sialidase,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[生化] 唾液酸酶;涎酶”。
- 外文名:sialidase
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[sai'ælideiz]
- 釋義:[生化] 唾液酸酶;涎酶
sialidase,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[生化] 唾液酸酶;涎酶”。
1960年晚期,有少數具有輕微Hurler(黏多糖症第一型)樣的臉孔、骨骼發育不良、心智運動發展遲緩、但尿中黏多糖排泄正常的患者被報告出來,於初期被命名為脂粘多糖症lipomucopolysaccharidosis,之後被歸類為黏脂症mucolipidoses第一型,隨後又發現此類患者的白細胞與已培養的纖維母細胞內缺乏涎酸酵素sialidase (又稱α-...
a bifurcose residue. Agric Biol Chem 4: 815-7. Tanaka, K et al. (1992) Action of levan fructotransferase of Arthrobacter ureafaciens on a mixture of branched levanpentasaccharides. Biosci Biotechnol B 56: 814-5. Saito, M et al. (1979) Action of Arthrobacter ureafaciens sialidase on ...
3. Amelioration of sepsis by inhibiting sialidase-mediated disruption of the CD24-SiglecG interaction. Chen GY, Chen X, King S, Cavassani KA, Cheng J, Zheng X, Cao H, Yu H, Qu J, Fang D, Wu W, Bai XF, Liu JQ, Woodiga SA, Chen C, Sun L, Hogaboam CM, Kunkel SL, Zheng P...
17.Chuan-Yun Li*,Zhi-Qiang Ye*, Quan Yu*, Ying Sun, Quanyuan He, Xiao-Mo Li, Wuxue Zhang, Jingchu Luo, Xiaocheng Gu, Xiaofeng Zheng & Liping Wei. A nonsynonymous SNP in human cytosolic sialidase in a small Asian population results in reduced enzyme activity: potential link with severe...
Lo, H.-J. et al., “Synthesis of sialidase-resistant oligosaccharide and antibody glycoform containing α2,6-linked 3Fax-Neu5Ac”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 6484-6488.人才培養 指導學生 截至2007年,翁啟惠指導過的學生及博士後研究人員已超過三百位,他們大部分在研究機構、生技製藥公司及...
6. Yanfeng Peng, Xuedong Wang, Dongzhi Wei (2007) Development of a large scale process for the conversion of polysialogangliosides to monosialotetrahexosylganglioside with a novel strain of Brevibacterium casei producing sialidase Biotechnology Letters 29:885-889 7.Jianguo Zhang, Xuedong Wang, Yu...
5.Guang-jian Liu, Beihan Wang, Yuan Zhang, Guo-wen Xing, Xiaoli Yang and Shu Wang, A tetravalent sialic acid-coated tetraphenylethene luminogen with aggregation-induced emission characteristics: design, synthesis and application for sialidase activity assay, high-throughput screening of sialidase ...