2007.9~2010.7 東北農業大學,動物科學與技術學院,博士,專業:特種經濟動物飼養
1999.9~2003.7 東北農業大學,動物科學與技術學院,本科,專業:動物科學
2022.9起 仲愷農業工程學院,動物科技學院,教授,碩士研究生導師
2018.4~2022.8 仲愷農業工程學院,動物科技學院,副教授,碩士研究生導師
2014.4~2016.5 美國康奈爾大學,獸醫學院,博士後,合作導師:Xingen Lei & Kenneth W. Simpson
2012.9~2018.3 東北農業大學,動物科學與技術學院,副教授,碩士研究生導師
2012.1~2014.3 東北農業大學,動物醫學院,博士後,合作導師:徐世文
2010.7~2012.8 東北農業大學,動物科學與技術學院,講師
1. 家禽營養與腸道健康;
2. 細菌耐藥性與抗生素替代品(功能性飼料添加劑)的研發與套用;
3. 特禽育種與產業化;
4. 微營養素的營養生理;
5. 環境抗逆與動物生產。
1. 廣東省科技廳-科技特派員粵桂協作項目:鷓鴣健康養殖(項目號:B722222H6),2022-2023,主持
2. 廣東省科技廳-駐鎮幫鎮扶村農村科技特派員項目:獅頭鵝健康養殖關鍵技術集成、套用與示範(項目號:KTP20210381),2021-2024,主持
3. 廣州市科技局-基礎與套用基礎研究項目:基於Nrf2-ARE信號通路研究茶多酚對雛鵝腸道氧化損傷的調控作用及機制(項目號:202201011863),2022-2024,主持
4. 廣東省農業農村廳-現代農業產業技術體系(崗位專家項目):畜禽疫病監測與防控共性關鍵技術研發創新團隊(項目號:2019-2023KJ119),2019-2023,主持
5. 廣東省教育廳-普通高校特色創新項目:基於MAPK-Nrf2-ARE信號通路探討茶多酚對鵝小腸上皮細胞氧化應激損傷的保護作用及機制(項目號:KA190578827),2019-2021,主持
6. 廣東省科技廳-科技特派員項目:獅頭鵝種鵝反季節性繁殖技術示範與套用(項目號:KA1810304),2018-2020,主持
7. 黑龍江省自然基金-留學歸國基金項目:規模化豬場不同清糞工藝豬舍內微生物氣溶膠排放規律的研究(項目號:JJ2018LX0011),2017-2020,主持
8. 黑龍江省教育廳-高校青年創新人才項目:基於microRNA122-內質網應激-自噬軸探討雞缺硒性肝損傷的機制(項目號:NO.UNPYSCT2016002),2016-2018,主持
9. 中國博士後基金-國際交流派出項目:基於腸道菌群揭示抗菌素對腸道健康的調節機制(項目號:20130006),2014-2016,主持
10. 國家教育部博士點基金-新教師類項目:20112325120008,冷應激致雛鵪鶉腸道損傷機制的研究,2012/01-2014,主持
1. Yajing Zhong,Tingting Ma, Zhiqi Fu, Ailing Chen, Jiahao Yu, Yanhua Huang*,Jing Fu*. Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress on Intestinal Morphology, Redox Status, and Related Molecules in Squabs. Animals, 2023,13(4):749.
2. Jing Fu, Minghui Wang, Maria T. Chaudhry, Hongfei Xue, Lichun Zhang, Yanhua Huang*, Chunpeng Liu*. Translation, ribosome biogenesis, and oxidative damage caused by chlorpyrifos exposure to common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) liver: application of combined RNA-seq with sRNA-seq in risk evaluation of environmental toxicant chlorpyrifos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14491-4
3. Jing Fu, Minghui Wang, Maria T. Chaudhrye, Yunbo Tian*, Chunpeng Liu*. Combined RNA-Seq with small RNA revealed ribosome biogenesis and oxidative stress associated with cadmium response in carp (Cyprinus carpioL.) Hepato-pancreas. Aquaculture, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734817
4. Chunpeng Liu, Maria Tabassum Chaudhry, Dan Zhao, Tong Lin, Yunbo Tian and Jing Fu*. Heat shock protein 70 protects the quail cecum against oxidant stress, inflammatory injury, and microbiota imbalance induced by cold stress, Poultry Science, 2019 Nov 1;98(11):5432-5445. doi: 10.3382/ps/pez327
5. Jiayi Ren, Chunpeng Liu, Dan Zhao and Jing Fu *. The role of heat shock protein 70 in oxidant stress and inflammatory injury in quail spleen induced by cold stress, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018 Jul;25(21):21011-21023.
