

《實用法律英語》是 2010年 高等教育出版社出版的圖書。本教材既具備了法律教材的特點,適合法律專業的學生使用,同時又具有普通英語教材的特點,符合廣大學生學習英語的習慣。在課後習題的設計上,《實用法律英語》努力將法律知識與語言知識有機結合在一起,儘量讓學生不離開自己的專業就能學英語,在學英語的過程中促進專業水平的提高,發揮專業知識學好專業英語,學好專業英語為專業服務,真正體現“實用為主,夠用為度”的原則。


  • 書名:實用法律英語
  • ISBN:9787040303599
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 開本:16


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年9月1日)
叢書名: 全國行業英語系列統編教材
平裝: 196頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787040303599
條形碼: 9787040303599
尺寸: 22.8 x 18.2 x 1.8 cm
重量: 440 g




Unit 1 About Criminal Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Criminal Law
Text B Shoplifter V. Drugstore
Text C Innocent or Guilty?
Legal Terms : Bar
Unit 2 About Civil Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Civil Law
Text B Nuisances
Text C Partnership
Legal Terms: Breach of Contract
Unit 3 About Marriage Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Marriage Law
Text B I. Griffin V. Griffin
Ⅱ. Contractual Capacity
Text C Biological Parentage
Legal Terms: Heir
Unit 4 About Procedural Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Procedural Law
Text B The Computer and the Law of Evidence
Text C Admissibility of Polygraphs in Court
Legal Terms: Confession
Unit 5 About Intellectual Property Rights Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Intellectual Property Rights Law
Text B Publisher and N. Y. U. Settle Suit on Colleges' Photocopying Rights
Text C What Is Patent Right?
Legal Terms: Tort
Unit 6 About Commercial Law Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Commercial Law
Text B I. The Former Employees Being Sued
II. Strict Liability Doctrine
Text C Unfair Emolover Practice
Legal Terms: Goodwill
Unit 7 About Environmental Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Environmental Law
Text B Coastal Zone to Get Better Protection in South Africa
Text C "Environmentally Friendly" Products Prevail
Legal Terms: Act of God
Unit 8 About Tort Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Tort Law
Text B Who Is Selling Our Data?
Text C Should Physician-assisted Suicide Be Encouraged?
Legal Terms: Right of Privacy
Unit 9 About Property Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Property Law
Text B Property Division on Relationship Breakdown
Text C The Government Took Susette Kelo's Home: Is Your Home Next?
Legal Terms: Gift
Unit 10 About Administrative Law
Lead-in Dialogues
Text A A Brief Introduction of Administrative Law
Text B Couple Claims Spa City Council Erred in Passing Demolition Moratorium
Text C Judge Sides with Crestwood: Pleasant Hill
City Council Violated Law in Reconsidering Healing...
Legal Terms: Land


