



  • 書名:你一定會說的商務英語口語
  • 作者:浩瀚
  • ISBN:9787802184886
  • 定價: 27.80元
  • 出版社:中國宇航出版社
  • 出版時間: 2009-1-1
  • 開本:16開




Part 1人力資源管理 Human Resources Management
Unit 1 求職信息 Job-hunting Information
Unit 2 面試準備Preparing for an Interview
Unit 3 服裝儀容Grooming
Unit 4 約定面試 Making an Appointment for Interview
Unit 5 開場白 Opening Remarks
Unit 6 自我介紹Self-introduction
Unit 7 家庭情況Family Information
Unit 8 教育背景Education Background
Unit 9求職原因Reasons for Application
Unit 10 工作經驗Work Experience
Unit 11 語言水平Language Proficiency
Unit 12 其他技能Other Skills
Unit 13 業餘愛好Hobbies
Unit 14 品質、個性Personality and Character
Unit 15 優缺點Strengths and Weaknesses
Unit 16 工作需求Working Requirement
Unit 17 關於公司About the Company
Unit 18 關於薪水About Salary
Unit 19 長期目標Long-term Goals
Unit 20 有何問題Any Questions
Unit 21 結束面試Ending the Interview
Unit 22 簽訂契約Signing a Contract
Unit 23 工作培訓Work Training
Unit 24 日常辦公事務Daily Office Routine
Unit 25 工作換班Work Shift
Unit 26 加班加點Working Overtime
Unit 27 申請休假Asking for Leave
Unit 28 上班遲到Late for Work
Unit 29 工作失誤Working Faults
Unit 30 工作壓力Working Pressure
Unit 31 調換部門Transferring Department
Unit 32 年終考核Bonus and Performance Review
Unit 33 獎勵員工Employee Rewards
Unit 34 匯報工作Reporting
Unit 35 提交辭呈Giving Notice of Resignation
Unit 36 挽留員工Persuade the Employee
Unit 37 解僱員工Firing an Employee
Unit 38 失業危機Unemployment Crisis
Unit 39 電話查詢Telephone Inquiry
Part 2 商務交際Business Communications
Unit 40 打錯電話Calling a Wrong Number
Unit 41 電話轉接Calling a Switchboard
Unit 42 留言事宜Leaving a Message
Unit 43 電話故障Bad Connections
Unit 44 國際長途International Call
Unit 45 安排約會Arranging an Appointment
Unit 46 推遲約會Putting off an Appointment
Unit 47 取消約會Cancelling an Appointment
Unit 48 拜訪客戶Visiting Clients
Unit 49 商務接待Reception
Unit 50 參觀工廠Visiting Factories
Unit 51 公司介紹Introduction of the Company
Unit 52 商務會餐Business Meals
Unit 53 安排活動Arranging Activities
Unit 54 禮尚往來Presenting Gifts
Unit 55 送別客戶Seeing off Customers
Part 3 商業實務Practical Operation
Unit 56 建立貿易關係Establishing Trade Relations
Unit 57 詢盤Inquiry
Unit 58 報盤Offer
Unit 59 還盤Counter-offer
Unit 60 接受和成交Acceptance and Conclusion of Business
Unit 61 訂貨Ordering Goods
Unit 62 缺貨Lack of Goods
Unit 63 訂貨數量Quantity of the Order
Unit 64 貨物質量Quality of Goods
Unit 65 資信調查Credit Inquiry
Unit 66 包裝方式Mode of Packing
Unit 67 包裝說明Packing Instruction
Unit 68 裝運方式Ways of Shipment
Unit 69 裝運期限Date of Shipment
Unit 70 租船、訂艙Chartering a Vessel and Booking Shipping Space
Unit 71 卸貨港Unloading Port
Unit 72 匯付Remittance
Unit 73 托收Collection
Unit 74 信用證Letter of Credit
Unit 75 分期付款Installment
Unit 76 保險險別Insurance Coverage
Unit 77 保險費率Insurance Rate
Unit 78 簽訂契約Signing a Contract
Unit 79 修改契約Revision of a Contract
Unit 80 違約Breach of a Contract
Unit 81 商品檢驗Commodity Inspection
Unit 82 海關檢驗Customs Examination
Unit 83 關稅Customs Duty
Unit 84 質量投訴Complaints about Quality
Unit 85 短重投訴Camplaints about Short Quantity
Unit 86 錯發貨物Wrong Shipment
Unit 87 索賠Claims
Unit 88 訴諸仲裁Arbitration
