- 書名:世界文學名著•雙城記
- 作者:狄更斯 (Dickens C.)
- 出版日期:2009年5月1日
- 語種:英語
- ISBN:9787500122043
- 出版社:中國出版集團,中國對外翻譯出版公司
- 頁數:334頁
- 開本:32
- 品牌:中國對外翻譯出版公司
Chapter 1 The Period
Chapter 2 The Mail
Chapter 3 The Night Shadows
Chapter 4 The Preparation
Chapter 5 The Wine Shop
Chapter 6 The Shoemaker
Book the Second: The Golden Thread
Chapter 1 Five Years Later
Chapter 2 ASight
Chapter 3 A Disappointment
Chapter 4 Congratulatory
Chapter 5 The Jackal
Chapter 6 Hundreds of People
Chapter 7 Monseigneur in Town
Chapter 8 Monseigneur in the Country
Chapter 9 The Gorgon's Head
Chapter 10 Two Promises
Chapter 11 A Companion Picture
Chapter 12 The Fellow of Delicacy
Chapter 13 The Fellow of No Delicacy
Chapter 14 The Honest Tradesman
Chapter 15 Knitting
Chapter 16 Still knitting
Chapter 17 One Night
Chapter 18 Nine Days
Chapter 19 An Opinion
Chapter 20 A Plea
Chapter 21 Echoing Footsteps
Chapter 22 The Sea Still Rises
Chapter 23 Fire Rises
Chapter 24 Drawn to the Loadstone Rock
Book the Third: The Track of a Storm
Chapter 1 In Secret
Chapter 2 The Grindstone
Chapter 3 The Shadow
Chapter 4 Calm in Storm
Chapter 5 The Wood-sawyer
Chapter 6 Triumph
Chapter 7 A Knock at the Door
Chapter 8 A Hand of Cards
Chapter 9 The Game Made
Chapter 10 The Substance of the Shadow
Chapter 11 Dusk
Chapter 12 Darkness
Chapter 13 Fifty-two
Chapter 14 The Knitting Done
Chapter 15 The Footsteps Die Out for Ever
"I assure you," returned Mr. Stryver, in the friendliest way, "that I amsorry for it on your account, and sorry for it on the poor father's account. Iknow this must always be a sore subject with the family; let us say no moreabout it."
"I don't understand you," said Mr Lorry.
"I dare say not," rejoined Stryver, nodding his head in a smoothing andfinal way; no matter, no matter."
"But it does matter," Mr. Lorry urged.
"No it doesn't; I assure you it doesn't. Having supposed that there wassense where there is no sense, and a laudable ambition where there is not alaudable ambition, I am well out of my mistake, and no harm is done. Youngwomen have committed similar follies often before, and have repentedthem in poverty and obscurity often before. In an unselfish aspect, I amsorry that the thing is dropped, because it would have been a bad thing forme in a worldly point of view; in a selfish aspect, I am glad that the thinghas dropped, because it would have been a bad thing for me in a worldlypoint of view——it is hardly necessary to say I could have gained nothingby it. There is no harm at all done. I have not proposed to the young lady,and, between ourselves, I am by no means certain, on reflection, that I evershould have committed myself to that extent. Mr. Lorry, you cannot controlthe mincing vanities and giddinesses of emptyheaded girls; you must notexpect to do it, or you will always be disappointed.
Now, pray say no more about it. I tell you, I regret it on account ofothers, but I am satisfied on my own account. And I am really very muchobliged to you for allowing me to sound you, and for giving me youradvice; you know the young lady better than I do; you were right, it neverwould have done.
Mr. Lorry was so taken aback, that he looked quite stupidly at Mr.Stryver shouldering him towards the door, with an appearance of showeringgenerosity, forbearance, and goodwill, on his erring head. "Make the bestof it, my dear sir," said Stryver; "say no more about it; thank you again forallowing me to sound you; good night!" Mr. Lorry was out in the night,before he knew where he was. Mr. Stryver was lying back on his sofa,winking at his Ceiling.