- 外文名:spectrally
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式發音:['spɛktrəli]
- 釋義:可怕地;幽靈似地
光譜純試劑(Spectrally Pure)的縮寫為SP,表示光譜純淨。但由於有機物在光譜上顯示不出,所以有時主成分達不到99.9%以上,使用時必須注意,特別是作基準物時,必須進行標定。其他的有:實驗試劑(Laboratory Reagent):縮寫為LR,又稱四級試劑 化學純試劑(Chemically Pure):縮寫為CP,又稱三級試劑,一般瓶上用...
光譜對立細胞(spectrally opponent cell) 是指一種視覺皮質細胞。其放電受光譜兩個波段的相反影響。猴子的大多數節細胞和外側膝狀體細胞對某些波長的光有放電反應,而對另一些波長的光不產生放電反應。如果其感受野中心被光點照射,它的反應隨波長的變化而變化。如某個細胞的放電,光點波長在420納米~600納米之間,...
(3) Spectrally-Spatially Regularized Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition: A Novel Method for Change Detection in Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images. Zhao Chen*,Bing Wang. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(10), 1044: 1-21(SCI, 頂刊).(4) Unsupervised and Self-Supervised Tensor Train for Change Detection...
4. Guisheng Song, Huixiang Xie*, Simon Bélanger, Edouard Leymarie, and Marcel Babin, 2013. Spectrally resolved efficiencies of carbon monoxide (CO) photoproduction in the western Canadian Arctic: particles versus solutes, Biogeosciences, 10, 3731-3748, doi:10.5194/bg-10-3731-2013.5. Guisheng ...
(9) Wang, Liqun(#) ; Wang, Yiqing; Ragauskas, Arthur J.(*) , Determination of cellulase colocalization on cellulose fiber with quantitative FRET measured by acceptor photobleaching and spectrally unmixing fluorescence microscopy , Analyst, 2012, 137(6): 1319~1324.(10) Peng, Xiang-Hong(#) ;...
[J7]L. Dai, Z. Wang, and Z. Yang, “Spectrally efficient time-frequency training OFDM for mobile large-scale MIMO systems,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 251-263, Feb. 2013. (IF: 4.138)[J6]L. Dai, C. Zhang, Z. Xu, and Z. Wang, “Spectrum-efficient...
The EPM-4001 Detector Assembly uses a silicon planar diffused photodiode specially designed for medical applications. It features high efficiency and fast response. The EPM-4001 Detector Assembly is spectrally matched to emitter assemblies ELM-4001 and ELM-4002.參數 電氣連線:針腳 產品型號: ELM-3001...
and F. Yi, Spectrally resolved Raman lidar measurements of gaseous and liquid water in the atmosphere, Appl. Opt., 52, 6884-6895, 2013; 1. Liu F. C., F. Yi, J. Y. Jia, Y. P. Zhang, S. D. Zhang, C. M. Yu and Y. Tan, High resolution full-spectrum water Raman lidar, ...
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2. Y. D. Jin, X. H. Gao, Spectrally tunable leakage-free gold nanocontainers.J. Am. Chem. Soc.3. Y. D. Jin, X. H. Gao, Plasmonic fluorescent quantum dots. Nat. Nanotechnol.4. Y. D. Jin*, T. Honig, I. Ron, N. Friedman, M. Sheves*, and D. Cahen*.Bacteriorhodopsin as ...
16. 李學坤,張春生.The moment of the first overstepping time on spectrally positive levy processes. 套用機率統計2005, 21, 213-222.17. 陳立新,張春生.與兩種破產類型相關的餘額極值聯合分布.數學物理學報 2006,26 A (3);467-475.18. 邢永勝,張春生.帶干擾的 Erlang (2) 風險模型的不破產機率....
Yang Zhao, Sheng Zhang, Boyang Zhou, Zhiwei Dong, Deying Chen, Zhonghua Zhang, Yuanqin Xia. Spectrally dispersed femtosecond CARS investigation of vibrational characteristics in ethanol. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014, 45(9). (SCI, IF= 2.519)Yang Zhao, Sheng Zhang, Boyang Zhou, Zhiwei ...
