Harunur Rashid(哈如奴兒·拉希德),男,加拿大國籍。曾在Memorial University of Newfoundland(紐芬蘭紀念大學)任職,現為上海海洋大學海洋科學學院特聘研究員及上海海洋大學深淵科學技術研究中心研究員。
在Scinence、Quaternary Science Reviews、Paleoceanography、Earth & Planetary Science Letters、Marine Geology 以及 Review of Geophysics 等國際主流期刊上發表論文20多篇,編寫著作1本。2016年全職加入上海海洋大學深淵科學技術中心,負責深海科學和氣候演變方面的研究工作。
- 中文名:哈如奴兒·拉希德
- 國籍:加拿大
- 出生地:孟加拉共和國
- 職業:上海海洋大學研究員
- 畢業院校:麥吉爾大學(博士)
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:海洋地質
- 職務:研究員
Harunur Rashid 出生於孟加拉共和國,加拿大籍人。
1996年 | 挪 威 | 卑爾根大學 (Universitetet i Bergen) | 地球物理專業 | 碩士(M.Sc) |
2002年 | 加 拿 大 | 麥 吉 爾 大 學 (McGill University) | 海洋地質專業 | 博士(Ph.D.) |
1997.1-2002.4 | 助研/助教 | |
2002.4-2004.8 | 博士後 | |
2004.9-2007.8 | 助理研究員 | |
2007.9-2009.4 | 講 師 | |
2009.5-2012.12 | 高級助理研究員 | |
2013.1-2016.4 | 助理教授 | |
2016.4 -今 | 特聘研究研究員 |
依託這個世界領先的科研平台,同時具有多年的海洋地質、古海洋學和低溫地球化學的研究經歷,也參加過多次海洋科考航次,外加精通穩定同位素質譜儀等多種分析儀器和海洋氣候模型,熟悉海洋沉積物樣品採樣、保存和分析流程。Harunur Rashid 在進入上海海洋大學後,開展了深海科學特別是深海地質和環境氣候變化的研究工作。
(i) stable isotopes [hydrogen (δD), oxygen (δ18O), carbon (δ13C), and nitrogen (δ15N)] in biogenic
carbonates, sediments, and water;
(ii) radiogenic isotopes [C, Nd, and Sr] in biogenic carbonates and sediments;
(iii) Minor and trace elements [Mg, Ba, B, Ca, Cd, Li, Sr, Fe, Al, Mn, U, and Zn] in biogenic carbonates and sediments;
(iv) Organic biomarkers [alkenones, IP25, and GDGTs];
(v) Sediment dynamic and sediment geochemistry [sortable silt, clay mineralogy,and provenance tracers].
The Recruitment Program of Global Experts Thousand Talent title
2018 上海海洋大學:榮獲上海“海外高層次人才引進計畫
CanadaFoundation for Innovation (CFI)
2014 紐芬蘭紀念大學:加拿大創新基金會委員
The Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2013 日本北海道大學:日本科技促進會研究員
1.Title: Tracking millennial-scale upper water masses stratification (i.e.,mixed-layer and thermocline gradients) during the past 450,000 years in the northwest Atlantic: planktonic foraminiferal δ18O andMg/Ca approach; funded by NSF-C in 2018 [2018 - 2022]. Samples for this project are provided bythe International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP).
2.Title: (i) Assessing millennial-scale sediment discharge and climate variability using sediment corefrom the SW Iceland Shelf; and (ii) Origin, degradation, and burial of organic matter in the MarianaTrench and the New Britain Trench: funded by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology [2017 -2020].
利用西南冰島陸架岩心沉積物評估千年尺度上的沉積物排放和氣候變化 & 馬里亞納海溝和新不列顛海溝中的有機物來源、降解和埋藏;青島國家海洋科學技術實驗室支持
3.Title: Reconstructing high-resolution surface and deep-water changes using sediment cores from Solomon Sea [PapuaNew Guinea]; Shanghai Ocean University [2017 - 2021].
