無微不至,無論如何細微,都能周全照應。極言細微之至。語出 宋 魏了翁 《辭免督視軍馬乞以參贊軍事從丞相行奏札》:“臣竊念主憂臣辱,義不得辭,跼蹐受命,退而差辟官吏、條列事目、調遣將士,凡所以為速發之計者,靡微不周。”謂沒有一個細小的地方不考慮周到。 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋燈錄三集·補騙子》:“﹝ 倪某 ﹞住旅寓有時矣,迫切鑽營,無微不至。”
- 中文名:無微不至
- 外文名:Considerate right down to the most trivial detail
- 拼音:wú wēi bú zhì
- 含義:沒有一處細微的地方照顧不到
- 出處:《奠基禮》
- 我們除了把優質的產品呈獻給您,更以無微不至的服務解決您的後顧之憂。
We look to the quality of the product that was presented to you, but also to the service in every possible way to solve yourworries. - 結論:因人而異對晚期癌症患者提供無微不至的臨終關懷,使其安寧的走完人生的最後路程。
Conclusion: varies on patients with advanced cancer hospice in every possible way to make peace through life's finaljourney. - 事實上,我們藝妓都在女僕們無微不至地嬌養下,自己都不會照顧自己的生活。
In fact, we all geisha pampered in every possible way the maids, the will not take care of their own lives. - gtsky是業界第一個提出車輛spa理念,為所有到店車主帶來無微不至車身服務。
Gtsky is first to have the concept of vehicle spa in the industry, to provide customers body shop service in every possibleway. - 最後首席長老稱頌委員會的辛勤,執行了整年的無微不至的觀察.
Finally the chief elder paid tribute to the hard work of her committee, which had performed the observations someticulously all year. - 中國的醫療制度,只能無微不至地確保高級幹部長壽再長壽,無法適應老百姓(特別是農村居民)的治病要求。
China's health care system is only capable of meticulously and carefully extending the lives of the highest level of leadersand government ministers. It cannot adjust itself to the health care needs of ordinary people, least of all china's ruralresidents. - 恪守"從管理要素質,從素質守信譽,從信譽贏客戶,從服務創效益"的方針,團結一心,奮力拚搏,竭誠盡力,無微不至,客戶至上,追求完美,達到滿意。
Scrupulously abide by "from management to quality, reputation, from quality from credit wins the customer benefit fromservice, a policy of", unite, striving, sincerely trying, meticulously, customer supreme, the pursue is perfect, achievesatisfaction.