Conophytum is a genus of South African and Namibiansucculent plants that belong to the Aizoaceae family. The name is derived from the Latin “conus” (cone) and Greek “phytum” (plant). The plants are also known as knopies (buttons), waterblasies (water blisters), sphaeroids, conos, cone plants, dumplings, or button plants.
- 中文名:ricardianum
- 學名:Conophytum ricardianum
- 別稱:肉錐花
- 界:植物界
- 科:番杏
- 屬:肉錐花屬
- 分布區域:產於南非和納米比亞
- 繁殖:扦插,分株
- 種植季節:適宜在春秋種植