- 外文名:thomist
- 詞性:名詞
- 釋義:托馬斯主義者
- 短語搭配:Neo-Thomist
著作有《意願與自由:奧古斯丁意願概念的道德心理學解讀》(北京大學出版社,2010年),譯作有《中世紀哲學:歷史與哲學導論》(北京大學出版社,2015年)、《羞恥與必然性(第二版)》(北京大學出版社,2021年)等,在Res Philosophica, Review of Metaphysics, Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Thomist等國際...
蘇亞雷學派Suarezianism是天主教士林學派內由西班牙的耶穌會士蘇亞雷(1548-1617)首創的一種思想體系。它試圖走在多瑪斯學派、思高學派與唯名論等路線中間,但整體而言,他最接近多瑪斯學派。概念 由於它受思高學派與唯名論影響頗大,因此受到對手─ 新多瑪斯主義者(Neo-Thomist)─ 猛烈的攻擊。雖然它不乏衛護者...
intellectuals from Protestant countries. At the end of the Age of Enlightenment, in 1783, the chemist Pieter Jan Minckelers discovered the suitability of coal gas for lighting. In the nineteenth century, at the instigation of Pope Leo XIII, K.U.Leuven became an important centre of Thomist ...
新托馬斯主義美學(neo-Thomist aesthetics) 現代是西方美學流派之一。20世紀20年代產生,40-50 年代得到較大發展。主要代表有法國哲學家馬利坦和吉爾松等。新托馬斯主義美學是新托馬斯主義哲學的重要方面,該哲學於19世紀末初具形態,第一次世界大戰後,擴大到各人文學科,第二次世界大戰後繼續擴展。哲學上重新解釋...
《維多利亞政治著作選(影印本)》是2003年5月中國政法大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是維多利亞。內容簡介 Francisco Vitoria was the earliest and arguably the most important of the Thomist political philosophers of the counter - Reformation.Not only did he write important essays on civil and ecclesiastical ...
Francisco Vitoria was the earliest and arguably the most important of the Thomist political philosophers of the counter - Reformation.Not only did he write important essays on civil and ecclesiastical power,but he became celebrate for his defence of the New World Indians against the imperialism of ...