Review B, 95:075140, Feb. 2017.
[14] Emanuele Tirrito,Shi-Ju Ran, Andrew J Ferris, Ian P McCulloch, and Maciej Lewenstein*. Efficient perturbation theory to improve the density matrix renormalization group. Physical Review B, 95:064110, Feb. 2017.
[15]Shi-Ju Ran. Ab-initio optimization principle for the ground states of translationally invariant strongly correlated quantum lattice models. Physical Review E, 93:053310, May. 2016.
[16] Meng Wang,Shi-Ju Ran, Tao Liu, Yang Zhao, Qing-Rong Zheng, and Gang Su*. Phase diagram and exotic spin-spin correlations of anisotropic Ising model on the Sierpiński gasket. The European Physical Journal B, 89:1-10, Feb. 2016.
[17] Tao Liu,Shi-Ju Ran, Wei Li, Xin Yan, Yang Zhao, and Gang Su*. Featureless quantum spin liquid, 1/3-magnetization plateau state, and exotic thermodynamic properties of the spin-1/2 frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an infinite Husimi lattice. Physical Review B, 89:054426, Feb. 2014.
[18]Shi-Ju Ran, Bin Xi, Tao Liu, and Gang Su*. Theory of network contractor dynamics for exploring thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional quantum lattice models. Physical Review B, 88:064407, Aug. 2013.
[19] Yang Zhao, Wei Li, Bin Xi, Zhe Zhang, Xin Yan,Shi-Ju Ran, Tao Liu, and Gang Su*. Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition and re-entrance in an anisotropic three-state Potts model on the generalized kagome lattice. Physical Review E, 87:032151, Mar. 2013.
[20] Yang Zhao, Wei Li, Bin Xi,Shi-Ju Ran, Yuan-Yuan Zhu, Bing-Wu Wang, Song Gao, and Gang Su*. Honeycomb Heisenberg spin ladder: Unusual ground state and thermodynamic properties. Europhysics Letters, 104:57009, Dec. 2013.
[21]Shi-Ju Ran, Wei Li, Bin Xi, Zhe Zhang, and Gang Su*. Optimized decimation of tensor networks with super-orthogonalization for two-dimensional quantum lattice models. Physical Review B, 86:134429, Oct. 2012.
[22] Xin Yan, Wei Li, Yang Zhao,Shi-Ju Ran, and Gang Su*. Phase diagrams, distinct conformal anomalies, and thermodynamics of spin-1 bond-alternating Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain in magnetic fields. Physical Review B, 85:134425, Apr. 2012.
[23] Wei Li,Shi-Ju Ran, Shou-Shu Gong, Yang Zhao, Bin Xi, Fei Ye, and Gang Su*. Linearized tensor renormalization group algorithm for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of quantum lattice models. Physical Review Letters, 106:127202, Mar. 2011.
[24] Wei Li, Shou-Shu Gong, Yang Zhao,Shi-Ju Ran, Song Gao, and Gang Su*. Phase transitions and thermodynamics of the two-dimensional Ising model on a distorted kagome lattice. Physical Review B, 82:134434, Oct. 2010.
[25] Zheng-Zhi Sun,Shi-Ju Ran, and Gang Su*, Tangent-Space Gradient Optimization of Tensor Network for Machine Learning. arXiv:2001.04029.
[26]Shi-Ju Ran, Bayesian Tensor Network with Polynomial Complexity for Probabilistic Machine Learning. arXiv:1912.12923.
[27]Shi-Ju Ran, Efficient Encoding of Matrix Product States into Quantum Circuits of One- and Two-Qubit Gates. arXiv:1908.07958.
[28]Shi-Ju Ran*, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Shao-Ming Fei, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein. Quantum Compressed Sensing with Unsupervised Tensor Network Machine Learning. arXiv:1907.10290.
[29] Emanuele Tirrito, Luca Tagliacozzo, Maciej Lewenstein, andShi-Ju Ran*. Characterizing the quantum field theory vacuum using temporal Matrix Product states. arXiv: 1810.08050.
[30] Yuhan Liu, Xiao Zhang, Maciej Lewenstein,Shi-Ju Ran*, Learning architectures based on quantum entanglement: a simple matrix product state algorithm for image recognition. arXiv:1803.09111.