



  • 作者:蒲魯東
  • 出版社:中國政法大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2003年7月
  • 頁數:225 頁
  • 定價:19.00 元
  • 裝幀:簡裝本
  • ISBN:9787562023432
  • 叢書:劍橋政治思想史原著系列(影印本)
What is Property? is one of the most notorious and influential works of social criticism of the nineteenth century and certainly the best-known book byPierre-Joseph Proudhon, revolutionary author and contemporary of Marx. Proudhon’s short answer to this question “Property is theft” was even morenotorious,linking private property as it did whth the worst features of “bourgeo...(展開全部) What is Property? is one of the most notorious and influential works of social criticism of the nineteenth century and certainly the best-known book byPierre-Joseph Proudhon, revolutionary author and contemporary of Marx. Proudhon’s short answer to this question “Property is theft” was even morenotorious,linking private property as it did whth the worst features of “bourgeois” political hegemony and exploitation. Yet because of the eagerness of later admirers to place Proudhon in one later tradition or another (socialist, utopian, anarchist, fascist, etc.) the intellectual qualities of his book have never beenfully appreciated; nor has his critique of the institution of nineteenth-century political thought in general. This new translation, with a critical and historical introduction to these neglected aspects of Proudhon’s "diabolical work"(as he called it), tries to do justice to the work of this subversive critic who himself, through his assault on the central institution of modern Western society, spent his whole life in quest of social justice. 皮埃爾-約瑟夫·蒲魯東 Pierre Joseph Proudhon 1809~1865 法國政論家和經濟學家,小資產階級社會主義者,無政府主義奠基人之一。1809年1月15曰出生於貝桑松一個農民兼手工業者家庭,家境貧苦,刻苦自學,曾在印刷廠當排字工人,後與人合夥開辦小印刷廠。1837年發表《論通用文法》一書,獲貝桑松大學獎金,並遷居巴黎,從事著述活動。1840年發表《什麼是財產?或關於法和權力的原理的研究》,提出“財產就是盜竊”的論點,蜚聲於世。該書從小資產階級立場出發批判資本主義大私有制,認為可以通過保護小私有制擺脫資本主義的各種弊端。1846年5月5曰,K.馬克思邀請他參加共產主義通訊委員會,並擔任巴黎小組通訊員。他回信拒絕,指責共產主義學說是“教條主義”。同年發表《貧困的哲學》,企圖以政治經濟學來論...(展開全部) 皮埃爾-約瑟夫·蒲魯東 Pierre Joseph Proudhon 1809~1865 法國政論家和經濟學家,小資產階級


