

《中國簡史(下)》是2009年7月新世界出版社出版的圖書,作者是劉悅斌、謝春濤 。


  • 書名:中國簡史(下)
  • 作者:劉悅斌、謝春濤 
  • ISBN:9787510403361
  • 頁數:235
  • 定價:78.00元
  • 出版社:新世界出版社
  • 出版時間:2009-7
  • 副標題:從孔夫子到鄧小平


What created China - the legend and the nation? How has a dynamic China stood up in the world today? Who are the most eminent heroes and villains in China's long history?


This book is in two volumes: Volume I focuses on Chinas past, from the beginning of Chinese civilization to the 1911 Revolution, mainly reflecting the changes in the country, its population and territory, national features, philosophies, religions and ways of life, as well as its contributions to politics, economy and culture.
Volume II focuses on contemporary China, from 1921 to 2008, mainly reflecting on Chinas independence, changing perspectives in foreign affairs, national unification especially the countrys reform and opening-up - and achievements related to its modernization.
This book is for readers who wish to learn more about China, and introduces Chinese history by recounting distinctive stories of different ages.
Heres a brief yet comprehensive look at the peaks and valleysof the countrys vibrant past, a concise update on the fastest-growing economy in the world, and a sneak peek into Chinasfuture prospects. Here is China as never revealed before


Xie Chuntao was born in Linshu County,Shandong 1963.In 1982 he obtained a bachelors degree in education from Shandong NormaI University,and then a masters degree in law from Zhejiang University and doctorate in law from Beijings Renmin University of China in1988.
He has been teaching and doing research on the history of the Communist Party of China(CPC)at the Party School of the CentraI Committee ofthe CPC since l 988,and lS now a professor and theDeputy Director of the Teaching and Research Department of CPC History.
As an executive counciImember and the SecretaryGeneraI of the History Societyofthe CPC,he also serves as aguest professor and part-timeresearcher at many institutionsof higher learnin9,includingTianjins Nankai University.His major works include Turmoil of the Great LeapForward and A Brief Historvof the 1959 Mount Lushan Meeting.