6. Dogan B#, Fu J#, Zhang S, Scherl EJ, Simpson KW. Rifaximin decreases virulence of Crohn’s disease-associated Escherichia coli and epithelial inflammatory responses, J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2018 May;71(5):485-494.
7. Zhang S#, Fu J#, Dogan B, Scherl EJ, Simpson KW. 5-Aminosalicylic acid downregulates the growth and virulence of Escherichia coli associated with IBD and colorectal cancer, and upregulates host anti-inflammatory activity, J Antibiot (Tokyo), 2018 Jul 26,71:950-961. doi: 10.1038/s41429-018-0081-8.
8. X Wang, R Bao, J Fu*, The Antagonistic Effect of Selenium on Cadmium-Induced Damage and mRNA Levels of Selenoprotein Genes and Inflammatory Factors in Chicken Kidney Tissue, Biological Trace Element Research , 2018 Feb;181(2):331-339.
9. Zhi-hui Jiang, Hong-jin Lin, Hai-dong Yao, Zi-wei Zhang, Jing Fu *, Shi-wen Xu *, SelW protects against H2O2 induced liver injury in chicken via inhibiting inflammation and apoptosis, RSC advances, 2017,7 (25) :15158-15167.
10. x jin, C. P. Liu, X.H.Teng, J.Fu *,Effects of Dietary Selenium Against Lead Toxicity Are Related to the Ion Profile in Chicken Muscle, Biological Trace Element Research, 2016 Aug;172(2):496-503.
11. G.X. Sun, Y. Chen, C. P. Liu, S. Li, J. Fu *, Effect of Selenium Against Lead-Induced Damage on the Gene Expression of Heat Shock Proteins and Inflammatory Cytokines in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Chickens, Biological Trace Element Research, 2016 Aug;172(2):474-80.
12. H Gao, C. P. Liu, S. Q. Song , J. Fu *, Effects of Dietary Selenium Against Lead Toxicity on mRNA Levels of 25 Selenoprotein Genes in the Cartilage Tissue of Broiler Chicken, Biological Trace Element Research, 2016 Jul;172(1):234-41.
13. Shufang zheng, huanyu song, hangao, chunpeng liu, ziwei zhang , jingfu *,The Antagonistic Effect of Selenium on Lead-Induced Inflammatory Factors and Heat Shock Protein mRNA Level in Chicken Cartilage Tissue, Biological Trace Element Research, 2016 Sep;173(1):177-84.
14. J. Fu ,C.P. Liu, Z.W. Zhang, W. Liao, S.W. Xu*,Effects of Acute and Chronic Cold Stress on Expression of Cyclooxygenase-2 and Prostaglandin E Synthase mRNA in Quails Intestine, Pakistan Veterinary Journal,2013,33(3):358-363.
15. Jing Fu, Chun-peng Liu, Zi-wei Zhang, Ming-wei Xing, Shi-wen Xu*,Influence of inflammatory pathway markers on oxidative stress induced by cold stress in intestine of quails, Research in Veterinary Science,2013,95(2):495-501.
1. 朱立學,陳品嵐,張智浩,黃偉鋒,付晶,郭曉耿,賴穎傑,張世昂,官金炫,莫冬炎. 一種綜合體重、聲音和掙扎力信息判別肉鴿性別的系統,2023,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL202211136861.3
2. 劉春朋,付晶,付家棟,魏文康,遠繼濤,高學軍,王萱.一種腸溶型茶多酚飼料添加劑及其製備方法,2022,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL2021 1 0180757.3
3. 付晶,劉春朋,張子威,姚海東. 一種肉用鵪鶉抗冷應激且同時改善肉質的飼料添加劑及飼料,2016,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL 201410459895.5
4. 付晶,劉春朋,張子威,姚海東.一種預防鵪鶉冷應激性腸炎的複合預混料,2016,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL 201410459881.3
5. 劉春朋,付晶,塗成銘. 一種家禽料槽清掃裝置,2022,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL 2021 2 2193800.8
6. 付晶,寧方勇,李金龍,魏來. 鵪鶉生產性能評定專用籠具,2011,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL 201120135035.8
7. 付晶,寧方勇,宋春林,魏來. 鵪鶉育雛期專用飲水器,2011,中國,已授權,專利號:ZL 201120126341.5
1. 黑龍江省畜牧科技獎(一等獎):冷應激對禽類機體損傷機理的研究,2014.05
2. 廣東省農業技術推廣獎(二等獎):銀王鴿引種培育及相關產業化技術研究與套用,2021.12