



  • 書名:全國行業英語系列統編教材:經貿英語(第2版)
  • 又名:Business English For Economy & Trade
  • ISBN:9787040348972
  • 頁數:300頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年5月1日
  • 開本:16
  • 條形碼:9787040348972


《全國行業英語系列統編教材:經貿英語(第2版)》共分15單元,每單元含4大模組。第一個模組從聽力開始,引入該單元內容的基本概念或常識,讓學習者在練習聽力的過程中學到新知識,自然留下初步印象,為第二步展開專業性的情景對話或有特色的個案式討論奠定基礎;在第三個模組Rudimentary Knowledge中,讀者可以學習到涉及該單元主題的基礎理論專題文章,了解相關知識及背景,從而使所學內容更加系統化;通過Additional Practice模組中更多專業知識的學習和意圖明確的綜合實踐練習,能使讀者達到開拓視野、打牢語言基礎和鞏固提高的目的,其中唐桂霖為Merry Corner部分所繪插圖能更好地幫助讀者理解幽默故事,還能讓讀者進一步在愉悅中體驗英語學習的效果。


Unit Trade(貿易)
Part 1 Understanding of Trade
Part 2 Establishing Trade Relations
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 2 Markets(市場)
Part 1 Some Forms of Markets
Part 2 Marketing Products or Services Successfully
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 3 Attracting or Making
Part 1 Attracting or Making Investment
Part 2 Investment Environment
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 4 Import and Export(進口與出口)
Part 1 Import and Export
Part 2 Making the Decision to Import or Export
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 5 Technology Transfers(技術轉讓)
Part 1 Benefits of Advanced Technology
Part 2 Introducing the Latest Technology to Keep Competitiveness
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 6 Invitation for and Submission of Bids(招標與投標)
Part 1 Conditions for Bids
Part 2 Consulting About the Bids
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 7 Inquiry and Offer(詢價與報價)
Part 1 General Ideas of Inquiry and Offer
Part 2 Dialogues About Inquiry and Offer
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 8 Counter-Offer(還盤)
Part 1 Understanding of Counter-Offer
Part 2 Meeting Each Other Halfway
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 9 Acceptance and Crderine
Part 1 Basic Ideas of Acceptance and Ordering
Part 2 Making a Further Concession
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 10 Packing and Shipment(包裝與發運)
Part 1 Importance of Packing and Shipment
Part 2 Negotiation on Packing and Shipment Issues
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 11 Insurance(保險)
Part 1 Understanding of Insurance
Part 2 Having the Goods Insured Appropriately
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 12 Agency(代理)
Part 1 Roles of Agency
Part 2 Agency & Commission
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 13 Claims(索賠)
Part 1 Reasons for Claims
Part 2 Making Claims
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 14 Arbitration(仲裁)
Part 1 Settling Trade Disputes
Part 2 Avoiding Arbitration
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Unit 15 Commercial Documents
Part 1 General Ideas of Commercial Documents
Part 2 Dialogues About Draft and Bill of Lading
Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge
Part 4 Additional Practice
Key for Reference


