1Money therefore becomes a stressful topic, and so the thought of sitting down and planning is an unattractive proposition.錢因而變成了一個令人緊張的話題,因此,坐下來好好做個計畫並不是一個有吸引力的建議。
2Realizing that this particular audience would find his regional accent unattractive, Larry planned to speak with an accent that would be more acceptable to his audience.拉里意識到這些特定的觀眾會覺得他的地方口音沒有吸引力,計畫用一種更容易被觀眾接受的口音說話。
3I felt lonely and unattractive.我感到孤獨、長得也不好看。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
4It's an unattractive building, ugly even.這棟建築毫不美觀,甚至可以說難看。《牛津詞典》
5The market is still unattractive to many insurers.這個市場仍然不受許多保險公司青睞。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
6His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style.他的文章流露出不討好的做作風格。《牛津詞典》
7The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.除了他的那些最熱切的仰慕者以外,這位將軍對於其他人並無吸引力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
8She had a very pretty manner, too, and Mary has the most unattractive ways I ever saw in a child.她的舉止也很優雅,但瑪麗的舉止是我所見過的孩子中最不討人喜歡的。
9In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn't affect her.在2006年的電影版《穿普拉達的女王》中,由梅利·斯特里普扮演的米蘭達·普里斯特利訓斥了她那位相貌平平的助理,因為這位助理認為,高級時裝對自己的影響不大。
10They were defined to be unattractive otherwise.否則,就被定義為外形不具有魅力。
11He was a burden and women found him unattractive.婦女視之為負擔,不再認為他們具有吸引力。
12On several measures, bank shares still look unattractive.用某些標準衡量,金融股仍然不具備什麼吸引力。
13For low-paid parents the calculation becomes even more unattractive.對於低收入的父母來說這樣的計算更沒吸引力。
14But at least that doesn't seem like an unattractive possibility.但至少這不是一個不好的可能。
15And in your hair and clothes. This is unattractive to nonsmokers.戒菸,就能消除香菸帶給你的頭髮和衣服里的那股氣味。
16Classical: Upper class, personable, intellectual, unattractive and boring.古典樂:上層階級、和藹、智慧、缺乏吸引力、乏味。
17Options for taking land holdings off Banks' balance-sheets are unattractive.選擇從銀行的資產負債表中除去地產是毫無吸引力的。
18Cancer was once unattractive for big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer.抗癌藥物曾一度不被諸如輝瑞製藥等的大型製藥公司看好。
19If you're out of shape, you'll feel insecure, unattractive, and less energetic.如果你體態不出眾,你會覺得不安全,沒有吸引力並且缺少活力。
20It's better to be average and good - looking than brilliant and unattractive.擁有一般的智商和外貌出眾比聰明但外貌不出眾更好。
21Mine are American-made and inexpensive and unattractive and brown and sturdy.我的這對膠靴是美國製造的,價格便宜,樣子不討好,並且是棕色的,但結實耐穿。
22That seems to me to be the least unattractive of the options we've got available.我認為這似乎不是最沒吸引力的選項。
23I love the idea of a place for everything, especially unattractive home gym equipment!我喜歡這個把所有東西都放在一個地方的主意,特別是那些毫無吸引力的家庭健身器材!
24As soon as you enter there are a number of unattractive things that scare a woman off.一旦你進到屋裡,就會有一堆糟糕的東西足以把一位女士嚇跑。
25"The business is not badly run," says Mr Bedouelle, "but they're in some unattractive areas."“生意經營的並不壞,”Be douelle先生說,“但是那都是一些沒有吸引力的行業。”
26Karla and Karen had used simple and unattractive cardboard packaging that was stapled together.Karla和Karen曾使用簡單的沒有吸引力的釘在一起的紙板包裝。
27That makes bonds look a pretty unattractive option unless investors believe deflation is on its way.這使得債券顯得更加沒有吸引力了,除非投資者認為通貨緊縮即將到來。
28I think we could summarize the result by saying that women think poor personal hygiene is unattractive.我認為我們可以從這次調查中總結出一個結論,不講究個人衛生的男生是最不具有吸引力的。