Part 4 商業衍生環節Deriving Sectors of Business
Unit 89 佣金Commission
Unit 90 商標Trademark
Unit 91 招標Bidding
Unit 92 投標Tender
Unit 93 專利Patent
Unit 94 合資企業Joint Venture
Unit 95 補償貿易Compensation Trade
Unit 96 技術轉讓Technology Transfer
Unit 97 加工業務Processing Business
Unit 98 裝配業務Assembling Business
Unit 99 融資Financing
Part 5 商務會議Business Conferences
Unit 100 會議籌備Preparing for a Meeting
Unit 101 會議開始Beginning the Meeting
Unit 102 會議議程Agenda
Unit 103 發表意見Opinions
Unit 104 總結閉會Summarization and Adjournment
Part 6公司運作 Company Operation
Unit 105 競爭Competition
Unit 106 合作關係Partnership
Unit 107 新產品發布會Product Launch
Unit 108記者招待會Press Conference
Unit 109 公司財務Financial Affairs
Unit 110 公司網站Company Website
Unit 111 福利Welfare
Unit 112 外貿政策Foreign Trade Policy
Part 7 市場行銷Marketing & Sales
Unit 113 市場調研 Market Research
Unit 114 目標消費者Target Audience
Unit 115 登門推銷Promotion by Salesperson
Unit 116 廣告運作Advertising Campaign
Unit 117 選擇媒體Choosing Media
Unit 118 廣告細節Details of an Advertisement
Unit 119 促銷活動Promotional Events
Unit 120 貿易展覽Trade Shows
Unit 121 準備展會Preparing for a Trade Show
Unit 122 產品演示Product Demonstrations
Unit 123 售後服務After-sale Service
Unit 124 銷售代理商Sales Agent
Unit 125 申請代理Application of Being an Agent
Unit 126 指定代理Appointing an Agent
Part 8 電子商務E-commerce
Unit 127 網上購物Shopping Online
Unit 128 網上找客戶Looking for Customers Online
Unit 129 網路行銷E-marketing
Unit 130 電子郵件E-mail
Unit 131 網上銀行E-bank
Unit 132 網上拍賣Online Auction
Unit 133 網上炒股Online Stock
Part 9 客戶關係管理Customer Relationship Management
Unit 134 顧客投訴Customer Complaint
Unit 135 向經理投訴Complaining to the Manager
Unit 136 處理投訴Dealing with Complaints
Unit 137 公共關係Public Relations
Unit 138 公司紀念品Company Gifts
Unit 139 商業信函Business Letters
Unit 140 信函附屬檔案Enclosure
Part 10 商務旅行Business Trip
Unit 141 關於護照About Passport
Unit 142 申請簽證Applying for a Visa
Unit 143 訂飛機票Booking a Plane Ticket
Unit 144 安全檢查Security Check
Unit 145 行李託運Checking Luggage
Unit 146 登機Getting Aboard
Unit 147 在飛機上On the Plane
Unit 148 轉機Transit
Unit 149 過海關Passing the Customs
Unit 150 買火車票Buying a Train Ticket
Unit 151 問路Asking the Way
Unit 152 乘公車By Bus
Unit 153 乘船By Ship
Unit 154 乘捷運By Subway
Unit 155 乘計程車Taking a Taxi
Unit 156 訂房間Reserving a Room
Unit 157 入住登記Checking in
Unit 158 電話叫醒Wake-up Call
Unit 159 送洗衣物Laundry
Unit 160 維修服務Maintenance
Unit 161 賬單錯誤Bill Mistake
Unit 162 結賬退房Checking out
Unit 163 餐廳訂位Booking a Table
Unit 164 在餐館At the Restaurant
Unit 165 買紀念品Buying Souvenirs
Unit 166 參觀遊覽Sightseeing
Part 11 銀行業務Bank Business
Unit 167 開立賬戶Opening an Account
Unit 168 詢問利率Inquiring about Interest Rates
Unit 169 存款Depositing
Unit 170 取錢Withdrawing
Unit 171 詢問餘額Asking the Balance
Unit 172 註銷賬戶Closing an Account
Unit 173 支票兌現Cashing a Check
Unit 174 外匯匯率The Rate of Exchange
Unit 175 貨幣兌換Exchanging Money
Unit 176 信用卡Credit Card
Unit 177 租保管箱Renting a Safety Deposit Box
Unit 178 存摺掛失Reporting a Lost Passbook
Unit 179 投資股市Investing in Stock Market
Unit 180 流動資金貨款Flexible Cash Loan


