



  • 外文名:safeguard
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈseɪfɡɑːd]美[ˈseɪfɡɑːrd]
  • 類別:英文單詞




safeguard measure 保證措施 ; 保障措施 ; 保障措施機制 ; 防治措施
Financial Safeguard 財政保障
overload safeguard [電] 過載保護裝置 ; 翻譯 ; 過載防護裝置
safeguard procedures 防護措施 ; 保護措施 ; 翻譯
Bath Safeguard 浴缸魔法球
integrated safeguard 一體化保障
Safeguard Function 安全價值 ; 安全功能 ; 保障作用 ; 保障機能
Selective Safeguard 選擇性保障措施 ; 有選擇的保護
judicial safeguard 司法保障


  • 1The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.新卡將保護公司免遭詐欺。《牛津詞典》
  • 2This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2 000 employees.這個協定可以保障2 000名雇員今後的生活。《牛津詞典》
  • 3They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer.他們將竭力要求國際行動來保護臭氧層。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public.我們將制定許多措施更好地保護公眾。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Local officials are using the levers that are available to them to safeguard residents' health in the face of a serious threat.面對嚴重威脅,地方官員正在利用現有手段保障居民的健康。
  • 6The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.小冊子告訴人們在家裡如何防備各種危險。《牛津詞典》
  • 7As an additional safeguard against weeds you can always use an underlay of heavy duty polyethylene.作為另外一種預防雜草的防護措施,你可以一直使用一層厚重耐磨的聚乙烯底墊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8He passed a cairn of stones that once had been a chimney, and a dry well covered with a slab of the tin so rusty it served as more warning than a safeguard.他經過了一個曾經是煙囪的石冢,以及一口蓋著生鏽的錫板的枯井,井蓋已經繡得與其說是一種防護,不如說是一種警告。
  • 9Safeguard peaceful environment.——維護和平環境。
  • 10We must safeguard our motherland.我們必須保衛我們的祖國。
  • 11You can safeguard the information.你可以對信息進行安全地保護。
  • 12Safeguard your health.保護你的健康。
  • 13We must safeguard our national interests.我們必須保衛國家的利益。
  • 14Safeguard your passwords and change them frequently.經常保護和更改你的密碼。
  • 15We must safeguard our state territorial integrity.我們必須捍衛我們領土的完整。
  • 16The first step to recovery is to safeguard our financial system.恢復的第一步是保護我們的金融體系。
  • 17But Walt and his colleagues added one more safeguard as well.但是沃爾特和他的同事們額外添加了一份保險。
  • 18Treatment: Measures to monitor and safeguard vital functions.治療:採取措施監護重要器官的功能。
  • 19Improve social management and safeguard social stability and unity.完善社會管理,維護社會安定團結。
  • 20Make sure benefits exceed or are equal to the costs of a safeguard.確保獲益要超出或等於安全措施的成本。
  • 21Having another user available for general usage is a good safeguard.用另一個用戶來滿足一般使用,是一個很好的安全措施。
  • 22We will effectively safeguard consumers' lawful rights and interests.切實保障消費者合法權益。
  • 23There are two tiers to this safeguard: client - side and server - side .對於這個安全措施應從兩個連線埠來進行驗證設定:客戶端和伺服器端的。
  • 24Does the World Bank have social safeguard and compliance mechanisms?世界銀行是否有合規機制?
  • 25Its main purpose was to safeguard the country from external invasion.它被建造的主要目的是為了保證國家免於外來入侵的威脅。
  • 26Pakistan has blocked American efforts to safeguard its nuclear facilities.巴基斯坦阻止了美國保護其核設施。
  • 27Fourth, to uphold consultation and coordination and safeguard common interest.第四,堅持磋商協調,維護共同利益。
  • 28To safeguard patient privacy, the PODS design USES a multilevel security model.為了保護患者隱私,PODS的設計採用一個多級安全模型。
  • 29One safeguard that can be placed on any security model is graduated data access.可套用於任何安全模型的一種防護措施是分級數據訪問。
  • 30Obama must now "safeguard an American accomplishment that has been too hard won.如今歐巴馬必須“維護美國經過千辛萬苦才獲得的成就。”


