- 外文名:splendor
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:美:[ˈsplendər] 英:['splendə(r)]
- 釋義:壯麗,壯觀;美景
英 [ˈsplendə(r)] 美 [ˈsplendər]
n. 壯麗,壯觀;美景,讓人印象深刻的事物(splendors)
【名】 (Splendor)斯普倫多爾(人名)
[ 複數 splendors ]
American Splendor 美國榮耀 ; 光耀美國 ; 美國奇觀 ; 小人物狂想曲
Splendor in the Grass 天涯何處覓知音 ; 音樂節 ; 在草輝煌
Carnival Splendor 嘉年華光輝號
Santorini Splendor 聖托里尼輝煌
Autumn Splendor 秋色
Solomon's Splendor 所羅門的榮耀 ; 所羅門的榮耀專輯
eagle's splendor 鷹之威儀 ; 鷹之光輝 ; 鷹之光彩
Splendor Blast 輝煌疾風 ; 輝煌疾風街機遊戲
nyx splendor 印度風情
- I will enjoy to the full all my splendor! 我要盡情享受我所有的輝煌!
- The splendor of it was beyond all imagination! 它的輝煌是超乎想像的!
- The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset. 作家試圖摹寫落日的光彩。
- Now his future lay plain before him, and glowing with unimaginable splendor. 現在,他的未來展現在他面前,閃耀著難以想像的光輝。
- The greatest splendor and the greatest magnificence one can imagine await them. 人們所能想像到的最偉大的輝煌和壯麗都在等待著它們。
- Tom's days were days of splendor and exultation to him, but his nights were seasons of horror. 對湯姆來說,白天是光輝燦爛、歡欣鼓舞的日子,而夜晚則是恐怖的時刻。
- Far out over the sea the sun was setting with such splendor that I would almost have sworn I could hear the water hiss where it touched. 在遙遠的海面上,太陽正輝煌地落下,我幾乎可以發誓,我能聽到水觸到的地方發出嘶嘶聲。
- "Now then the splendor will begin again," thought the Fir. “現在美好的生活又要開始了!”樅樹想。
- Were I in the warm room with all the splendor and magnificence! 要是我在那個溫暖的房間裡,打扮得富麗堂皇,那該多好啊!
- The sun came out in full splendor and the sea became as calm as a lake. 陽光絢爛,大海平靜如湖面。
- Surrounded by so much splendor, the Marionette hardly knew what he was doing. 木偶被這么多華麗的東西包圍著,感到有點不知所措。
- Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary. 尊榮和威嚴在他前面;力量與榮耀在他聖所里。
- Their marriage was celebrated with great splendor, and roamed about the castle grounds in happiness and safety. 他們舉行了隆重的婚禮慶典,在城堡里快樂安全地到處晃悠。
- Although living combines tragedy with splendor, life is beautiful and even tragedies reflect something engaging. 雖然生活苦憂參半,但依然美妙,甚至在悲劇中也藏著迷人之處。
- The ray quivered to and fro, making her figure dim or distinct- now like a real child, now like a child's spirit- as the splendor went and came again. 那束光來回抖動,使得她的身影忽明忽暗——一會兒像個活生生的孩子,一會兒又像是孩子的精靈——隨著光忽明忽暗。
- A thing which is full of splendor. 這是一種光輝燦爛的東西。
- Its wings were spread in splendor. 翅膀在光彩中舒展。
- The splendor of the palace dazed him. 這座富麗堂皇的宮殿使他眼花繚亂。
- Two tugboats are pulling the Splendor back to port. 兩艘拖船正在將輝煌號遊艇拖回港口。
- either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. 無論是光芒四射,還是在陰霾的籠罩下,它將高高升起。
- All the splendor 1 in the world is not worth a good friend. voltaire. 人世間所有的榮華富貴不如一個好朋友。
- You have put an end to his splendor and cast his throne to the ground. 你使他的光輝止息,將他的寶座推倒於地。
- Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life. 白髮是榮耀的冠冕,在公義的道上,必能得著。
- the splendor of Christ's humble birth, the love of friend for friend. 偉大的基督謙卑的降生,和朋友間無私的愛。
- The Carnival cruise ship Splendor is expected to return to San Diego today. 嘉年華遊艇輝煌號有望於今天回到聖地亞哥。
- It would be nearly thirty years before I got to see the splendor of the city. 等我看到這座城市的輝煌時已是近30年後的事了。
- May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children. 願你的作為向你僕人顯現。 願你的榮耀向他們子孫顯明。
- My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. 你的讚美,你的榮耀,終日必滿了我的口。
- Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. 有尊榮和威嚴在他面前,有能力和喜樂在他聖所。
- O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. 耶和華我的神啊,你為至大。你以尊榮威嚴為衣服。