1994年獲美國芝加哥大學分子遺傳與細胞生物學博士學位。此後在哈佛醫學院Howard Hughes醫學研究所從事博士後研究。1997-2019年在美國國家癌症研究所分別擔任Tenure-track研究員,終身資深研究員和幹細胞調控與動物衰老實驗室主任。2020年起任復旦大學特聘教授。
長期致力於研究幹細胞代謝與凋亡在發育,衰老,癌症和神經退行性疾病中的中樞機制。相關成果已發表在Nature, Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Genes & Development, Developmental Cell, Blood,Nature Communications等眾多國際學術期刊。
- 中文名:侯憲玉
- 外文名:Steven X Hou
- 畢業院校:美國芝加哥大學
- 研究方向:幹細胞代謝與凋亡
- 職稱:教授
幹細胞是正常生物發育和衰老的中心細胞,是再生醫學的關鍵資源。腫瘤乾細(CSCs)存在於大多數腫瘤中,是導致腫瘤轉移,疾病復發以及患者最終死亡的禍根。我們對幹細胞的維持,質量調控和與外部環境間的信號傳遞所知甚少。在不久前發表於Nature上的論文中,我們發現幹細胞(包括癌症幹細胞)具有代謝獨特性,就像冬眠動物,主要依賴於脂質儲備的能量。阻斷COPI/Arf1介導的脂質代謝能選擇性地影響幹細胞,導致脂滴積聚,代謝應激,功能缺陷(蛋白質聚集體)並最終壞死。近期發表於Nature Communications的論文中,我們在荷瘤小鼠中確定了詳細的分子機制,阻斷Arf1通路可以起到一石二鳥的效果:不僅能殺死CSCs,還會釋放危險信號而改變腫瘤微環境並引發腫瘤特異性免疫反應,將死亡的CSCs轉化為治療性疫苗以吸引並激活免疫細胞來破壞大塊腫瘤從而達到治療的持久功效。在小鼠大腦中,阻斷Arf1通路能激活小膠質細胞和免疫系統而導致神經退行性疾病。我們的研究系統為探索脂代謝,幹細胞和免疫應答在發育和人類疾病中的相互作用提供了新的機會。我們正在一方面探索該系統的具體分子機制,另一方面又以該系統為基礎來尋找治療癌症和神經退行性疾病的新藥物靶點。
1. Wang, G., Xu, J., Zhao, J., Yin, W., Liu, D., Chen, W., andHou, S. X.(2020). Arf1-mediated Lipid Metabolism Sustains Cancer Stem Cells and Its ablation Induces Anti-tumor Immune Responses in Mice.Nat Commun.220. (Editors' Highlights)
2. Singh, S. R., Zeng, X., Zhao, J., Liu, Y., Hou, G., Liu, H, andHou, S. X.(2016). The Lipolysis Pathway Sustains Normal and Transformed Stem Cells in Adult Drosophila.Nature538, 109-113.
3. Liu, Y, Ge, Q., Chan, B., Liu, H., Singh, S. R., Manley, J., Lee, J., Weidenman, A. M., Hou, G., andHou, S. X.(2016). Whole-animal genome-wide RNAi screen identifies networks regulating male germline stem cells in Drosophila.Nat Commun.7:12149.
4. Singh, S. R., Liu, Y., Zhao, J., Zeng, X., andHou, S. X.(2016). The novel tumour suppressor Madm regulates stem cell competition in the Drosophila testis.Nat Commun.7:10473.
5. Liu, Y, Singh, S. R., Zeng, X., Zhao, J., andHou, S. X.(2015). The Nuclear Matrix Protein Megator Regulates Stem Cell Asymmetric Division through the Mitotic Checkpoint Complex in Drosophila Testes.PLoS Genet.11, e1005750.
6. Zeng, X., Han, L., Singh, S. R., Liu, H., Neumüller, R. A., Yan, D., Hu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Lin, X., andHou, S. X.(2015). Genome-Wide RNAi Screen Identifies Networks Involved in Intestinal Stem Cell Regulation in Drosophila.Cell Reports10, 1226-1238.
