

《全明星英語學習輔導與自測1》是2009年1月1日高等教育出版社出版的書, 正文語種:是英語。


  • 書名:全明星英語學習輔導與自測1
  • ISBN:9787040249583
  • 頁數:210 頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2009年1月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
  • 尺寸:27.6 x 20.8 x 1 cm
  • 重量:440 g
  • 正文語種:英語
  • 條形碼:9787040249583




Unit 1 Getting Started
Lesson 1" Where are you from?
Lesson 2: Where's your notebook?
Lesson 3: Read page 6
Lesson 4: Application Forms
Family Application Lesson: She needs 10 pencils
Community Application Lesson: What's your address?
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar-Simple Present of Be; Possessive
Adjectives; Possessives of Names
Unit 2 Places
Lesson 1" Where's the post office?
Lesson 2: It's next to the drugstore
Lesson 3: .Is there an ATM around here?
Lesson 4: Maps
Family Application Lesson: Where'sthe nurse's office?
Work Application Lesson: How many miles doyou go?
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Unit 3 Time and Money
Lesson 1: What time is it?
Lesson 2: Is the library open on Monday?
Lesson 3: It's five cents
Lesson 4: Checks
Work Application Lesson: Do you get vacation leave?
Family Application Lesson: Where's the hotel?
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar——Yes/No Questions and Answers with Be
Information Questions with Be
Unit 4 Calendars
Lesson 1:When is your birthday?
Lesson 2: The party is on Sunday
Lesson 3: What's the date?
Lesson 4: Holidays
Community Application Lesson: What events areon Saturday?
Work Application Lesson: Here's my schedule
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Unit 5 Clothing
Lesson 1: Shirts, Skirts, and Sweaters
Lesson 2: I'm looking for children's clothes
Lesson 3: What size is it?
Lesson 4: A Folktale
Community Application Lesson: I'cl like a refund.
Family Application Lesson: His pants are too large
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar——Present Continuous; Information
Questions with the Present Continuous
Unit 6 Food
Lesson 1: Noodles are delicious.
Lesson 2: Do you sell rice?
Lesson 3: How much is it?
Lesson 4: Store Flyers
Community Application Lesson: Jim always compares prices.
Work Application Lesson: What can I get for you?
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Unit 7 Families
LessOn 1" What's your brother's name?
Lesson 2: I usually cook dinner
Lesson 3: What do you do for fun?
Lesson 4: Family Portraits
Community Application Lesson: I'd like an applicati0n for membership
Work Application Lesson: I need to take family leave
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar Simple Present Statements; Information
Questions with the Simple Present
Unit 8 Health
Lesson 1" Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Lesson 2: I have a bad headache
Lesson 3: Put ice on it
Lesson 4: Safety Warnings
Work Application Lesson: My hand hurts
Family Application Lesson: Lin is at the doctor's office
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Unit 9 House and Home
Lesson 1: Their new house has 3 bedrooms
Lesson 2: The Lees' old house had a garage
Lesson 3: He fell down the stairs.
Lesson 4: Housing Ads
Work Application Lesson: Wear protective equipment
Community Application Lesson: Know your rights!
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar-Simple Past Statements; Information
Questions with the Simple Past
Unit 10 Work
Lesson 1: Can you use a computer?
Lesson 2: Do you have experience?
Lesson 3: Tell me about yourself
Lesson 4: The Amazing Story of Mr. Nichols
Family Application Lesson: What are your goals?
Community Application Lesson: What is the minimum wage?
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Big Picture Expansion
Key to Exercises (Workbook)
Key to Supplemental Translation Exercises


在改編過程中,我們堅持突出All-Star的“大圖”(Big Picture)特色,同時保持了其聽說活動和會話策略的優點。在此基礎上我們做了一些調整,從而更好地滿足中國學生學習英語的需求。具體改編內容如下:1)為了便於初學者學習,在第一冊中增加了指示語、會話和課文的中文譯文;2)為了配合各單元的主題內容的訓練,增加了英漢互譯練習(Supplemental Translation Exercises);3)為了更有效地訓練語法內容,在原教材語法訓練內容前面增加了簡要的中文說明,便於學習者掌握語法規則;4)在單元測驗(Test)中增加了英漢互譯習題;5)每單元後面增設了辭彙表(Words&Expressions),方便學生進行辭彙學習;6)對All-Star—Teacher'sEdition進行了微調:①在文前增加了“教法及教材使用說明”;②將文後的Big。Picture Expansion和WorkbookAnswer Key移到了《學習輔導與自測》的文後;③保留了。


