


  • 中文名:次大陸
  • 外文名:subcontinent
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 音標:[ˌsʌbˈkɒntɪnənt]


英 [ˌsʌbˈkɒntɪnənt] 美 [ˌsʌbˈkɑːntɪnənt]
複數: subcontinents


  • 1They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.他們來自世界各地,但其中大部分人還是來自印度次大陸。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2This is the crop of the Indian subcontinent and of Argentina.印度次大陸及阿根廷的作物便是這樣。
  • 3The disease occurs in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent.此病發生在非洲、亞洲和印度次大陸。
  • 4Chikungunya occurs in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent.基孔肯雅熱發生在非洲、亞洲和印度次大陸。
  • 5Marriages with spouses from the subcontinent are still common.婚姻配偶還來自於次大陸沒什麼新鮮的。
  • 6We are seeing in many parts of the subcontinent remarkable growth.我們可以看到,非洲的許多地區均呈現了顯著增長。
  • 7She will also get a bit of a shock if she ever returns to the subcontinent.假如她再次回到南亞次大陸,還是會感到有所震驚。
  • 8But the problem has been particularly acute in the Indian subcontinent.但在印度半島這個問題尤為突出。
  • 9Bollywood movies are the most popular form of entertainment across the subcontinent.寶萊塢電影是整個次大陸地區最受歡迎的娛樂形式。
  • 10Today the number is over 350 million, roughly half the population of the subcontinent.如今這個數目超過了3.5億,差不多是該次大陸人口的一半。
  • 11Tick typhus is actually a form of Spotted fever in Africa and the Indian subcontinent.蜱傳斑疹傷寒實際上是非洲和印度次大陸的斑疹熱的一種。
  • 12And we began to change our approach to India, to preserve stability on the subcontinent.我們也開始改變我們對待印度的方法,以維護印度次大陸的穩定。
  • 13His ambition to reopen former trade routes across a peaceful Indian subcontinent is laudable.但他雄心勃勃,試圖重啟通往印度次大陸和平的和談之路,值得為之喝彩。
  • 14India in the South Asian subcontinent of India, the world's second most populous country.印度位於亞洲南部的印度次大陸,是世界上人口第二多的國家。
  • 15This, however, in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years tradition, not overnight can be repealed.然而,這在印度次大陸上已有數千年的傳統,並非一朝一夕可以廢除。
  • 16Successive deposits of the Indian subcontinent illustrate much of what is known of the history of the family.印度次大陸連續的地層為該科的演化歷史提供了主要的化石依據。
  • 17It was probably the principal method by which Hinduism spread through the subcontinent and into Southeast Asia.這很可能是印度教向次大陸傳播,並且進入東南亞的主要方式。
  • 18Even by the standards of the subcontinent it was a colossal operation: Indian Railways employs a mere 1.5m people.甚至以整個印度次大陸的標準來看,這也是一項龐大的生意:印度鐵路也才僱傭近一百五十萬人。
  • 19India's tectonic journey not only changed the Indian Subcontinent, it also changed the environment of land to the north.印度大陸的漂移過程不僅改變了印度次大陸,同時也改變了北部歐亞大陸的環境。
  • 20Finally, before we celebrate a "demographic dividend," can the Indian subcontinent (and the world) sustain 1.4 billion Indians?最後,在我們為印度的“人口紅利”歡欣鼓舞之前,還有一個問題:印度次大陸(和全世界)是否真的能承受14億印度人?
  • 21He brings to his subject a reporter's healthy skepticism and an old India hand's stubborn fascination with the subcontinent and its people.他為這工作注入作為記者的合理質疑態度和作為老印度對印度次大陸上人民的無盡熱情。
  • 22Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, the Subcontinent, not to speak of Latin America, were all seized long before Mesopotamia or the Levant.撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲,東南亞,南亞次大陸,更不用說拉美了,在美索不達米亞或累范特(the Levant)之前,長期以來都處於西方的控制之下。
  • 23Such desperate behavior hints at a larger story about the nomads who have roamed the subcontinent for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years.如此孤注一擲的舉動,遙想印度遊牧部落幾百年,甚至幾千年的漂泊不定,不由唏噓不已。
  • 24Second, doctors with roots in the subcontinent are greatly over-represented among the country's medical establishment but have long felt neglected.第二,來源於次大陸血統的醫生們在全國的醫療機構里被安置的人員過多,但是卻長期感到不受重視。
  • 25Hinduism is a modern invention, a label to put over whatever people in the subcontinent practice that relates to something that we would call gods.印度教這個詞是一個現代產物,我們用它來指代那些在印度次大陸,信奉我們稱之為神的信徒。


