- 外文名:transthoracic
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[,trænsθə'ræsɪk]
- 美式發音:[ˌtrænsθəˈræsɪk]
經胸壁針吸活檢術 經胸壁針吸活檢術(transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy,TNAB)是2018年公布的呼吸病學名詞。定義 一種經皮穿刺獲取包括胸壁、肺實質及縱隔等的病變標本,從而進行細胞學、組織學及微生物學檢查的技術。常在B超、X線透視或CT定位下進行。出處 《呼吸病學名詞》第一版。
經胸超聲心動圖 經胸超聲心動圖(transthoracic echocardiography)是2017年公布的老年醫學名詞。定義 套用超音波回聲經胸壁探查心臟和大血管以獲取有關信息的一組無創性檢查方法。出處 《老年醫學名詞》第一版。
跨胸壓 跨胸壓(transthoracic pressure)是2018年公布的呼吸病學名詞。定義 肺泡壓與胸廓外大氣壓之差。是胸廓、肺臟擴張或回縮的總壓力。出處 《呼吸病學名詞》第一版。
經胸起搏 經胸起搏(transthoracic pacing)是1995年公布的醫學名詞。公布時間 1995年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《醫學名詞 第四分冊》第一版。
通過經胸超聲心動圖(transthoracic echocardiography,TTE)可以對整體心臟及肺動脈瓣的形態學與功能學狀態進行準確判定,為篩選患者及選擇瓣膜型號提供參考依據,同時排除任何相關的心臟病變(房間隔缺損、室間隔缺損等)。擬行TPVR患者需要完善的主要超聲心動圖參數包括右心室、左心室大小及功能,右心室及肺動脈收縮末期壓力...
32.TransthoracicNeedleAspirationBiopsy 33.BalloonDilationofEsophagealBenignStricture 34.HepaticArteryInfusionChemotherapyandChemoembolizationforHepatoellularCarcinoma 35.InterventionalTherapyforRenalArteryStenosis ...Appendix I.Translation II.Vocabulary III.ImagingDiagnosticReports IV.References ...
肩關節穿胸側位 肩關節穿胸側位(shoulder joint transthoracic lateral position)是2020年公布的醫學影像技術學名詞。定義 被檢者側立於攝影架前,患側上臂和肩下垂並緊貼探測器,健側上肢上舉抱頭,中心線對準患側外科頸垂直射入探測器的攝影體位。深吸氣後屏氣曝光。出處 《醫學影像技術學名詞》第一版。
hepatotomy,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[外科] 肝切開術”。短語搭配 transthoracic hepatotomy 翻譯 ; 經胸肝切開術 hepatotomy y 肝切開術 Hepatotomy with packing 釋義肝臟切開伴填塞 Hepatotomy with drainage 肝臟切開伴引流 單詞釋義 [外科]肝切開術 ...hepatotherapy肝劑療法hepatotomy肝...
Chapter 26 Full-endoscopic Thoracic Discectomy through Transthoracic Retropleural Approach 219 Chapter 27 Full-endoscopic Resection of Upper Thoracic Local Ossified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament ?Through Anterior Transcorporeal Approach 226 Chapter 28 Full-endoscopic Resection of Bilateral Thoracic Ossified ...
Transthoracic Approach to the Thoracic Spine T4-T11 2.2 前方經胸膜入路顯露 T3~T11(Louis 入路)/29 Anterior Transpleural Approach to the Spine T3-T11 According to Louis 2.3 高位胸廓開胸術(T1~T4)/33 High Thoracotomy T1-T4 2.4 微創胸腔鏡輔助下胸椎手術 /37 Thoracoscopic and Minimally ...
35 Diagnostic Bronchoscopy, transthoracicneedle Biopsy, and related Procedures 36 Interventional Bronchoscopy 37 Diagnostic thoracic Surgical Procedures:thoracoscopy, VatS, and thoracotomy 38 Evaluation of respiratory impairment and Disability Part 4: Obstructive Lung Diseases Section 8...
echocardiography,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[內科] 超音波心動描記術;心回波描記術”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 echocardiography /ˌɛkəʊkɑːdɪˈɒɡrəfɪ/ 1.N examination of the heart using ultrasound techniques 超聲心動描記術 短語搭配 transthoracicDoppler ...
