sealed book n. 未知之事
Windows are usually sealed off. 窗戶通常是封閉的。
He sealed the envelope and put on a stamp. 他封好信封,貼了張郵票。
The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags. 這些器官保存在密封塑膠袋里。
The areas are sealed off and ringed by troops. 這一地區被封鎖了,被軍隊包圍了。
Police and troops sealed off the area after the attack. 警察和軍隊在襲擊發生後封鎖了該地區。
Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed. 確保你的瓦被水泥漿徹底填塞並密封了。
I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids. 我把麵粉和糖分別放在罐子裡,並用玻璃蓋密封。
It was in the box and all sealed up. 它在盒子裡,並且全部被密封起來。
The envelope wasn't sealed, so I opened it. 信封沒封好,所以我打開了。
The bottle is sealed, and the label says "pure water". 這個瓶子是密封的,標籤上寫著“純淨水”。
We'll have a reaction vessel that's sealed, it's constant volume. 我們有一個密封的反應容器,它的體積是恆定的。
The bark was stretched over frames made from tree branches, stitched together and sealed with resin. 樹皮被鋪在由樹枝製成的框架上,然後將它們縫合在一起,最後用樹脂密封。
Police have sealed off the runway and say it is unclear if it was an accident or an attempted robbery. 警方已經封鎖了跑道,並表示目前還不清楚這到底是一起事故還是搶劫未遂。
The idea was that a person acting as a 'sender' would attempt to beam the image over to the 'receiver' relaxing in the sealed room. 這個想法是,一個人作為一個“傳送者”將試圖把圖像傳送給在密封房間裡放鬆的“接收者”。
Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with small double-paned windows and several other energy-saving features. 為了嚴格密封,防止空氣泄漏,房子配備了小型雙層玻璃窗戶和其他幾種節能的設備。
Other items included a Lapita burial urn with modeled birds arranged on the rim as though peering down at the human remains sealed inside. 其他物品還包括一個拉皮塔人的骨灰盒,骨灰盒邊緣擺放著模型鳥,仿佛在俯視密封在裡面的人類遺骸。
Bats, swallows and more are chemically preserved in the pose in which they perished, sealed in the deposits of sodium carbonate in the water. 蝙蝠、燕子以及更多的動物遺體以化學方式保存成它們死亡時的姿勢,被密封在水裡的碳酸鈉沉 積物中。
Following a telephone call to the police from an anonymous caller, hundreds of shoppers were shepherded out of the store while roads in the area were sealed off. 在接到匿名電話報警後,數百名購物者被帶出商店,該地區的道路也被封鎖。
As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. 事實上,被收養者往往很難找到他們的親生父母,因為大多數被收養者的出生記錄通常是被封存的。
It was on Nov 4, 1923, the British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway. 1923年11月4日,英國考古學家霍華德·卡特在盧克索另一位法老墓的底部偶然發現了一塊石頭,這塊石頭最終通向了一個封閉的門口。
The body was sealed in a lead coffin. 屍體安放在密閉的鉛棺中。
The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration. 地板加了密封塗料防止滲水。
The floors had been stripped and sealed with varnish. 地板上東西挪空,塗上了清漆。
Troops have sealed the borders between the countries. 軍隊已關閉了兩國邊界。
The batteries are designed to be leak-proof and hermetically sealed. 這些電池的設計防滲漏,且密封性強。
She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and stuck on labels. 她裝滿那些容器,用塞子封了口,然後貼上了標籤。
Space suits keep astronauts safely sealed inside. 太空服將太空人安全地密封在裡面。
They signed and sealed the treaty. 他們在條約上籤名蓋章。
They sealed their cooperation by an agreement. 他們以協定書的方式保證其合作的成功。
Harrington sealed the deal with a handshake, sold her shops. 哈林頓用握手的方式敲定了交易,賣掉了她的店鋪。