- 導演:William Cobban / Neil Docherty
- 對白語言:英語
- imdb編碼: tt0823876
- 中文名:中國之崛起
- 外文名:China Rises
- 出品時間:2006-01-22
- 製片地區:加拿大/法國/德國
- 類型:紀錄片
- 片長:45 分鐘
- 上映時間:2006-01-22
- 色彩:彩色
導演 |
William Cobban Neil Docherty |
節目第一部分將於2006年1月22日(周日)晚8時播出,講述了這個全世界經濟發展最迅猛的國家,在全力籌備2008北京奧運之際,人們對此有何反響。前半部名為 "Party Games",觀眾可以隨六位中國民眾的視線,近距離觀察中國的社會主義政治體系與資本主義經濟充分結合後的社會新面貌。節目後半部名為"Getting Rich",探索中國如何通過發展私營企業,取得飛速的經濟發展。同時,通過直面採訪中國不同地區的男女老少,展示中國經濟發展的地區差異、貧富不均現象。
節目第二部分將於2006年1月29日晚8時播出,此部分講述了中國民眾對國家未來發展前景的不同看法。前半部分"City of Dreams",將鏡頭對準上海居民,描述了這箇中國大都市存在的不平等,以及貧富兩極分化現象。例如,那些自由職業者引領著時尚生活潮流,社會邊緣人士卻對此怨恨不已。節目後半部"Food Is Heaven" ,通過“中國盛宴”向觀眾展示了“飲食”何以成為中國文化的靈魂。受訪者既是一位正在接受培訓的廚師,同時還是一位環保者,他強烈呼籲必須採取有效措施解決中國的環境問題。
第一部:party games,海報上的介紹是這樣的:the communist party is betting big on the 2008 olympic games in beijing, will the gamble be worthy it?(在這就不便翻譯了)
第二部:getting rich,china boasts world's fastest-growing economy,but who is left behind?
第三部:food is heaven, faced with increasing pollution, the most popular nation on the earth struggles to feed its people.
第四部:city of dreams. Shanghai is the hottest city in china,home to cutting edge culture and a new middle class lifestyle.
1,對於中國文化,2008奧運會主體育場“鳥巢”的設計者是這么說的:“I think people in china has suffered too much,and for all that sacrifice,all we get is just more money,more cars, taller buildings, it is just not worthy it. If chinese culture dones't make contribution to the world,that would be a great pity.”
2,在第三部“民以食為天”中有一位四川的農民這樣說:“china may will be the 21th century super power,but the question hovers around us of the future,can de ancient and dominate chinese people save the heaven of its food?”
3,我們中國人該怎樣看待我們在改革開放後取得的成績和將來對我們的挑戰,第二部中的一位學者這樣說:“ so many people say china will go bankrupt,china will collapse every day, on another hand, people say:" china is great! china can grow forever!"of course, it's not guaranteed. no there's no guarantee.the good news is, in the past ten, twenty years, i think everybody learned, leatned a great deal,and learned how to reform, how to change,nothing is guaranteed in the future.but the past gives us confidence.”
4,在第四部上海的夢中有一位律師這樣說我們生活水平提高所真正帶給我們的:“over the past 20years,china has become transformed frome a poverty to a developing country, this has been uneasy,we can't sacrifice laws , people's bodys and lives to develop the economy.this is not a country we want 。”
5,一位事業有成的中年中產階級這樣說:“20years ago,i beg for my prime minister one day that i will done this and that,now, i found it hard to get things done. it is difficulty to measure a country with 1.3billion people,i was born in china,i have education in china,i was 100percent made in china,but i can't sasy i understand it,becasue china is changing every day. i am growing with it.”
6,對於社會上再普通不過的一位安徽的打工妹在浪沙襪業的工廠里打工這樣想讓人掉淚的說著自己的夢想:“my dream is to be a doctore,parents are suppose to take care of their children and make sure they are safe. if anything bad happen to their children,they can count on doctore to help them. one day, if i got a chance,i'd like to open my doctore office。”
7,同樣一位安徽的打工仔在到深圳不到一周的工作中就不幸被車床奪走了右手臂,而他在像法律機關求助中卻什麼也沒有,他在老家,已經有了一個三歲的兒子,他這樣說著自己的夢想:“now, my son is almost 3years old,nomatter what, i will find a way to get him be educated,i won't let him leave and go somewhere to get somework. i have high hope of my son,although i do not know what will terminate in the furthure。”每年還有過億的中國人在異地打工,只是為了那點微薄的收入.......