- 書名:中國速度:高速鐵路發展之路
- 作者:雷風行
- 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
- 頁數:247頁
- 開本:16
- 品牌:五洲傳播
- 外文名:Speeding Ahead:China's Rapid Transit Railways
- 譯者:魏怡
- 出版日期:2014年4月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:9787508527055
"National Artery" Is Calling for High Speed
1.When Can the "Slow Cow" Run
2.China Railway Speed—up Campaign: Six Rounds
3.The Prelude of Qinhuangdao—Shenyang Passenger Railway
Catching Up with the World
1.Design the Grand Blucprint—the Mid—to—Long Term Railway Network Scheme
2.Drawing Sword at Beijing—Tianjin Railway: China's First High—Speed Rail Business Card
3.Dccisive Battle of Beijing—Shanghai High—speed Rail: the Oricntal Dragon Takes off
4.Beijing—Guangzhou High—speed Rail Opcned Lo Traffic: China Straightens its Back
Electricity Mukiple Unit (EMU)—the Iron Dragon Catching the Wind
1.An lce—breaking Journey: the Blue Arrow and the Pioneer Bullet Trains
2.Speed—up: Sixteen Years Are Too Long: Scize the Hour, Seize the Day
3."Created in China": Scale Three Heights in Six Consecutive Years
Railway Engineering Creating Competitive Products
1.Railroad—building Iron Army Moves forward through Trials and Hardships
2.Home—made Ballastless Track and Seamless Rails
3.Install Chargcrs and Delicate Brains on High—speed Trains
4.Modern Stations: New Urban Landmarks
5.Joint Debugging and Commissioning and System Jntegration
Fresh Wind of Train Operations
1.Put Safety First and Treat Passengefs as Supremacy
2.China's Railway Going out
3.Unravel the Mystery of China Spced
What Have High—speed Rails Brought to Us
1.The Breakthrough of 10,000 Kilometers for China's High—Speed Rail
2.54 Cities Can Be Reached Within Halfa Day Trom Beijing by High—speed
3.Highlight the Advantages of Saving Energy and Environmental Protection
4.An Economic and Social Development Booster
5.China's Railway: Embracing a Brighter Future
The Map of China's High—speed Rail Lines
Table of the Construction and Operation of High—specd Train
“國脈”呼喚高速 8
一、“慢牛”何時能跑起來 10
二、鐵路六次大提速 18
三、秦沈客專奏序曲 26
追趕世界的腳步 30
一、繪製宏圖: 《中長期鐵路網規劃》 32
二、亮劍京津:中國第一張高鐵名片 42
三、決戰京滬:東方巨龍騰空舞 51
四、開通京廣:神州挺起鐵脊樑 64
動車組——追風的鐵龍 76
一、破冰之旅:藍箭、先鋒號“子彈頭”列車 79
二、加速度:16年太久,中國鐵路等不起 83
三、中國創造:6年連登三台階 90
鐵路工程鑄精品 104
一、築路鐵軍砥礪前行 106
二、無砟軌道與無縫鋼軌 119
三、為高鐵安上充電器與精密大腦 125
四、現代化車站城市新地標 130
五、聯調聯試與系統集成 138
運營新風撲面來 148
一、安全第一旅客至上 150
二、中國高鐵走出國門 158
三、解讀中國速度之謎 165
高鐵時代帶來了什麼 174
一、中國高鐵突破1萬公里 177
二、北京乘高鐵半天可達54個城市 183
三、凸顯節能環保優勢 190
四、拉動經濟社會發展的助跑器 197
五、中國鐵路明天更美好 203
附錄:高鐵建設運營線路表 207
中國高速鐵路圖 208
主要參考資料 210