churning,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞、動詞,作形容詞時譯為“旋渦的”,作名詞時譯為“攪拌;攪乳;一次提制的奶油”,作動詞時譯為“攪拌;翻騰;反胃,噁心;(使)感到不安,心煩意亂;用攪乳器攪(churn 的現在分詞)”。
- 外文名:churning
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞、動詞
- 英式發音:['tʃɜːnɪŋ]
- 美式發音:['tʃɝnɪŋ]
churning,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞、動詞,作形容詞時譯為“旋渦的”,作名詞時譯為“攪拌;攪乳;一次提制的奶油”,作動詞時譯為“攪拌;翻騰;反胃,噁心;(使)感到不安,心煩意亂;用攪乳器攪(churn 的現在分詞)”。
churn /tʃɜːn/ TEM8 ( churning, churned, churns )1.N-COUNT A churn is a container which is used for making butter. (制黃油的) 攪乳器 2.V-T If something churns water, mud, or dust, it moves it about violently. 劇烈攪動 3.PHRASAL VERB Churn up means the same as . ...
single churning single churning(三重攪動算法)是在單重攪動算法的基礎上擴展而成,增加了攪動後數據的時域關聯性,進而提高用戶數據的安全性.PON接口數據安全性:Triple-Churning:中國電信的專利技術,提高了churning的安全性中國電信採用Triple Churning算法.
《Adi Parva - Churning of the Ocean》是一本圖書,作者是Patil, Amruta 內容簡介 Adi Parva draws from the classic Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharat, and the Vishnu Purana. In it, the celestial river Ganga narrates the events from the beginning of time. The story is played out by a medley of ...
《Churning The Maelstrom》是Nile演唱的歌曲,收錄於《In Their Darkened Shrines》專輯中。 歌曲歌詞 Am the uncreated God Before me the dwellers in chaos are dogs Their masters merely wolves I gather the power From every place From every person Faster than light itself Hail to he who is in the...
賺傭交易指經紀人為了增加佣金收入而在客戶賬戶中進行的額外買進賣出交易,屬於違法或不道德行為。賺傭交易 英語為:churning;churn and burn;overtrading;twisting。亦作:頻繁交易;反覆買賣。名。不可數 。這種交易的前提條件是經紀人擁有客戶賬戶的全權管理權。賺傭交易造成的後果是經紀人賺錢,投資者不受益或虧損...
循環交易 循環交易 英語為:circular trading。名。不可數。一種欺詐性的證券交易行為。由了解買賣信息的經紀人以同樣的金額、數量,於買進報價發出的同時進行賣出。這種交易行為對投資者的收益沒有帶來變化,僅給經紀人增加佣金收益。參見:賺傭交易,churning ...
10.Industry Specialization, Diversification, Churning, and Unemployment in Chinese Cities, with Xiaofang Dong and Guojun Chai, China Economic Review 21 11.The R&D Survey-Patent Database Link Project, with William Kerr, Journal of Technology Transfer 33 中文論著 1. 科研人才招聘需要“查三代”嗎?—...
roiling,英語單詞,釋義為v. (水)激盪,翻滾,翻騰;擾亂;攪亂;使混亂,為roil的現在分詞 單詞發音 英 [ˈrɔɪlɪŋ] 美 [ˈrɔɪlɪŋ]英文釋義 adj 1 (of a liquid) agitated vigorously Synonym: churning roiled roily turbulent 雙語例句 Rather, it is a...
《洶湧的大海 In Churning Seas》是一款遊戲構圖色彩十分漂亮的幾何類益智休閒遊戲。遊戲簡介 《洶湧的大海 In Churning Seas》遊戲玩法算是一種另類的俄羅斯方塊的堆砌玩法,玩家需要將不同形狀、不同顏色的塊狀物投放到海里,其中白色的塊狀物具有粘性,可附著在其他物體上,總體而言,跟《99塊磚:巫師學院 99 ...
這就是Dow-Gorton模型中定義的噪聲交易,或者稱之為過度交易(churning)。模型包含因素 由於Dow-Gorton模型的環境較Trueman模型更為複雜,模型中也考慮了更多的因素,使模型成為一個一般均衡模型。模型中包含的因素有:(1)一個由潛在資產管理者構成的勞動市場;(2)這些代理人與投資者之間關於資產管理的最優契約關係;(...
