



  • 書名:全國行業英語系列統編教材:導遊英語
  • 作者:朱華
  • 出版日期:2013年1月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787040352771
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社
  • 外文名:English for Tour Guides
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:283頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:39.90




Unit One Meeting the Tour Group—Travel in tijing
Part A Know—how for Tour Guides導遊實務/1
1.Preparations for Meeting the Tour Group接團準備/2
2.Meeting Tourists at the Airport機場迎賓/3
3.Tips for Tour Guides:Taking Tourists by Mistake導遊小貼士:錯接遊客/4
Part B Listening Comprehension導遊聽力/6
The Temple ofEarth地壇/7
Part C Welcome Speech歡迎詞 /8
Welcome Speech by the Local Guide地陪致歡迎詞/9
Part D Situational Dialogue情景對話/11
The Great Wall長城/11
Part E Introduction to Tourist Site景點講解/14
The Imperial Palace故宮/15
Part F Chinese Culture中國文化/17
The Colors of Imperial Palaces皇宮的顏色/17
Part G Tourist Sites in Beijin9北京旅遊景點/19
Unit Two Tourist Itinraries—Travel in Shanxi
Part A Know—how for Tour Guides導遊實務/21
1.Drafting an Itinerary擬定線路/22
2.Di ffcrences in the Itinerary線路差異/23
3.Tips for Tour Guides:Changes in the Itinerary導遊小貼士:變換線路/24
Part B Listening Comprehension導遊聽力/25
Mount Wutai五台山/26
Part C Tourist Itinerary旅遊線路/27
A Four—day Cultural Tour of Shanxi山西文化之旅四日游/29
Part D Situational Dialogue情景對話/30
Pingwao Ancient City平遙古城/31
Part E Introduction to Tourist Site景點講解/34
Thc Qiao’s Compound喬家大院/35
Part F Chinese Culture中國文化/37
Chinese Dragon Culture中國龍文化/37
Part G Tourist Sites in Nlmlxi山西旅遊景點/38
Unit Three On—the—way Introduction—Travel in Shandong
Part A Know—how for Tour Guides導遊實務/40
1.0n—the—way Introduction途中講解/40
2.Introduction on the Coach巴士講解/41
3.Tips for Tour Guides:Introduction Proficiency for a Tour Guide導遊小貼士:導遊講解技巧/43
Part B Listening Campreheiision導遊聽力 /44
Baotu Spring趵突泉/45
Part C On—the—way Introduction途中講解/46
On—the—way Introduction from Jinan to Qufu濟南到曲阜途中講解/48
Unit Four Introduction of Tourist Sites—Travel in Henan 景點講解——河南導遊
Unit Five Checking in the Hotel—Travel in Anhui 人住酒店——安徽導遊
Unit Six Foods and Beverages—Travel in Jiangsu 餐飲服務——江蘇導遊
Unit Seven Tourists Missing—Travel in Zejiang 遊客走失一浙江導遊
Unit Eight Handling the Accidents—Travel Shanghai 事故處理——上海導遊
Unit Nine The First Aid—Travel in Shanxi 急救——陝西導遊
Unit Ten Shopping—Travel in Sichuan 購物—四川導遊
Unit Eleven Complaints—Travel in Yunuan 投訴——雲南導遊
Unit Twelve Sending off the Tour Group—Travel in Guangxi 送客離站——廣西導遊



my colleagues. This is Mr. Deng Yunfeng, our driver. He has been working in our travel service for more than 15 years, so you are in the safe hand. My name is Wang Junling, and my English name is Mary. You can just call me Mary or Xiao Wang. We are from China Beijing International Travel Service. On behalf of the travel service and my colleagues, I'd like to extend a warm-hearted welcome to all of you.
I will be your local guide for this leg of travel. We'll try our best to make your visit go smoothly. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to tell me. My mobile phone number is 13096312598. I'll have it switched on for 24 hours. Don't hesitate to contact me whenever you need to. I am very happy to see you from the other side of the Padfic Ocean-the Unites States of America. May all of us be good friends after you travel in 13eijing.
Now, we are on the way to our hotel. It is a five-star hotel in the downtown area. Look out of the windows! Can you see the skyscrapers as you see in New York?Beijing's skyline looks splendid with a jungle of tall buildings in varied and distinct styles. Beijing is a modern-city, but it is also an old dty with a long history and brilliant culture. In Beijing you will feast your eyes on many historical interests such as the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the Tian'anmen Square, just to name a few. I think Beijing Hutong, Yonghegong and Big Bell Temple are also worth visiting.
As a Chinese old saying goes, "Isn't it delightful to meet friends from afar?" Mr. Deng and I shall do our best to make your trip pleasant in Beijing.Tonight we'll have a welcome party for you. I hope you will enjoy the wonderful Beijing Roasted Ducks. At the party, I shall tell you the itinerary of your three-day tour in Beijing.
Now, it is Beijing time 21:00. You may adjust your watch time. It will take us about fifty minutes to get to the hotel. You may have a short rest on the coach or just look at the sleepless dty of Beijing through the windows. I'll let you know when the coach arrives at our hotel.
Thank you for your attention!