4.Title: Late Quaternary sediment dynamics of Labrador Sea and northwest Atlantic Ocean [Natural Resources Canada-Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; and Research and Development Corporation] [Ongoing]
5.Title: Late Quaternary, Pliocene-Miocene and Oligocene sedimentation, tectonics andpaleoceanography of theNorth Atlantic and NW Pacific (Nankai Trough) oceans; [ongoing]. The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) provided samples for this project.
6.Title: Reconstructing ventilation history ofSouth China Sea [2019 - 2021]. Samples for this projectwill be provided by various research partners.
2014-2017 縱向課題 來源:加拿大大西洋發展機遇署 (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)
2015-2017 橫向課題 來源:赫斯基能源公司(Husky Energy)
2015 橫向課題 來源: 紐芬蘭紀念大學用於補貼工資的研究資助
2014-2015 縱向課題 來源:加拿大改革基金會(Canadian Foundation for Innovation and RDC Leverage)
2014-2016 縱向課題 來源:紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省研究與發展公司(Research and Development Corporation)
2013 橫向課題 來源:紐芬蘭紀念大學Grenfell校區啟動經費
2012 縱向課題 來源:綜合大洋鑽探(IODP)科學支持項目
2011 縱向課題 來源:加拿大天然能 (Natural Resources Canada)
2009-2011 橫向課題 來源:俄亥俄州立大學水碳項目
2009 縱向課題 來源:美國自然科學基金
2009 橫向課題 來源:俄亥俄州立大學研究辦公室
2008 縱向課題 來源:加拿大自然資 (Natural Resources Canada)
2006 縱向課題 來源:加拿大自然資 (Natural Resources Canada)
2005-2006 縱向基金 來源:美國自然科學基金會大洋鑽探航次後資助
2004-2005 縱向課題 來源:拉蒙特-多爾蒂地球觀測站氣候中心
2003-2004 縱向課題 來源:美國國家自然基金國家海洋科學加速器中心(NOSAMS/WHOI)
2001 縱向課題 來源:美國國家自然基金亞利桑那州立大學加速器實驗室(AMS/NSF)
- Rashid, H, Piper, D JW, Mackillop, K, Ouellette, D, Vermooten, M, Muñoz, A, Jimenez, P, Dynamics of sediments on a sediment starved, current-swept continental margin: the SE Grand Banks Slope off Newfoundland, Marine Geology 2019.01.01, 408, 67 - 86.
- Rashid, H., Gourlan, A. T., Marche, B. & Sheppard*, B. (2018), An expression of Indian Summer Monsoon changes during the last 25,000 years recorded in the radioisotopes of the Andaman Sea marine sediment, to Earth Systems and Environment (accepted).
3. Li, G, Rashid, H., et al. The deep-water oxygenation changes in the South China Sea since the last glacial period, Geophysical Research Letters doi: 10.1029/2018GL078568.
4. Doss, W., Marchitto, T. M., Eagle, R., Rashid, H. & Tripati, A., Deconvolving the saturation state and temperature controls on benthic foraminiferal Li/Ca, based on downcore paired B/Ca measurements and coretop compilation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 236, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.02.029
5. Wang, Y., Xu, Y.-P., Spencer, R. G. M., Zito, P., Kellerman, A., Podgorski, D., Xiao, W.-J., Wei, D. D., Rashid, H. & Yang, Y.-H., Selective leaching of dissolved organic matter from alpine permafrost soils on northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 123. doi: 10.1002/2017JG004343
6. Rashid, H., Piper, D. J. W., Lazar*, K., McDonald, K. & St. Ange, F*. (2017), The Holocene Labrador Current: changing linkages to atmospheric and oceanographic forcing factors, Paleoceanography 32, doi: 10.1002/2016PA003051.
7. Rashid, H., MacKillop, K., Sherwin, J., Piper, D. J. W., Marche, B. & Vermooten, M. (2017), Slope instability on a shallow contourite-dominated continental margin, southeastern Grand Banks, eastern Canada, Marine Geology 393, 203-215.