25. Zhao Chen, Bin Yang, Bin Wang, et al. Change detection in hyperspectral imagery based on spectrally-spatially regularized low-rank matrix decomposition. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’17), Fort Worth, TX, 2017, 157-160. (EI檢索)科研項目 1. 國家...
[J-S22] Ming Chen, Wei Pan, Xihua Zou (Corresponding author), Bin Luo, Lianshan Yan, Xinkai Liu, “Tunable all-optical single-bandpass photonic microwave filter based on spectrally sliced broad optical source and phase modulation,” [J] Applied Optics, vol.52, no.2, pp.302-306, 2013. ...
(3) Study of femtosecond laser spectrally resolved interferometry distance measurement based on excess fraction method, 2th International Conference of Photonics and Optical Engineering, 1703, 第 1 作者 科研項目 ( 1 ) 基於量子效應的儀表原位標校技術, 參與, 國家級, 2019-07--2022-06 ( 2 ...
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3. Xiaomu Wang, He Tian, Mohammad Ali Mohammad, Cheng Li, Can Wu, Yi Yang, Tian-Ling Ren, A spectrally tunable all-graphene-based flexible field-effect light-emitting device, Nature Communications 2015,6:7767.4. Yuanda Liu; Fengqiu Wang*; Xiaomu Wang*; Xizhang Wang; E. Flahaut, X. ...
(3) Efficiency and threshold characteristics of spectrally beam combined high-power diode lasers, IEEE J. Quantum Electron, 2019, 通訊作者 (4) High power (>27W) semiconductor disk laser based on pre-metalized diamond heat-spreader, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 通訊作者 (5) Enhancing third...
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8. Youyu Jiang, Bangwu Luo, Fangyuan Jiang, Fuben Jiang, Canek Fuentes-Hernandez, Tiefeng Liu, Lin Mao, Sixing Xiong, Zaifang Li, Tao Wang, Bernard Kippelen, and Yinhua Zhou*, Efficient colorful perovskite solar cells using a top polymer electrode simultaneously as spectrally selective an...
S. Ai, Y. Wang, T. Li, Y. Chen, C. He, B. Liu, G. Liu, X. Gao, A self-intensified inverted evaporation model constructed by high entropy spectrally selective absorber coating (SSAC) for brine water concentration, J. WATER PROCESS ENG. 53 (2023) 103814.S. Ai, Y. Wang, T. ...
14. Reduced graphene oxide–based spectrally selective absorber with an extremely low thermal emittance and high solar absorptance, Advanced Science , 2020, 1903125 13. Rollable, stretchable, and reconfigurable graphene hygroelectric generators. Advanced Materials , 2019, 31, 1805705 12. All-region-...
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Zilong Liu, Yong Liang Guan, Udaya Parampalli, and Su Hu, “Spectrally-Constrained Sequences: Bounds and Constructions,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 2571–2582, Apr. 2018.Su Hu, Qu Luo, Fan Li, Zilong Liu, Yuan Gao, and Jen-min Wu, “Practical ...
waveguides, Optics Express, 2015, 第 1 作者 (3) Spatially and spectrally engineered spin-orbit interaction for achromatic virtual shaping, Scientific Reports, 2015, 第 3 作者 (4) Dynamic manipulation of polarization states using anisotropic meta-surface, Optics Communications, 2014, 第 1 作者 ...
X. Liu, Q. Chang, M. Yan, X. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Zhou, T. Fan, Scalable spectrally selective mid-infrared meta-absorbers for advanced radiative thermal engineering. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 13965–13974 (2020).X. Liu, D. Wang, Z. Yang, H. Zhou, Q. Zhao, T. Fan, ...
Darwazeh Izzat, Tongyang Xu, Tao Gui, Yuan Bao and Zhaohui Li*, “Optical Spectrally Efficient FDM System: Bandwidth saving using Non-orthogonal Sub-carriers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 26, No.4, pp. 352– 355, 2014. (SPIE Newsroom 報導)Kai Zhang, Aoqun Jian, Xuming ...
LED-based spectrally tunable light source with optimized fitting; Chinese Optics Letters, v12, n3, p 032301, March 2014.Integral colorimeter based on compound LED illumination; Chinese Optics Letters, v12, n2, p023302, February 2014.Modified Model of Color Spectrophotometer SCI Condition Based on ...