37-8 High Transthoracic Approach, 1537 37-9 Transsternal Approach, 1537 37-10 Modified Anterior Approach to Cervicothoracic Junction(Darling et al.), 1539 37-11 Anterior Approach to the Cervicothoracic Junction Without Sternotomy (Pointillart et al.), 1540 37-12 Anterior Approach to the ...
第18章 雜交法經胸食管切除術 125 Hybrid Transthoracic Esophagectomy 作者簡介 李志剛,男,主任醫師,醫學博士。現任上海交通大學附屬胸科醫院食管外科主任畢業於第二軍醫大學,從事胸外科臨床工作十餘年,可開展胸外科所有常見疾病的外科治療。主持食管癌相關國家自然科學基金面上項目2項,發表專業論著多篇。
5.Comparison of transthoracic and transabdominal surgical approaches for the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the cardia,Chinese journal of cancer,2010,29(8)6.賁門癌患者臨床病理特點及預後變化趨勢分析,癌症,2010,29(1)7.No Survival Benefit From Postoperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy After D2 Radical...
(8)Wan L, Yu BT, Wu QC, Zeng L, Wang Q, Tang J, Xu QR, Xu H, Wang WJ, Cao YP, Liu JC*. Transthoracic closure of atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect without cardiopulmonary bypass, Genet Mol Res, 2015; 14(2):3760-6.(9)Li Wan, Qingyu Wu*. Myocardial bridge ...
通過胸主動脈縮窄術(transthoracic aorta constriction,TAC)建立心肌肥厚模型,運用超聲、病理染色和分子生物學指標評價心肌肥厚及纖維化程度。動物實驗研究發現敲除Nek6基因通過激活AKT信號通路加重了心肌肥厚、心肌纖維化和心功能的惡化。相應的,心肌細胞系過表達Nek6通過抑制AKT信號通路減輕了心肌細胞的肥大。因此,本...
2. Sonography and Transthoracic Echocardiography forDiagnosis of Systemic Cardiovascular Metastatic Tumor Thrombi. J Ultrasound Med. 2016Sep;35:1993-2027. doi: 10.7863/ultra.15.10038.3. Sonographic Characterization of ArterialDissections in Takayasu Arteritis. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Jun;35(6):1177-...
2008年在《Eur J Echocardiogr》發表的論文“Individual pulmonary vein imaging by transthoracic echocardiography: an inadequate traditional interpretation”,糾正了經胸超聲心動圖國內外教科書對各條肺靜脈顯示存在30多年的錯誤觀點,對將來研究肺靜脈疾病和肺血流再分布的定量分析有重要的意義。
implantable defibrillator 除顫器 ; 心內除顫器 Cardioverter defibrillator 轉復心律 ; 復律器 conversion defibrillator 轉復除顫器 defibrillator paddle 除顫器墊 transthoracic defibrillator 體外電除顫 electronic defibrillator 電子去纖顫器 monitored defibrillator 受監測除纖顫器 electrical defibrillator 電除顫器 ...
11、Video-assisted transthoracic surgeryresection of a tracheal mass and reconstruction of trachea under non-intubatedanesthesia with spontaneous breathing. Journal of Thoracic Disease. doi:10.3978/j.issn.2 072-1439.2016.01.62(IF=2.046,共同第一)12、Non-intubated resection andreconstruction of ...
7.CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy pulmonary nodules, CT引導下孤立性肺結節的經皮肺活檢 第三屆IASLC中國國際肺癌學術研討會 2003年11月,廣西 8.Treatment for lung carcinoma by muscle-sparing thoracotomy, 保留胸肌的肺癌治療 第三屆IASLC中國國際肺癌學術研討會 2003年11月,...
It is designed to complement training and accreditation programmes and, importantly, bridges the gap in echocardiography books between the simple entry-level texts and the large textbooks. Based on international cardiology and echocardiography society guidelines, this book aims to demystify transthoracic, ...
CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic cutting biopsy is a very valuable way, which diagnosed solitary pulmonary nodule earlier. It should be widely spreaded in the diagnosis of the lung nodulus.CT導引下肺穿刺切割活檢術,是早期確診肺孤立性結節的一種有效方法。Objective CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic ...
92. *Gong Y, Sneige N, Guo M, Hicks ME, Moran CA. Transthoracic fine-needle aspiration vs concurrent core needle biopsy in diagnosis of intrathoracic lesions: a retrospective comparison of diagnostic accuracy. Am J Clin Pathol 125:438-44, 2006. PMID: 16613349.93. Gong Y, Booser DJ, S...