Li Wang, Hongbo Shi. Multivariate statistical process monitoring using an improved independent component analysis, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2010, 88(4):403-414
Wen Yang, Xiaofan Wang, Hongbo Shi. Optimal consensus-based distributed estimation with intermittent communication, International Journal of Systems Science, 2011, 42(9):1521–1529.
Wang Mengling, Li Ning, Li Shaoyuan, Shi Hongbo. Embedded Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Time/Space Separation Modeling Approach for Nonlinear Distributed Parameter System. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.2011,50(24),13954-13961.
Yan Huaicheng, Zhang Hao, Meng Max Qinghu, Shi Hongbo. Delay-range-dependent robust H∞ filtering for uncertain systems with interval time-varying delays. Asian Journal of Control.2011,13(2): 356-360
Xie Xiang, Shi Hongbo. Dynamic Multimode Process Modeling and Monitoring Using Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012,51(15): 5497-5505
Wen Yang, Hongbo Shi. Sensor selection schemes for consensus based distributed estimation over energy constrained wireless sensor networks. Neurocomputing, 2012,87: 132–137.
Ma Hehe, Hu Yi,Shi Hongbo. A novel local neighborhood standardization strategy and its application in fault detection of multimode processes,Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 118 (2012) 287-300.
Wang Mengling, Zhang Yang, Shi Hongbo. Local Model-Based Predictive Control for Spatially-Distributed Systems Based on Linear Programming. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, .2012,51(29), 9783-9789.
Yan Xingdi, Yang Wen, Shi Hongbo. A group search optimization based on improved small world and its application on neural network training in ammonia synthesis. Neurocomputing. 97 (2012) 94-107.
Yang Wen, Shi Hongbo. Distributed Estimation Based on LQG Control over Homogeneous Sensor Networks. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (2012) 10(6): 1173-1181.
Wang Mengling, Yan Xingdi, Shi Hongbo. Spatiotemporal prediction for Nonlinear Parabolic Distributed Parameter System using an Artificial Neural Network Trained by Group search optimization, Neurocomputing, 113 (2013) 234–240
Qi Liang, Shi Hongbo. Adaptive Position Tracking Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on RBF Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control. Neurocomputing, 2013, 115(4), 23–30.
Ma Hehe, Hu Yi,Shi Hongbo. Fault Detection and Identification Based on Neighborhood Standardized Local Outlier Factor Method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013, 52(6), 2389-2402
Hu Yi, Ma Hehe, Shi Hongbo. Enhanced batch process monitoring using just-in-time-learning based kernel partial least squares. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,123 (2013) 15-27
Yang, Wen, Wang, Xiaofan, Shi, Hongbo. Fast consensus seeking in multi-agent systems with time delay. Systems and Control Letters. 2013,62(3): 269-276.
Hu Yi, Ma Hehe, Shi Hongbo. Robust Online Monitoring Based on Spherical Kernel Partial Least Squares for Nonlinear Processes with Contaminated Modeling Data. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(26), 9155−9164
Ma Yuxin, Shi Hongbo, Ma Hehe, Wang Mengling. Dynamic Process Monitoring Using Adaptive Local Outlier Factor, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 127 (2013) 89–101
Zhao, Jingjing; Shi, Hongbo; Ahituv, Nadav. Classification of topological domains based on gene expression and regulation. GENOME.2013,56(7): 415-423
Yang, Wen; Yan, Fan; Shi, Hongbo. Optimal interconnection design for leader-follower coordination with noise. IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2013,7(2): 323-331
Ma, Yuxin; Shi, Hongbo, Multimode Process Monitoring Based on Aligned Mixture Factor Analysis, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(2): 786−799
Wang, Li; Shi Hongbo. Improved Kernel PLS-based Fault Detection Approach for Nonlinear Chemical Processes, Chinese Journal of Chemical Enginnring, 2014,22(6):657-663
Bing Song, Yuxin Ma, Hongbo Shi. Multimode process monitoring using improved dynamic neighborhood preserving embedding. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 135 (2014): 17–30
Ma Yuxin,Song Bing,Shi Hongbo,Yang Yawei. Neighborhood Based Global Coordination for Multimode Process Monitoring, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 139 (2014) 84–96
Ma Yuxin,Song Bing,Shi Hongbo,Yang Yawei. Fault Detection via Local and Nonlocal Embedding. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 94(2015): 538–548
Song, Bing; Shi, Hongbo; Ma, Yuxin; Wang, Jianping. Multi-subspace Principal Component Analysis with Local Outlier Factor for Multimode Process Monitoring. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(42): 16453-16464
Chao Yang, Junfeng Wu, Xiaoqiang Ren, Wen Yang, Hongbo Shi, and Ling Shi. Deterministic Sensor Selection for Centralized State Estimation Under Limited Communication Resource, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2015,63(9):2336-2348
Yang, Wen; Shi, Hongbo. Power allocation scheme for distributed filtering over wireless sensor networks. IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2015, 9(3):410-417
Qi Liang, Bao Sheng, Shi Hongbo. Permanent-magnet synchronous motor velocity control based on second-order integral sliding mode control algorithm. TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL. 2015, 37(7): 875-882