中華人民共和國特種設備安全法(2011年Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版的圖書)

中華人民共和國特種設備安全法(2011年Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版的圖書)

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《rules for aging(isbn=9780156013604) 英文原版》是2011年11月Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版的圖書,作者:Roger Rosenblatt 著。


  • 中文名:中華人民共和國特種設備安全法
  • 作者:Roger Rosenblatt
  • 出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • ISBN:9780156013604 


Acclaimed and beloved prize-winning essayist Roger Rosenblatthas commented on most of the trends and events of our time. Hiscolumns in "Time" magazine and his commentaries on PBS's News Hourwith Jim Lehrer have made him a household word and a trusted friendof millions. With a wry sense of humor and inimitable wit,Rosenblatt offers here guidelines for aging that are both easy tounderstand and, more importantly, easy to implement. More and morein the news today, we are hearing about phenomenal advances in the"fight against aging." But what Rosenblatt suggests to combat ageis far more valuable than any scientific breakthrough-he breaksdown the hardest part of aging, the mental anguish of growing olderwith fifty-four gems of funny, brilliant, wise, indispensableadvice. A book to savor, a book to keep, and a book for all ages.This little guide is intended for people who wish to agesuccessfully, or at all. . . . One may think of this work as ahow-to book, akin to many health guides published these days, whosepurpose is to prolong our lives and make them richer. That is theaim of my book, too. -from the Introduction And this is just thestart of Roger Rosenblatt's charming and thought-provoking guide tosurviving the episodes that shamelessly shave years off of ourlives. With a wry sense of humor and peerless wit, Rules for Agingprovides guidance that is, hands down, the most practical,pleasurable and, most importantly, painless advice you'll everreceive. As Rosenblatt writes, "When I urge you to refrain from acertain thought or course of action, I do not mean to suggest thatyou are in any way wrong if you do the opposite. I mean only to saythat you will suffer." Rule #1: It doesn't matterWhatever you thinkmatters-doesn't. Follow this rule, and it will add decades to yourlife. It does not matter if you are late, or early; if you arehere, or if you are there; if you said it, or did not say it; ifyou were clever, or if you were stupid; if you are having a badhair day, or a no hair day; if your boss looks at you cockeyed; ifyour girlfriend or boyfriend looks at you cockeyed; if you don'tget that promotion, or prize, or house, or if you do. It doesn'tmatter.


It doesn't matter
Nobody is thinking about you
Let bad enough alone
Ignore your enemy or kill him
Boo yourself off the stage
Yes you did
After the age of 30, it is unseemly
to blame one's parents for one's life
If something is boring you,
it is probably you
Stay clear of anyone--other than
a clergymannwho refers to God
more than once in an hour
Swine rules
Listen for the word "Great"


