

《speech-less》是2010年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Matthew Latimer。


  • 書名:speech-less 
  • 作者:Matthew Latimer
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780307464293


From a top speechwriter to President George W. Bush and DonaldRumsfeld, this may be the most deliciously candid memoir everwritten about official Washington—a laugh-out-loud cri de coeurthat shows what can happen to idealism in a town driven byself-interest.
Despite being raised by reliably liberal parents, Matt Latimeris, from an early age, lured by the upbeat themes of the ReaganRevolution and, in the tradition of Mary Tyler Moore, sets off fromthe Midwest for the big city, determined to "make it afterall." In Matt's glory-filled daydreams, he will championsmaller government and greater self-sufficiency, lower taxes andstronger defense—and, by the force of his youthful passion,eradicate do-nothing boondoggleism and lead America to new heightsof greatness.
But first he has to find a job.
Like an inside-the-Beltway Dante, Matt chronicles his descentinto Washington, D.C., hell, as he snares a series of increasinglylofty—but unsatisfying—jobs with powerful figures on Capitol Hill.One boss can't remember basic facts. Another appears to hide fromhis own staff, barricading himself in his office. When Fate offersMatt a job as chief speechwriter for Secretary of Defense DonaldRumsfeld and Matt finds he actually admires the man (causing hisliberal friends to shake their heads in dismay), his youthfulpassion is renewed. But Rummy soon becomes a pi?ata for the press,and the Department of Defense is revealed as alarminglydysfunctional.
Eventually, Matt lands at the White House, his heart aflutterwith the hope that, here at last, he can fulfill his dream ofpenning words that will become part of history—and maybe pick upsome cool souvenirs. But reality intrudes once again. More like TheOffice than The West Wing, the nation's most storied officebuilding is a place where the staffers who run the country are inway over their heads, and almost everything the public has beentold about the major players—Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Rove—iswrong.
Both a rare behind-the-scenes account that boldly names the foolsand scoundrels, and a poignant lament for the principledconservatism that disappeared during the Bush presidency,Speech-less will forever change the public's view of our nation'scapital and the people who joust daily for its power.
From the Hardcover edition.


MATT LATIMER was one of President Bush's top speechwriters from March 2007 to October 2008. He was also chief speechwriter to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for three years.


