



  • 書名:中國高等教育激勵機制研究(英文版)
  • 作者:張博、楊婷婷
  • 出版社:冶金工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年1月
  • 頁數:98 頁
  • 定價:23 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787502474041




Chapter 1 Introduction
Section 1.1 The Purpose of This Study
Section 1.2 Research Content and Methodology
1.2.1 Research content
1.2.2 Methodology
Chapter 2 Theoretical Summary of This Study
Section 2.1 Psychological Theories and Models in the Motivation
2.1.1 Rational motivations
2.1.2 Incentive theories: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
2.1.3 Behaviorist theories
2.1.4 Cognitive theory
2.1.5 Content theories of motivation
2.1.6 Temporal motivation theory
Section 2.2 Applications of Motivation in Educational Organization
2.2.1 Factor and process of motivation
2.2.2 Development of motivation theory in psychology view
2.2.3 Synthesis of motivation theory
2.2.4 Applications of motivation in educational organization
Chapter 3 The Research Model and Hypothesis
Section 3.1 Research Model
3.1.1 Conceptional framework
3.1.2 Hypothesis building
3.1.3 Proposed mode]
Section 3.2 Definitions and Measurement of Variables
3.2.1 Allocation resources
3.2.2 Motivated information processing
3.2.3 Perception equity
3.2.4 Subjective well - being research
3.2.5 Satisfaction and performance
Section 3.3 Questionnaire Design and Data Collection
3.3.1 Questionnaire design
3.3.2 Sample design
3.3.3 Data analysis method
Chapter 4 Empirical Study
Section 4.1 The Characteristics of the Sample
4.1.1 Demographical characteristics
4.1.2 Descriptive statistics of sample
4.1.3 Validity and reliability of the variables
Section 4.2 Research Hypotheses
4.2.1 Testing of hypothesis 1
4.2.2 Verification of hypothesis 2
4.2.3 Verification of hypothesis 3
4.2.4 Verification of hypothesis 4
Section 4.3 T - test and ANOVA of the Teachers Satisfaction and Performance
Chapter 5 Conclusions
Section 5.1 Summarizes and Findings
Section 5.2 The Implications and Future Research
5.2.1 The implications of the study
5.2.2 The direction of future research