7. Zeng, X., andHou, S. X.(2015). Enteroendocrine cells are generated from stem cells through a distinct progenitor in the adult Drosophila posterior midgut.Development142(4), 644-653.
8. Liu, W., Chen, Z., Ma, Y., Wu, X., Jin, Y., andHou, S. X.(2013). Genetic Characterization of the Drosophila Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome Gene.PLOS One8, e65869.
9. Zeng, X., Lin, X., andHou, S. X.(2013). The Osa-containing SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex regulates stem cell commitment in the adult Drosophila intestine.Development140(17), 3532-3540.
10. Zeng, X., andHou, S. X.(2012). Broad relays hormone signals to regulate stem cell differentiation in Drosophila midgut during metamorphosis.Development139(21), 3917-3925.
11. Zeng, X., andHou, S. X.(2011). Kidney stem cells found in adult zebrafish.Cell Stem Cell8(3), 247-249.
12. Singh, S. R., Zeng, X., Zheng, Z., andHou, S. X.(2011). The adult Drosophila gastric and stomach organs are maintained by a multipotent stem cell pool at the foregut/midgut junction in the cardia (proventriculus).Cell Cycle10(7), 1109-1120.
13. Ande, S., Orri, K., Chen, X., Coppola, V., Tessarollo, L., Keller, J. R., andHou, S. X.(2010). RapGEF2 is essential for embryonic hematopoiesis but dispensable for adult hematopoiesis.Blood. 116, 2921-2931.
14. Singh, S. R., Liu, W., andHou, S. X.(2007). The adult Drosophila Malpiphian Tubules are maintained by multipotent stem cells.CellStemCell1(2), 191-203.
15. Singh, S. R., Zhen, W., Zheng, Z. Y., Wang, H., Oh, S. W., Liu, W., Zbar, B., Schmidt, L. S., andHou, S. X.(2006). The Drosophila homologue of the human tumor suppressor gene BHD interacts with the JAK-STAT and Dpp signaling pathways in regulating male germline stem cell maintenance.Oncogene25, 5933-5941.
16. Wang, H., Singh, S. R., Zheng, Z. Y., Oh, S. W., Chen, X., Edwards, K., andHou, S. X.(2006). A Rap-GEF/Rap GTPase signaling controls stem cell maintenance through regulating adherens junction positioning and cell adhesion in Drosophila testis.Dev. Cell10, 117-126.
17. Chen, X., Oh, S. W., Zheng, Z., Chen, H. W., Shin, H. H., andHou, S. X.(2003). Cyclin D-Cdk4 and Cyclin E-Cdk2 regulate the JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway in Drosophila.Dev. Cell4, 179-190.
18.Hou, S. X., Zheng, Z., Chen, X., and Perrimon, N. (2002). The JAK/STAT pathway in model organisms: Emerging roles in cell movement.Dev. Cell3, 765-778.
19. Chen, H. W., Chen, X., Oh, S. W., Marrinissen, M. J., Gutkind, J. S., andHou, S. X.(2002). mom identifies a receptor for the Drosophila JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway and encodes a protein distantly related to the mammalian cytokine receptor family.Genes Dev. 16, 388-398, 2002.
20.Hou, S. X., Goldstein, E. S., and Perrimon, N. (1997). Drosophila Jun relays the JNK signal transduction pathway to the DPP signal transduction pathway in regulating epithelial cell sheet movement.Genes Dev. 11, 1728-1737, 1997.
21.Hou, S. X., Melnick, M. B., and Perrimon, N. (1996). Marelle acts downstream of the Drosophila Hop/JAK kinase and encodes a protein similar to the mammalian STATs.Cell84, 411-419.
22.Hou, S. X., Chou, T. B., Melnick, M. B., and Perrimon, N. (1995). The torso receptor tyrosine kinase activates raf in a Ras-independent pathway.Cell81, 63-71.