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2. Xueyan Zhong, Hesheng Hou and Wenping Qiu (2005)Integrity of Nonviral Fragments in Recombinant Tomato bushy stunt virus and Defective Interfering RNA Is influenced by Silencing and the Type of Inserts. MPMI. 18: 800-807
3.Hou,H.and Qiu, W.(2003)A novel co-delievery system consisting of a Tamato bushy stunt virus and a defective interfering RNA for studying gene silencing. Journal of Virological Methods 111: 37-42.
4. Kovacs, L. and Hou, H. (2003) Silencing the expression of an Agrobacterium vitis oncogene in a model plant. Acta Hort. 603: 519-526.
5. Hou, Hesheng and Kovacs, L. G. (2002) New members of the stilbene synthase gene family from the Vitis aestivalis-derived grape cultivar Norton. America Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 53, 4: 289-293
6.Hesheng Hou, Ning Li and Chaoyuan Wu (1998) Study on tolerant capacity of Undaria Pinnatifida gametophyte to the toxicity of some heavy metals. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica. 29:223-228
7. Hou,H,Li,N.and Wu,C,Identification and sequence of a cDNA clone corresponding to a gene Involved In development of Undaria pinnatifida Chin.J. Oceanol. Limnol, 1998,16 Supplement:25-29
8. Hesheng Hou (1997) Activity of Carbonic anhydrase and its effects on photosynthesis in benthic algae. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 28(Suppliment):123-129