8. Toki, T., Masataka, K., Sumito, M., Masuda, H., Rashid, H., Yoshinishi, H., Nakano, T. & Noguchi, T. (2016), The vertical chloride ion profile at the IODP Site C0002, Kumano Basin, off coast of Japan, Tectonophysics 710-711, 88-96.
9. Harunur Rashid*, B., Marche, Vermooten, M., Parry, D., Webb, M., Brockway, B. D. & Langer, K. Comment on “Asynchronous variation in the East Asian winter monsoon during the Holocene” [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere. 2016, 121(4):1611–1614.
10. Tomohiro Toki*, Masuda, H., Harunur Rashid & Shinjo, S. Development of extraction method of interstitial water from consolidated sediments toward super-deep drilling [J]. Geostand. Geoanaly. Res.2016, 40: 291–300.
11. Harunur Rashid*, Piper, D. J. W., Mansfield, C., Polyak, L. & Saint-Ange, F. Reply to a Comment on “Signature of the Gold Cove event (10.2 ka) in the Labrador Sea”[J]. Quaternary International.2015, 377:160-162.
12. Harunur Rashid*, Piper, D. J. W., Mansfield, C., Polyak, L. & Saint-Ange, F. Signature of the Gold Cove event (10.2 ka) in the Labrador Sea[J]. Quaternary International.2014, 352:212-221.
13. Harunur Rashid*, Best, K., Otieno, F. O. & Shum, C. K. Analysis of paleoclimatic records for understanding the tropical hydrologic cycle in abrupt climate change[J]. Climate Vulnerability.2013, 5:127-139.
14. Harunur Rashid*, Saint-Ange, F., Barber, D. C., Smith, A. E. & Devalia, N. Fine scale sediment structure and geochemical signature between Eastern and Western North Atlantic during Heinrich events 1 and 2[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews.2012, 46(4):136-150.
15. Harunur Rashid*, England, E., Thompson, L. & Polyak, L. Late glacial to Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon variability from the Bay of Bengal sediment records[J]. Terr. Atmos. Ocean Sci.2011, 22(2):215-228.
16. Harunur Rashid*, Polyak, L. & Mosley-Thompson, E. Abrupt Climate Change: revisited [M]. Geophysical Monograph.2011, 193 (1):1-14.
17. Harunur Rashid*, Flower, B. P., Poore, R. Z. & Quinn, T. M. A ~25 ka monsoon variability record from the Andaman Sea [J]. Quaternary Science Reviews.2007, 26(19-21):2586-2597.
18. Harunur Rashid* & Boyle, E. Mixed-layer deepening during Heinrich Events: a multi-planktonic foraminiferal δO approach [J]. Science.2007, 318(5849):439-441.
19. Harunur Rashid* & Grosjean, E. Detecting the source of Heinrich layers: an organic geochemical study [J]. Paleoceanography.2006, 21(3): doi: 10.1029/2005PA00.
20. Reinhard Hesse*, Harunur Rashid & Khodabakhsh, S. Fine-grained sediment lofting from meltwater-generated turbidity currents during Heinrich events [J]. Geology.2004, 32(5):449-452.
21. Harunur Rashid*, Hesse, R. & Piper, D. J. W. Evidence for an additional Heinrich event in the Labrador Sea [J]. Paleoceanography.2003, 18(4):1-1.
22. Harunur Rashid*, Hesse, R. & Piper, D. J. W. Origin of the unusually thick Heinrich layers H-1 to H-3 in the northwest Labrador Sea [J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.2003, 208(3-4):319-336.

Title: “Abrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Patterns and Impacts”,Rashid, H., Polyak,
L. & Mosley-Thompson, E. (eds.)Geophysical Monograph series#193, Washington, D.C., pp.242.
Title: “The role of Hudson Strait in Younger Dryas sedimentation in the Labrador Sea”,Rashid H.,Piper DJW,Flower outlet BP,
1.Rashid, H., et al., 2018, Sediment dynamic sortable silt suggest variable Labrador Current and LSW strength during the Younger Dryas and 8,200-year meltwater outburst event, Goldschmidt 2018 meeting in Boston, USA.
