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thorn,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,譯為“刺;[植] 荊棘”。


  • 外文名:thorn
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式讀音:θɔːn
  • 美式讀音:θɔːrn


根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
  1. N-COUNT Thorns are the sharp points on some plants and trees, for example, on a rose bush. 刺
  2. N-VAR A thorn or a thorn bush or a thorn tree is a bush or tree which has a lot of thorns on it. 帶刺灌木叢; 帶刺的樹


thorn forest多刺叢林 ;[林]熱帶旱生林 ; 棘刺林
Your Thorn大橋史
THORN LIGHTING索恩照明 ; 索恩照明公司
camel thorn吉臘夫相思木 ; 駱駝刺
Kevin Thorn凱文·索恩 ;
thorn toxic毒刺 ; 刺有毒 ; 有毒刺
Thorn soul刺魂者 ; 刺魂
Puffer thorn刺河豚
Thorn Creek索恩河


  • 1The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery.也許不用動手術就能去除他喉嚨卡著的那塊骨刺。
  • 2Nightingale pressed closer against the thorn, and the thorn touched her heart, and a fierce pang of pain shot through her.南丁格爾更加的靠近那個刺,刺碰到了她的心臟,一股劇烈的疼痛擊穿了她的身體。
  • 3She fell to reflecting again, and in looking downwards, a thorn of the rose remaining in her breast accidentally pricked her chin.她又陷入了沉思,向下看時,她戴在胸前的玫瑰花刺扎了一下她的下巴。
  • 4All night long you must sing to me, and my thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.你必須整夜對我歌唱,我的刺必須刺穿你的心,你的生命之血必須流進我的血管,成為我的血液。
  • 5Unlike a thorn, a prickle can be easily broken off the plant because it is really a feature of the outer layers rather than part of the wood, like a thorn.與刺不同,皮刺能夠被輕易地從植物莖上剝落,因為它僅僅是植物外層的一種特徵,而不像刺那樣是樹木的一部分。
  • 6I'm as tough as a white-thorn knobstick.我像白山楂圓木棒一樣結實。
  • 7The thorn apple has a strong purgative.曼佗羅有強泄作用。
  • 8With its heart against a thorn.心裡帶著荊棘而歌唱。
  • 9Education: a thorn in China's upside.教育:中國經濟上行的硬傷。
  • 10And I want my thorn transformed into a flower.我願我的荊棘變成花朵。
  • 11I wonder why I become a thorn in their flesh.不知為什麼我成了他們的眼中釘了。我可從未錯待過他們。
  • 12She screamed out when she pricked her finger on a thorn.她的手上扎了一根刺,她馬上尖叫起來。
  • 13A jackal trotted west toward a stand of camel thorn trees.一匹孤狼小跑向西邊的一叢駱駝刺。
  • 14I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but not once for my thorn.我曾為我的玫瑰感謝你過一千次,卻沒有為我的刺感謝你過一次。
  • 15But the thorn had not yet reached her heart, so the rose's heart remained white.但是,刺還沒有扎進她的心裡,所以,玫瑰的心臟仍然是白色的。
  • 16The Boy sat down and the Lion put his paw gently in his lap while the thorn was cut out.男孩坐下來,獅子輕柔地把爪子放在他的膝上,刺被拔了出來。
  • 17But those villagers told Mr Thorn that what they needed most was access to the Internet.但那些村民告訴桑先生他們最需要的是上網。
  • 18"He probably won't play until after Christmas," Thorn said. "We want him to be 100 percent."網隊總裁索恩說:“卡特可能得等到12月27日以後才能上場,我們想讓他百分之百恢復以後再上場比賽。”
  • 19Uploader for Outlook tackles a thorn in the side of any enterprise customer: email attachments.Outlook上傳器解決掉所有企業客戶都會碰到麻煩:郵件附屬檔案。
  • 20It happened that we had recently seen in Paris the figure of the boy pulling a thorn out of his foot.碰巧最近我們都在巴黎看到過那個拔腳上的刺的男孩的雕像。
  • 21The trees in fact concealed an ancient chalk quarry, now half over?grown with thorn trees and vines.這片樹林掩住了一片幾乎長滿藤蔓和灌木的古老的採礦場。
  • 22Lennon was a thorn from the first few minutes and England recognised his superiority by giving him regular service.列儂在開場的前一段時間內就像是右路的一把利刺,而英格蘭隊也注意到他在右路的優勢並給予了充分的支援。
  • 23"Private Devotion and Power" includes one of the show's most impressive jewel-like objects, "the Holy Thorn Reliquary".“個人奉獻和權力”部分包括一件寶石一樣的東西,叫“聖荊棘聖髑盒”,是最為令人讚嘆的展品之一。
  • 24"At the end of their treatments," Thorn said, "my patients say, 'I still have the pain. But the pain doesn't have me.'"Thorn說:“在治療的末期,我的病人們說,‘我仍然感到疼痛,但我不會被它打敗。’”