【名字解說】 修羅Sura 和阿修羅Asura 來自於梵文,修羅就是‘端正’,國人稱其為天神,梵文‘阿’是否定冠詞,阿修羅翻譯過來叫‘無端正’。無端正自然長相醜陋,且兇狠而好鬥,而修羅的長相倒可稱作氣宇軒昂。其實他們是親戚關係,血緣離開也不算很遠。在攪拌乳海(Churning of the Ocean of Milk)的故事中,阿...
My mind is churning Wanna do sh*t they never taught us at church and I'ma make you work for every last drop of my sweat Fading to red dancing all the way to the bed But I dance alone ohhh Ooh yeah yeah All day But I know Oh 24/7 no no 24/7 yeah yeah 'Cuz I need to make...
2、Zhang Junhui*, Li Ying, Xu Bing, Pan Min, Lv Fei. Experimental Study on the Influence of the Rotating Cylinder and Circling Pistons on Churning Losses in Axial Piston Pumps. energies. 2017, 10(5): 662.3、Ye Shaogan, Zhang Junhui*,Xu Bing, et al. Experimental and numerical studies...
s just fine,Youbend down, the mower frowns,You wonder why you bother,You bend down, the mower frowms,The last thing thatyou do.Blades are turning, burning, churning,Ripping at your flesh,Crashing, thrashing, mashing, bashring,Taking you lastbreath Big Mean Hungry Greeb Maim mower, maim.
roily,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“攪渾的;被激怒的;焦急的;污穢的”。英英釋義 adj 1 (of a liquid) agitated vigorously Synonym: churning roiling roiled turbulent 單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 roily /ˈrɔɪlɪ/ 1.ADJ cloudy or muddy 模糊的; 渾濁的...
Inside, she was a maelstrom of churning emotions. 她的內心處於各種情緒的漩渦中。Momma was cleaning inside, changing the bedclothes. 媽媽在裡面清掃,換臥具。The rooms inside were undergoing a spring-cleaning. 裡面的房間正在進行大掃除。Shaving supplies, toothpaste, and soap were found inside. 在裡面...
side) right behind him. The ladies (including Margot and me) waited in suspense until the men returned five minutes later and told us that there was no sign of any activity in the building. We agreed not to run any water or flush the toilet; but since everyone's stomach was churning ...
And your soul is churning When your hope seems out of sight Keep the candle burning All it takes is one steady heart in a world that's turning Shine a light and pierce the dark Keep the candle burning Keep the candle burning When you're down and you're discouraged When the darkness ...
永生的秘密》,2009年於美國出版,引起國際廣泛關注。作品簡介 Immortality Secret 中文書名: 永生的秘密 Publication Year: 2009 ISBN: 9781936040032 Page Count: 146 List Price: 26.00 $ CHURNING OF THE OCEAN OF MILK 中文書名:攪動乳海 書籍類型:國外攝影作品 研究主題:亞洲靈知文化 完成時間:2012年 ...
攪拌鍋(Churning Caldron),1978年以前還是具有微生物彩墊的彩池。地震後微生物死亡,幾乎變成快“開鍋”的泥漿池,翻滾的泉水還真像是在攪動,“黑龍鍋”和“酸鍋。硫鍋(Sulphur Caldron)景點,在公路邊的斜坡旁,名副其實,硫磺味道很濃。“酸湖”(Sour Lake)在“黑龍鍋”的西側,青山綠水,看起來很美...
TheCockatooandtheBlackDuck 白鸚和黑鴨 TheCloud,theThunderandtheLightning 雲、雷和閃電 IsisandOsiris 伊希斯和俄賽里斯 TheShipwreckedSailor 倖存的水手 TheGreatFlood 大洪水 GilgameshandthePlantofLife 吉爾伽美士和長生草 TheChurningofthe Ocean 攪拌大海 TheSunGoddess 太陽女神 AutumnandSpring 春天神和秋天神 ...
values and uncovers a Renaissance far more bumptious and affirmative than much recent scholarship has allowed. "The Unrepentant Renaissance" counters the prevalent view of the period as dominated by the regulation of bodies and passions, aiming to reclaim the Renaissance as an era happily churning ...
The fever is churning, and the heat rises fast.And those standing nearest can show their concern But I swear if they touch me that they too will burn.They fear for their lives for death will soon dwell In the warmth of your love is the fire of hell.It's like chain lightning, this ...