2. Rashid, H., Piper, D. J. W., MacKillop, K., McQuarrie, Zhu, M.-J., and Xing, J.-L., 2018, Dynamics of sediments on a sediment starved, current swept continental margin adjacent to a former continental ice-sheet: the SE Grand Banks Slope off Newfoundland, International Sedimentological Congress, Québec City, Canada.
3. Rashid, H., Gang, L., Xu, Y.-P., Piper, D. J. W., Zhu, M.-J., and Xing, J.-L., 2018, Freshwater forcing modified the Labrador Current vigor and northwest Atlantic slope waters during the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly, annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.
4. Rashid, H., and Piper, D. J. W., 2017, Discharge of water and sediment from ice-streams on the southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet during Heinrich events: timing and magnitude, Fall 2017 AGU meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
5. Lazar, K. B., Rashid, H., Vermooten, M., and Dong, M.-Q., 2017, Abrupt changes in bottom water benthic foraminiferal assemblages during Heinrich events 1-4, Fall 2017 AGU meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
6. Rashid, H., Xiao, W.-J., Gang, L., Xu, Y.-P., and Piper, D. J. W., 2017, Reconstructing the Labrador Current during the past 1,400 years using dynamic sediment and organic geochemical proxies, Goldschmidt 2017 meeting in Paris, France.
7. Rashid, H., 2017, Deep-sea records of abrupt past monsoon changes: why it matters to understand the mechanisms? XMAS-III meeting in Xi’men, China.
8. Rashid, H., Marche, B., Vermooten, M., Piper, D. J. W., Lazar, K. B., Brockway, B. D., and Fournier, E., 2016, An ultra-high resolution last deglacial marine sediment records of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, Fall 2016 AGU meeting, San Francisco, USA.
9. Rashid, H., Gourlan, A. T., Marche, B. & Sheppard*, B. (2016),Changes of the Indian summer monsoon recorded in the neodymium isotopes of the Andaman Sea sediments during the last deglaciation, Goldschmidt 2016 conference in Yokohama, Japan.
10. Rashid, H.,MacKillop, K., Piper, D. J. W., Vermooten*, M., Higgins*, J., Marche*, B., Langer, K., Brockway, B. D., Fournier, E., Spicer, H., & Webb, M., Sediment movements and dispersal patterns on the Grand Banks continental shelf and slope were tied to the dynamics of the Laurentide ice-sheet margin, Fall 2015 AGU meeting, San Francisco, USA.
11. Rashid, H., Vermooten*, M., Marche*, B., Oxford*, B., Fournier, E.,Piper, D. J. W. & Higgins, J., The Holocene climatic events in the Labrador Seaand Grand Banks, Canadian Quaternary Association biennial meeting, St. John’s, NL, August 2015.
12. Rashid, H., Laurentide ice-sheet meltwater outburst is linked to the 10.2 ka climate anomaly, MacEwan University, Edmonton, April 2014.
13. Rashid, H., Records of abrupt summer monsoon changes in the Indian Ocean sediments: link to the decline of Indus Valley Civilizations? Osaka City University, Osaka, December 2013.
14. Rashid,H, Why it matters to understand the mechanisms of Abrupt Climate Change? Hokkaido University, Sapporo, December 2013.
15.Rashid, H., Indian monsoon response to abrupt climate change: links to Indus Valley civilizations decline? University of Tokyo, Tokyo, December 2013.
16.Rashid, H., Indian Ocean circulation and terrestrial carbon cycle: connecting the longer timescale climate perspective, Atmosphere & Ocean Research Institute, Kashiwanoha, December 2013.
17. Rashid, H. & Lazar*, K. M., Differences in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the LGM and Holocene, National University of Ireland-Galway, August 2012.
18. Rashid, H., A 25,000 years North American ice-sheet record from the Labrador Sea and Great Lakes’ sediments, Western Michigan University, July 2012.
19. Rashid, H., England*, E. & Konfirst**, M. A., Indian monsoon response to abrupt climate changes: links to the decline of Indus Valley Civilizations? University of Southern Mississippi, Hatiesburg, March 2012.
20. Rashid, H., Vouis*, R. & Rodgers*, B., Perspective on Holocene Climate variability of North America, University of Regina, Saskatoon, Canada, November 2011.
21. Rashid, H. & Best*, K., Monsoon and Meltwater: Assessing the water availability in a changing climate in the Indian Subcontinent, Newcastle University, UK, October 2011.
22. Rashid, H., England*, E. & Rodgers*, B., Records of abrupt summer monsoon changes in the Indian Ocean sediments: link to the decline of Indus Valley Civilizations? Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, March 2011.
23. Rashid, H., England*, E. & Rodgers*, B., Records of abrupt summer monsoon changes in the Indian Ocean sediments: link to the decline of Indus Valley Civilizations? University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, February 2011.
24. Rashid, H., Abrupt Climate Change: Why it matters to understand the mechanisms, Bishop’s University, Québec, Canada, 2011.
25.Rashid, H., A snapshot of four glacial cycles from the North Atlantic, PAGES Interglacials (PIGS) meeting, LDEO-Columbia University, October 2010.
26.Rashid, H., Sediment transfer mechanism in an ice-sheet margin adjacent to a continental ice-sheet, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada, March 2010.
27. Rashid, H., Abrupt Climate Change: Why it matters to understand the mechanisms, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2009.
28.Rashid, H., Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation variability of the last 460,000 years: a paleo-proxy bases perspective, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, MD, 2009.
29. Rashid, H. & Boyle, E. A., Reconstructing the instability of the Laurentide Ice-Sheet during the last four glacial cycles: A multi-proxy approach, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2009.
30. Rashid, H., Abrupt Climate Change: Why it matters to understand the mechanisms, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 2009.
31. Rashid, H., Abrupt Climate Change: Why it matters to understand the mechanisms, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 2009.
32. Rashid, H., Piper, D. J.W. & Mansfield, C., The Younger Dryas meltwater signal: a new assessment of the role of the ice-proximal Hudson Strait outlet to the Labrador Sea and Atlantic Ocean, University of Bergen, Norway, 2008.
33. Rashid, H., Millennial-scale four glacial cycles’ ocean ventilation and sea-surface variability records from the western North Atlantic, European Project for Ice Core Drilling in Antarctica (EPICA) open science meeting in Venice, Italy, 2008.
34. Rashid, H. & Rodgers, B., Global temperature change: potential impact in the intensity of the Indian Ocean Monsoon, flooding and soil erosion, Regional symposium on climate change and food security in South Asia, organized by the UNEP/WMO/FAO-OSU/DU, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008.
35.Rashid, H., Abrupt North Atlantic Deep Water slowdown coeval to 10,200 year Labrador Sea freshwater discharge, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2008.
36.Rashid, H., Impact of mixed-layer deepening and ventilated thermocline for the Meridional overturningcirculation, Paleo Lunch, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2008.
37. Rashid, H.,Abrupt Climate Change: why it matters to understand the mechanisms, Tennessee Tech University, Nashville, TN, 2008.
38. Rashid, H., A 100 ka record of SST variability from the NW Atlantic Ocean based on the Mg/Ca on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2005.
39. Rashid, H., Quinn, T. M. & Poore, R. Z., Do the Bay of Bengal G. ruber dO data represents the diminishing trend of the Indian Ocean monsoon during the late Holocene? Chapman conference on “Tropical-Extratropical climatic teleconnections; A long-term perspective”, Honolulu, HI, p.50, 2005.
40.Rashid, H., Boyle, E. A. & Piper, D. W., Towards understanding of iceberg-rafting during Heinrich events 1 and 2: a west side story, MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany, 2005.